Volvulus of the intestines in a dog, cat: symptoms, signs, treatment. Learning to identify volvulus in a dog: diagnosis and treatment Treatment and surgery

Among all the pathological manifestations in dogs, intestinal volvulus is considered one of the most dangerous. The danger lies in the fact that the symptoms develop very quickly, the condition of the animal deteriorates sharply and inevitably leads to death, if medical assistance is not provided in the early stages. Statistics show that the risk of this pathology depends on the size of the breed: large representatives suffer from it much more often than small ones. At risk are various shepherd dogs, bullmastiffs, great danes, labradors and other breeds whose weight exceeds 40 kg.

In order to timely detect the cause of the disease and help the pet, the owner must know the signs of intestinal volvulus and be able to identify them in the early stages.

At the moment, veterinarians and dog handlers cannot unequivocally formulate the reason why the dog has a displacement of parts of the stomach and intestines relative to each other. But factors have been identified that increase the risk of developing this most dangerous condition:

  • Any injuries in the abdominal area (this can be either damage with violation of the integrity of the tissues, or blows, falls, etc.).
  • Hormonal changes and disorders in the body that impair the plasticity of muscle tissues and ligaments (including pregnancy and the period of feeding puppies).
  • Unmoderately active behavior of the animal immediately after eating, violent games and training.
  • Stressful situations such as nearby explosions, loud indoor noise, car rides, long periods of separation from the owner, etc.
  • Wrong feeding schedule. The most provocative fact is considered to be the only feeding per day, since in this mode the pet consumes an abnormally large amount of food and swallows it without normal chewing.
  • Low-quality, improper nutrition - feeding stale foods or those that are not intended for dogs.

  • Any diseases of the digestive system of an infectious, tumoral or congenital nature (ulcer, cancer, duodenitis, pathology of the development of the mesentery, etc.).
  • Belonging to large breeds that are prone to volvulus.
  • Heredity. Statistics show that in the offspring of those parents who suffered from a similar pathology, the likelihood of developing the disease increases significantly.

Main features

All the symptoms that accompany volvulus appear very quickly. They can appear both all together, and in turn in a chaotic manner. Sometimes some of them disappear. The first symptoms are noticeable within an hour or two after a violation of normal digestion.

The severity of the signs largely depends on which part of the digestive system is affected, but only a highly qualified veterinarian is able to accurately deal with this. For the owner, the following symptoms should be a signal for urgent action:

  • Enlargement of the abdomen. It often occurs immediately after eating or exercising. At the same time, the abdominal wall becomes stretched, an increase in size is visible during a normal visual examination and is felt when probing.
  • There are all signs that the dog is in severe pain: the hind legs are in good shape, they can tremble, it is difficult for the pet to maintain a standing position, and after he lies down, the hind limbs are extended and the fingers remain toned. The animal may restlessly change position to reduce pain. Sometimes, due to severe pain, a painful shock can occur, in some cases manifesting itself in the form of apathy.

  • The gag reflex is initiated, so severe intermittent vomiting is often observed. In the event that the upper part of the stomach is in a clamped state, foam may come out instead of vomit. Sometimes just noticeable periodic urge to vomit, which do not bring results. This leads to stagnation of vomit within the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The temperature drops, the mucous membranes are bled, unconsciousness may occur.
  • Breathing is disturbed. This can manifest itself in the form of intermittent breathing, which sometimes stops and resumes with effort, sometimes there is severe shortness of breath. Due to the enlargement of the stomach, the diaphragm experiences strong pressure, which prevents the lungs from fully straightening, this causes serious respiratory failure.
  • The necrotic process can cause the onset of sepsis.
  • For a long time, the dog does not have a bowel movement due to a violation of the structure of the intestinal loops.
  • Frequent complications from the heart in the form of arrhythmias.

It is important to remember that emergency care for volvulus can save a pet within the first 7-8 hours from the onset of initial symptoms.

Diagnostics in the clinic

In order to correctly determine the volvulus of the intestines, fast and well-coordinated work of the clinic staff is required. At the first stage, there is a conversation with the owner in order to establish the timing of the appearance of the first signs and their probable causes.

All the following actions are aimed at determining what kind of disease specialists are dealing with, since the external manifestations are almost the same for the two widows of pathologies: for volvulus and expansion of the stomach. To accurately determine the cause of the dog's poor health, gastric sounding is used.

The probe is selected according to the size of the pet. If the probe for research easily penetrates into the cavity of the stomach and at the same time gases come out of it, then doctors are dealing with an expansion. If this manipulation cannot be performed, then there is a suspicion of intestinal volvulus. To confirm the assumption, the pet is sent for an abdominal x-ray, which helps to give an accurate conclusion.


To save a dog with volvulus of the intestines is possible only with the help of abdominal surgery. Treatment takes place in several stages:

  • steroid hormones, antispasmodics and painkillers are injected;
  • sedation is applied and drugs are administered to quench vomiting;
  • if necessary, the stomach cavity is punctured through the peritoneum using a long surgical needle, which helps to remove excess gas and reduce pressure on the abdominal cavity;
  • a surgical intervention is performed aimed at repositioning the stomach in the desired position and removing stagnant food masses

  • when dead areas of the stomach are found, they are removed, and sometimes the spleen can not be removed;
  • the gastric cavity is thoroughly washed with saline;
  • at the last stage, a part of the stomach is sewn to the wall of the abdomen to prevent re-displacement.

After the operation, the dog remains in the clinic for several days, where its condition is monitored around the clock. The first day food is prohibited, they can inject nutrient solutions through a dropper. Immediately after the operation, antibiotic injections begin, which continue for some time after discharge.

Most operations to remove volvulus, carried out on time, give good results and allow the animal to lead a normal life after recovery.

Video from a veterinarian about volvulus in dogs:

Gastric dilatation and volvulus is a life-threatening disorder that usually occurs in large dogs. In the early stages, the stomach fills with gas, causing it to expand or swell. In some cases, the disorder does not progress further than the expansion of the stomach.

What causes stomach expansion?

The exact cause of the development of the disorder is still unknown. The condition is most commonly seen in large breed dogs that eat and drink quickly and then exercise vigorously.

Stress may also be a contributing factor to stomach expansion - studies show that dogs that were more relaxed and calm were less at risk of developing the disorder.

How serious is the expansion of the stomach and volvulus?

Very seriously, this is probably one of the most dangerous non-traumatic diseases of dogs. Immediate veterinary attention is required to save the dog's life.

Which dogs are more likely to develop gastric dilatation?

According to statistics, large, deep-chested dog breeds are more likely to develop the disease. These breeds are the St. Bernard, Irish Setter, Weimaraner, Gordon Setter, Poodle, Doberman and Bobtail. It should be noted that bloating and stomach expansion can occur in any dog, even the Dachshund or Chihuahua. The condition usually occurs two to three hours after eating a large amount of food.

Some facts about gastric dilatation and volvulus:

  • Dogs weighing over 40 kg have an approximately 20% risk of developing the condition.
  • Dilatation of the stomach without volvulus sometimes occurs in older small dogs.
  • Bloating presses on the diaphragm and can make it difficult to breathe.
  • The expansion of the stomach can press on large blood vessels in the abdomen and severely impair circulation, which in itself can be fatal.
  • Eventually, the dog faints and the bloating becomes evident when the dog is lying on its side.

Factors that increase the risk of stomach dilatation:

  • Feeding only once a day
  • Hereditary medical history
  • Quick meal
  • Low or underweight with a skinny build
  • Anxious or nervous character
  • Aggressiveness towards people or other animals
  • Males are more prone to bloating than females
  • Adult and older dogs (7-12 years old) are at higher risk

Factors that reduce the risk of stomach expansion:

  • Feeding two or more times a day
  • Adding canned food to food
  • Calm and relaxed character
  • Feeding dry food containing calcium-rich meat (e.g. lamb, fish, bone meal)

It is worth noting that gastric dilatation and volvulus cannot be distinguished, as they look the same and have the same symptoms. An x-ray is often required to diagnose a volvulus.

Why does a dog faint?

The expansion of the stomach presses on the large veins that carry blood back to the heart, disrupting circulation. Vital tissues and organs are deprived of oxygen, causing tissues to begin to die. Digestion stops and toxins begin to accumulate in the blood. If the expansion continues, it can lead to rupture of the stomach.

What can be done?

This life-threatening emergency requires urgent veterinary care.

It is necessary to reduce the pressure on the walls of the stomach and internal organs as soon as possible. The veterinarian may use a stomach tube first. If this is not possible due to gastric torsion, a large needle may be inserted through the skin to relieve pressure in the stomach.

Shock therapy should also be given as quickly as possible, with intravenous drug injections. Once the dog is stabilized, surgical correction of the torsion can be performed.

What is the prognosis and survival rate?

The prognosis depends on the duration and severity of the condition, the degree of shock, heart problems, necrosis of the stomach wall, etc.

Even in relatively uncomplicated cases, the mortality from volvulus is 15-20%. In the case of severe tissue damage, when part of the stomach needs to be removed, the mortality rate increases to 38%. If removal of the spleen is required, the mortality also increases to 38%.

Can stomach expansion be prevented?

Gastropexy (surgical fixation of the stomach) is the most effective means of prevention. In high-risk breeds, some veterinarians recommend prophylactic (preventative) gastropexy.

This does not prevent expansion (bloating), but it does prevent twisting (torsion) in most cases. Without gastropexy, the recurrence rate increases by more than 75%!

Paying close attention to your dog's diet, feeding, and exercise program can help prevent stomach expansion.

Volvulus is a condition in which intestinal loops are twisted around their axis or around the mesenteric ligament. The intestinal lumen is blocked, normal bowel function becomes impossible. In this case, the large blood vessels that feed the intestinal walls are squeezed, from which the blood supply and nutrition are disturbed or completely stopped.

As a result: complete intestinal obstruction and necrosis of bloodless tissues (death). If nothing is done at this moment, then the process is complicated by developing sepsis, as well as peritonitis, after which it becomes almost impossible to save the life of a cat or dog. The segment of the small intestine most often suffers, torsion of the large intestine is much less common. The concept of volvulus of the intestines also includes torsion (volvulus) of the stomach.

What you need to know about volvulus, the main causes

The main (but not official) reason, according to many experts, is a congenital anomaly in the development and formation of the mesentery, the very ligament that holds the intestines in the correct location, attaching it to the back wall of the abdominal cavity. Everything else is already considered only provoking factors, due to which intestinal volvulus develops as a secondary pathology.

The main predisposing factors in both cats and dogs include:

  • prolonged inflammation in the peritoneum, accompanied by adhesions;
  • sharp drops in the level of intraperitoneal pressure against the background of excessive activity of animals immediately after eating;
  • non-compliance with the diet, when prolonged hunger is replaced by excessive overfeeding, which provokes increased intestinal motility. It is observed when the dog / cat is fed once a day, but to satiety;
  • entry into the stomach of a foreign body, followed by its passage to the intestinal section;
  • prolonged unregulated constipation;
  • feed of very poor quality;
  • intense helminthic invasions leading to blockage of the stomach or intestines;
  • hormonal disruptions in the body, which lead to changes in the elasticity of the mesentery, provoking its excessive stretching;
  • any neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heredity (the gene linked to this pathology has not been identified, but there is an opinion that volvulus is inherited);
  • large size of animals and breed predisposition.

In cats, volvulus is extremely rare, and the risk group includes mainly kittens and young animals under the age of 1 year. In dogs, this pathology is not uncommon, and mainly breeds of medium and large sizes (weighing 40 kg or more) are affected, and more often males than females.

The disease is most often registered in:

  • Great Danes;
  • St. Bernards;
  • German Shepherds;
  • Giant Schnauzers.

How to identify volvulus in dogs/cats

Of course, it will not work to make a diagnosis on your own without auxiliary diagnostic methods (ultrasound, x-ray). True, animals usually fall into the hands of a veterinarian in such a state that there is simply no time for an additional examination. Therefore, there are a number of symptoms that should alert the owners of cats and dogs and serve as a reason for an immediate visit to the veterinarian. These signs are quite pronounced, and at their first manifestations, a specialist should be contacted within the next 6-8 hours. Signs of volvulus in both animal species are approximately the same.

Signs of volvulus in dogs

  • the stomach increases, becomes swollen and hard, like a barrel;
  • body temperature is either excessively high or significantly below normal (more often lower);
  • signs of weakness, apathy, which are periodically replaced by fuss and anxiety;
  • signs of pain: the animal whimpers, looking for a comfortable, forced position in order to reduce pain, sometimes it seems that the paws are gone;
  • profuse salivation, vomiting of white foam. Sometimes there is an urge to vomit, but there is no vomit - this is an important clinical sign;
  • pallor of mucous membranes;
  • shortness of breath may appear;
  • lack of bowel movements;
  • septic shock against the background of oxygen starvation of intestinal tissues and the occurrence of necrosis (the body poisons itself), loss of consciousness.

Signs of volvulus in cats

  • due to severe pain in the abdominal cavity, the cat meows, fusses, becomes irritated, can hide from people, drag its paws behind it, as with paresis;
  • the stomach is inflated, sometimes asymmetrically from different sides, the cat does not allow to touch it, it is hard to the touch, like a drum (“sharp” stomach - this distinguishes volvulus from flatulence);
  • the animal refuses water and food (sometimes even the most favorite treats) or eats / drinks a little, but immediately vomits (sometimes there may be blood or blood clots in the vomit);
  • on the eve of the exacerbation of the condition, there is no feces for more than 2 days;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • in just a couple of days, the cat becomes thin, obviously emaciated and dehydrated (the intestines are disturbed, the body does not absorb anything for itself);
  • shock from intoxication against the background of decomposing sections of the intestine, which were left without access to oxygen due to squeezing of blood vessels, loss of consciousness.

Attention: if more than 2 signs from the lists are detected at the same time, one of which is a painful increase in the abdomen, the life of the pet can go on for hours - you should take the pet to the veterinarian immediately!

Treatment of volvulus

Alas, this situation requires exceptionally prompt intervention in a veterinary clinic. Only surgery can correct the condition. There is nothing you can do to help at home! Most often, upon arrival at the veterinarian, the animal immediately ends up on the operating table.

Before the operation, the animal is given emergency care
  • a puncture of the abdominal cavity (laparocentesis) is made in order to release the stagnation of gases and reduce intra-abdominal pressure;
  • analgesics, antiemetics, antispasmodics, steroid hormones are administered.
The operation usually includes
  • mandatory complete revision of the entire intestinal department;
  • the most rapid restoration of blood circulation in those parts of the intestine that can still be rehabilitated, by restoring the correct course of the intestinal loops and removing dead areas affected by necrosis and not performing their digestive and absorption functions;
  • obligatory gastric lavage and suturing it to the abdominal wall.
After the operation, it is mandatory to appoint
  • infusion therapy (drip administration of solutions that relieve intoxication of the body, replenish blood loss, if any, and perform the function of artificial carbohydrate nutrition);
  • antibiotic therapy.

The sooner the diagnosis is determined, the higher the chances of saving the animal. If volvulus is suspected, the animal should be immediately taken to a veterinary clinic for an accurate diagnosis.

Postoperative complications cannot be ruled out even after a successful operation.

The main consequences of the eliminated volvulus include
  • spikes,
  • excessive stretching of the mesentery with subsequent relapses;
  • short bowel syndrome (when a large section of the intestine is removed, the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients is disrupted, a diet and intake of enzyme preparations are indicated for life);
  • a long period on artificial nutrition with liquid food through a probe or through a special tube inserted directly into the rectum (artificial fistula).

Very often there are cases when dogs and cats cannot be saved, because. pet owners are late in seeking qualified help.

Prevention of volvulus in dogs and cats

After the operation to eliminate the disease, it is necessary to follow some rules in order to minimize the risk of recurrence. Not a single animal is 100% insured against repeated torsion, no matter how successful the outcome of the first surgical intervention is.

What should be done to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of the disease:
  • a strict diet: high-quality feed or natural nutrition with highly digestible foods,
  • dry food is excluded;
  • feed the animal no more than 3 times a day, if necessary, give enzyme preparations, which are prescribed by the veterinarian individually in each case;
  • do not allow active games with pets immediately after feeding;
  • to protect the dog / cat from stress factors as much as possible;
  • if a thoroughbred puppy or kitten is taken into the family, it is better to ask if their parents had similar pathologies (if such information is available).

The essence of the disease is that the dog's stomach expands from gases, and then twists, touching other organs. This already leads to impaired blood supply throughout the body and death. What causes volvulus of the intestines, stomach? The causes of the syndrome can be divided into two main groups:

  • natural factors;
  • and those that arise due to the negligence of the owners.

In the first case, we are talking about the reasons that in veterinary medicine are divided into:

  • constitutional (predisposition to volvulus, depending on the structure of the dog's body - large breeds are at risk);
  • physiological (in a dog, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract that contribute to the development of volvulus - gastritis, tumor or ulcer).

Intestinal volvulus in a dog: causes due to negligence are situations when the owners do not monitor the pet's diet and feeding regimen:

  • give the animal food only once a day, and the portion is large;
  • give low-quality feed, from which multiple fermentation processes develop, easily leading to bloat;
  • allow physical activity (walks, games, training) shortly before or immediately after feeding;
  • allow sudden stress (same car ride) after eating.

Symptoms of intestinal volvulus in dogs

Mechanical torsion in each case affects different parts of the intestine, but this does not affect the symptoms. The first symptoms of intestinal volvulus in a dog will be the following:

  • urge to vomit and sharp, spasmodic pain, while the animal cannot stand, and when it lies, it holds the hind legs in an extended position, the fingers are tense;
  • the intestines swell - it is felt if you feel the dog's stomach;
  • the temperature rises sharply up to 40-41 degrees;
  • shortness of breath occurs and salivation increases;
  • mucous membranes acquire a bluish tint;
  • tachycardia develops.

Attention! These symptoms may appear and disappear in a chaotic manner, they are not considered mandatory.

Volvulus of the intestines in a dog: symptoms that manifest themselves without fail:

  • the stomach swells in a matter of minutes to a large size, while it is very hard, the dog suffers from spasmodic attacks of pain;
  • no defecation;
  • the dog vomits foam;
  • weakness and lethargy, turning into collapse;
  • septic shock (inflammatory reaction).

Important! If there are at least three of the signs listed above, you should immediately go to a veterinary clinic with a surgical department.

A positive outcome is possible in the case of providing medical assistance in the first hour after the first signs of intestinal volvulus appeared in the dog. Owners need to remember this well and carefully monitor the condition of their pet.


How to treat intestinal volvulus? To save the animal, it is necessary to return the stomach to its place, clean it, examine the abdominal cavity for dead tissue, and if any are found, remove them.

Attention! Treatment is carried out only in the form of a surgical operation! It is impossible to cure a pet at home!

How to provide first aid?

To alleviate the condition of the animal before a trip to the veterinarian, you can do this:

  • inject antispasmodic and pain medications (calculate them by the weight of the dog);
  • inject drugs that support cardiopulmonary activity;
  • perform a gastric puncture, but only if the owner has the competence and experience!

Important! In no case should you give a sick animal laxatives or vasoconstrictors!

What will the doctor do?

If time permits, first of all - an x-ray to determine how much the internal organs are affected. If there is no time, and this often happens, then the operation is immediately done. During it, the following happens:

  • the dog is injected with steroid hormones, antiemetic, antispasmodic and analgesic drugs, general anesthesia is done;
  • perform a puncture to remove gas and reduce pressure;
  • make a cavity incision, correctly rotate the stomach, put a probe;
  • food masses are removed from the stomach, washed and sutured to the wall of the peritoneum so that the volvulus does not happen again;
  • dead tissue is removed.

After the operation, the dog must stay in the hospital for 4 or 5 days. Here she is supported with antibiotics, antiemetics and gastroprotectors. If necessary, they are fed parenterally, and the stitches are also regularly processed.

Prevention of intestinal volvulus in dogs

Measures to prevent the disease are attentive to the pet, to his diet, to the mode of exercise and rest. You need to know the first signs of possible diseases, including deadly ones, such as parvovirus and coronovirus enteritis. Thus, the owner should:

  • feed the animal at least 2-3 times a day in small portions;
  • it is better to use dry food, not lower than premium-class, containing a lot of calcium-rich meat or bone meal, you can add canned food;
  • allow the pet to exercise, active training exercises at least an hour after eating, and if the load was before eating, then you need to feed it no earlier than half an hour;
  • closely monitor the health of the gastrointestinal tract and treat emerging diseases in time, including gastritis in dogs.

In conclusion, one thing can be said: if there is a suspicion of intestinal volvulus in a pet, you should not waste time on panic - you must act decisively. Getting your dog to the vet as soon as possible will save his life!

Additionally, check out the video about gastric volvulus in dogs, the symptoms of this syndrome:

Causes of inversion

The main cause of this disease is very difficult to identify. Basically, the disease occurs due to a whole range of factors. Among them are the following:

Diagnostic methods

For an experienced veterinarian, in most cases, the diagnosis is not difficult. For the diagnosis of this disease, the main criterion is the clinical picture. She will determine the next treatment.

Additional examinations are not so important. They very often just take the time to help the pet, which in this situation is already so small. Radiography is considered relevant, since its results can be obtained in a few minutes. Other studies become useful only after the operation, if necessary, to determine the condition of the animal.

Differential Diagnosis

Such a diagnosis consists in the fact that when making a diagnosis, the similarity of the clinical picture of the course of this disease with a similar one - acute expansion of the stomach is taken into account. This disease is a distention of the stomach without torsion, which was provoked by acute spasms or closure of access to the intestines due to mechanical damage.

Despite the similarity of these diseases, their treatment is different.

If there are doubts about the diagnosis, then a gastric x-ray is taken and the pictures are analyzed. The following factors are taken into account in the analysis:

  1. Whether the spleen and intestines moved to the right hypochondrium.
  2. Has the shape of the stomach changed, which is filled with gases.
  3. Whether the sphincter that separates the esophagus and stomach has shifted.

If the pictures show all these changes, then a gastric volvulus is diagnosed.

Stages of treatment of the disease

Treatment is based on the results of the tests obtained after the examination of the animal. Appropriate medical care is being developed, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparation for surgery. It includes the management of dehydration, hypoxia and pain shock.
  2. Appropriate and correct medical intervention.
  3. Procedures for restoring the functions of the digestive system and preventing the occurrence of complications.

Preoperative preparation and anesthesia

Preparation of the animal for surgery consists of several stages:

  1. Reducing pain.
  2. Elimination of problems with pulmonary heart failure.
  3. Restoration of water balance in the body.
  4. Elimination of hypoxic and toxic ailments.

In order to solve these problems, the following measures are taken:

  1. An internal catheter is placed. Through it, antispasmodics, antiemetics and analgesics enter the animal's body.
  2. In order to relieve pressure on the chest, the stomach is pierced with a long needle.
  3. Anesthesia is provided.

In order to eliminate the possibility of aspiration syndrome, anesthesia is performed using tracheal intubation. Anesthesia is performed with the following drugs: Ketavet, Rompun, Propofol and others. A huge role in the successful outcome of surgical intervention is played by the coordinated actions of the anesthesiologist and the operating doctor.

Surgical Options

After preparation for the operation, the animal is placed on the right side and an incision of 2-3 centimeters is made on the left side of the lower thigh. After that, for the complete removal of gases, the stomach is additionally pierced. The doctor unfolds it manually counterclockwise. After the body is returned to the correct position, it is necessary to assess the condition of its partitions. The risk of a negative outcome increases if more than ¼ of the organ is damaged.

If it was decided to carry out the operation, the assistant puts a probe through which the food masses are removed. After removal, the organ is washed with saline. The operation ends with gastropexy, that is, the attachment of the organ to the abdominal cavity for further prevention of the disease.

It is important to choose the right place for gastropexy, since it is thanks to this that the subsequent restoration of the organ is possible.

The duration of such operations ranges from 30-90 minutes. This technique is the most common and known to any veterinarian.

If within 4 hours after the torsion the animal was delivered to the clinic, it is possible to do a stem vagotomy. This option reduces the risk of death by up to 3%.

Causes of volvulus in dogs

The dog's stomach is suspended like a hammock, so unlike humans, the dog has more difficulty getting gas out of the stomach.

Strenuous exercise after feeding or drinking large amounts of water can set off a chain reaction, leading to gastric volvulus. Factors such as a sudden change in diet and overeating increase the risk of developing this pathology.

Large and giant breeds of dogs (Great Danes, St. Bernards, Akitas, Beagles, Weimaraners, Setters, Standard Poodles, Boxers, Dobermans, Rottweilers, Labradors, German Shepherds, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs and dogs of similar breeds) are predisposed to volvulus.

There are many reasons for the blockage of the intestinal lumen, they can be conditionally divided into three groups.

Mechanical obstruction is the most common. Her reasons:

  • indigestible food. It can be boiled or raw bones, veins that are difficult for the dog to chew and she swallows them whole;
  • a large portion of food that is given to a dog that has been starving for a long time;
  • foreign objects that the dog swallows during games, pampering or training;
  • accumulation in the intestines of a large number of worms after deworming. It is mostly seen in puppies.

Mechanical obstruction occurs mainly due to the fault of the owner. When purchasing a dog, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for feeding a pet and study what should not be included in his diet.

Deworming should be carried out at least once every three months, even if the animal walks near the house and communicates little with relatives.

For games and training, it is necessary to use only special items, toys. Stones, small sticks with bark, rubber or foam rubber objects should not be given to the dog in any case.

If there are children in the house, then their toys should be inaccessible to the dog, as well as any small interior and household items.

When walking, the pet must be on a leash and it must be ensured that he does not try to swallow any objects. It happens that even trained dogs, smelling an object with an attractive smell, forget about all the skills and prohibitions, and swallow it.

Pathological obstruction - occurs due to a neoplasm in the intestine.

Physiological - this is a volvulus of the intestine or stomach due to activity immediately after eating, infringement of a hernia, squeezing of the intestines by other organs, trauma to the abdominal cavity.

Intestinal obstruction can be acute and chronic:

  • Acute comes on suddenly, develops rapidly, the signs are pronounced. This species is very dangerous, but due to the fact that the symptoms are noticeable, dog owners quickly respond and go to the clinic - the prognosis for recovery is favorable.
  • Chronic obstruction does not immediately manifest itself and, most often, is associated with diseases of the digestive tract.

Until the end, the causes of this disease are not clear. It is only established that there are a number of factors that provoke this pathology:

  1. First of all, this is plentiful feeding of the dog only once a day.
  2. Also, active games and physical activity immediately after feeding or sudden stress (sharp noise, moving by car) are very harmful.
  3. Intestinal volvulus can be caused by feeding poor quality food with an unbalanced diet.

There is also a breed predisposition. It is noticed that volvulus of the intestines most often occurs in dogs of large breeds:

  • st. bernards,
  • great dane,
  • shepherd,
  • bloodhounds,
  • dobermans,
  • rottweilers,
  • Giant Schnauzers and so on.

Some of the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract can also provoke the disease: dog ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis, tumors. They disrupt the proper functioning of the stomach.

The dog's stomach is an elastic sac, connected on two opposite sides to the esophagus and intestines. Food masses, entering it through the esophagus, push the air back. With the help of gastric juice, which dissolves food, the process of digestion begins. The stomach, filling up, stretches and reaches the lower wall of the abdomen. This ability is due to its possible volvulus around the esophagus or spleen.

The main causes of this condition have not yet been studied, there are only a number of factors that cause the disease:

  1. The size, weight and age of the animal. With a large body weight, the internal ligaments stretch and become less elastic. They cannot keep the full stomach in the correct position, which is why twisting occurs.
  2. Unbalanced nutrition. Due to cheap feed, a large number of cereals in the diet of the animal, digestion is disturbed and gastrointestinal problems occur. High-quality food is replaced by a large number of unhealthy foods, which stimulates an increase in appetite and an increase in the amount eaten at one meal. The stomach is overly stretched, its walls become thinner and flabby. Such animals are at risk of earning intestinal volvulus.
  3. Irregular or infrequent feeding of the animal. The owners, who strive to feed the pet to its fullest at one time, provoke the occurrence of gastrointestinal disorders in it, leading to intestinal volvulus.
  4. Rapid consumption of food, leading to the swallowing of excess air and expansion of the stomach.
  5. Physical activity of the dog for a walk immediately after eating. The stomach, filled with food that has not yet been digested, can stretch and twist with the rapid movements of the animal.
  6. hereditary factor. In animals whose parents suffered from such a disease, the probability of this disease is very high.

Most often, dogs of large breeds suffer from this disease: bullmastiffs, dobermans, shepherds, dogs, labradors. It is treated exclusively surgically after determining the disease in order to differentiate the expansion and volvulus of the stomach, which have the same clinical picture.

The size and weight of the dog, especially its physique. Large dog breeds are at risk. This is due to the fact that the representatives of these breeds have a fairly large stomach, and the ligaments that hold it in the correct position, as a rule, are not sufficiently developed.

Wrong nutrition. It's not just about the quality of dog food, it's also about serving size. Of course, food from the owner's table is not suitable for the animal, and cheap food from unknown manufacturers is not only unable to provide the pet with all the necessary nutrients, but can also cause serious digestive problems.

hereditary predisposition. It is known that the tendency to volvulus of the intestines is transmitted from parents to offspring with a high probability. Therefore, when purchasing a puppy, it will not be superfluous to inquire about the diseases that his parents suffered from.

Physical activity immediately after eating. It is not recommended to take your pet for a walk immediately after eating, as excessive mobility can lead to a change in the position of a full stomach, and this, in turn, provokes the development of intestinal volvulus.

Improper nutrition;

Binge eating;

Belonging to a certain breed (mainly large, giant breeds of dogs suffer);

Vigorous activity, games, classes immediately after eating;

The presence of injuries of the abdominal cavity;

Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Hormonal disorders in the body.

Of course, even the absence of the above factors can cause a dangerous disease. Therefore, the owners of dogs of any breed and physical condition should be careful and attentive to the health of their animals, then the symptoms of any disease will be immediately noticeable and assistance will always be timely.

The clinical picture of intestinal volvulus

Since the course of the disease is very rapid, it is important to determine its onset in time, and urgently show the sick animal to the veterinarian. To determine the volvulus of the intestines at home will help the characteristic signs of the disease, which appear in a sick pet almost immediately after the onset of the pathology:

Having noticed these characteristic signs in your pet, it is necessary to deliver it to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible, where the doctor will examine the animal, make a diagnosis, and perform an operation. The life of the pet depends on how timely these measures are taken.

Symptoms of volvulus

Initially, a combination of symptoms develops, including obvious discomfort and restlessness. The animal may ask for a walk, but after the first act of urination or defecation, it becomes obvious that the cause of concern has not gone away. As the stomach gets bigger, the dog swallows more often, adding more air and saliva to the organ cavity. She may also drink more water, which puts on weight and speeds up stomach twisting.

Most often, a noticeable increase in the volume of the abdomen is noted with an already critically large accumulation of gases in the cavity of the organ. To reduce pressure on the diaphragm, heart, and lungs, as well as to make breathing easier, the dog tries to adopt a sitting or standing posture.

The frequency of respiratory movements and contractions of the heart muscle per minute increase, and the breaths themselves become superficial and short. Due to the redistribution of pressure in the vessels, the visible mucous membranes become pale, and the rate of capillary filling decreases. Also, this condition is accompanied by increased salivation and vomiting. The condition of the animal is deteriorating quite quickly.

The symptoms of intestinal volvulus are quite vivid.

  • The dog's stomach suddenly begins to swell,
  • she is breathing heavily
  • foam vomiting occurs.
  • the animal weakens, its mucous membranes turn pale, it falls into an unconscious state.

A state of shock occurs due to a strong pain reaction and compression of the arteries and veins of the abdominal cavity. Peripheral vessels narrow, which worsens the blood supply to internal organs. A greatly enlarged stomach presses on the diaphragm and severe respiratory failure occurs. Often there are arrhythmias, as complications from the heart.

The diagnosis is established by means of an abdominal x-ray and the only chance to save the dog is surgery. However, it is preceded by other mandatory manipulations. Shock and circulatory failure is a very serious concomitant problem with volvulus in dogs.

To solve it, infusion therapy is carried out, steroid hormones and analgesics are administered, sedation is performed and antispasmodics and antiemetics are injected into the animal. During infusion, the stomach is often punctured with a large-diameter needle to reduce abdominal pressure and evacuate gas.

After that, a surgical intervention is performed, during which the surgeon unfolds the stomach, installs a probe and evacuates food masses from the stomach. Then the stomach is washed with water. The operation is completed by suturing the stomach to the abdominal wall so that it wraps up again.

If part of the stomach is already dead, it is removed. If the parenchyma is ruptured, the spleen is also removed. After the operation, the dog should be observed in the hospital for two to three days. She is given antibiotics, antiemetics and gastroprotectors and is not fed for at least a day. Sometimes parenteral nutrition is used. Regular stitching is also required.

In order to reduce the risk of such a dangerous disease, it is necessary to feed the animal in small portions two to three times a day, using high quality, easily digestible feed. Immediately after feeding, the dog should not be walked, and try to avoid stress factors.

If symptoms of gastric volvulus occur, it is urgent to call a veterinarian at home, but it is better to take the animal to the clinic.

In an animal that has received intestinal volvulus, the following signs of the disease are observed:

  • severe anxiety;
  • pain, in which the pet does not find a place for itself and is looking for the most comfortable position;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • an increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • no chair.

After a few hours, the temperature drops, the mucous membranes turn pale, breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath and profuse salivation appear. There is weakness and trembling of the limbs, anxiety is replaced by lethargy.

A dog with symptoms of volvulus requires immediate hospitalization and examination. With the help of a gastric tube, the presence of volvulus (the probe does not pass into the stomach) or expansion of the stomach (bloating due to gases that are pushed out by the probe) is checked. If time permits, an x-ray is taken to determine the area of ​​the lesion.

Symptoms of volvulus in dogs are very specific. The main alarming symptom is acute pain in the lower abdomen of the dog. Volvulus is always accompanied by vomiting and swelling of the intestine, which is noticeable visually (the abdomen increases) or by palpation. You can also understand that the dog is in severe pain by hypertonicity of the muscles of the hind legs - they are very tense, the dog can hardly stand. Breathing at the same time slows down, it becomes more difficult for the dog to breathe.

All of the above symptoms should make it clear to the owner that the dog is in big trouble and needs immediate veterinary care. If you carelessly treat the current situation or arrogantly believe that the dog will suddenly feel better, then you can completely lose your pet. Do not expect a miracle, and even more so do not try to treat the animal with advice from the Internet - this way you will only hasten the death of your pet. In this case, only professional help can save the dog's life.

Lack of appetite;

The dog cannot go to the toilet or does not even try;

Inflated abdomen or very hard when palpated;

The hind legs are tense, as a result of which it is difficult for the animal to resist;

Heavy breathing (in some cases).

All these symptoms should be a signal for action, since volvulus is a dangerous and insidious disease that brooks no delay.

Treatment of volvulus in dogs

After torsion of the stomach, the blood supply to the tissues of the organ and its innervation stop, which means that the cells begin to die, releasing a large amount of toxins into the blood. A general intoxication of the body is created. Owners and veterinarians have a few hours to promptly accept the animal and provide him with care.

The first step after diagnosis is to stabilize the animal. An assessment of the general condition is carried out. Vital signs are measured, such as the color of visible mucous membranes, heart rate, respiratory rate, capillary filling rate, blood pressure level.

In order to adequately correct the volume of circulating blood in the body, intravenous catheters are placed to conduct intensive infusion therapy at dosages calculated individually for each dog. The animal is necessarily placed in a hospital for constant monitoring of its condition, oxygenation and correction of vital signs.

If the torsion of the stomach occurred more than three hours ago, and when examining the spleen, changes are observed, this is the basis for the removal of the organ (spleen), the prognosis for the recovery of the body in this case will be more favorable. If the spleen is preserved, after this time a very large amount of toxins will enter the bloodstream, which will greatly complicate the recovery process, or even lead to death.

At the end of the operation, a gastropexy is performed. This surgical method allows you to prevent repeated torsion, since the stomach is sutured to the inner surface of the abdominal wall in a certain place, and thus it will not move freely in the abdominal cavity, which means it will not be able to twist.

Most often, the animal undergoes surgical intervention in order to completely eliminate the parts of the intestine affected by necrosis and to rotate the stomach correctly. A probe is placed to remove food masses, the stomach is washed and sutured to the walls of the abdomen so that there are no relapses. Tissues affected by necrosis are removed.

The dog remains in the hospital for several days. She is given antibiotics and antiemetics, sutures are treated and, if necessary, parenteral feeding is used.

To prevent such a dangerous disease as volvulus, you should follow certain rules:

  1. Feed your dog at least 3 times a day in small portions.
  2. Use high quality feed (not lower than premium) with easily digestible ingredients.
  3. After feeding, do not immediately walk the pet. Physical activity and training immediately after eating are unacceptable.
  4. If possible, try to avoid stressful situations for the pet (long trips, change of owners).
  5. Closely monitor the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. In the presence of chronic diseases, carefully and on time to carry out the necessary course of treatment, avoiding exacerbations.

If there is the slightest suspicion of the occurrence of gastric volvulus, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic for the necessary assistance.

The only effective treatment that can achieve healing is surgery. The prognosis is very optimistic: the operation is successful in 90% of patients. Of course, success depends on how timely the treatment turned out to be.

The operation is performed as follows: through an incision, the doctor unfolds the stomach, removes the remnants of undigested food from it with a probe, and rinses it. After that, the stomach is set in place, strengthened with special threads. This avoids relapse (or reduces its risk). In severe cases, it may be necessary to remove part of the stomach, spleen.

Intestinal volvulus in a dog is usually treated with surgery. However, beforehand, the veterinarian performs a number of necessary manipulations, such as the introduction of analgesics, antiemetics, infusion therapy, it is possible in frequent cases to puncture the stomach with a needle in order to reduce pressure on the walls of the abdominal cavity. After the operation, the dog is not fed for a certain time, they are given antibiotics and antiemetics, painkillers.

Prevention methods

One of the main mistakes of owners is intensive walks with physical activity after feeding. When the stomach is filled with food masses or water, even a seemingly harmless game with a stick can cause the development of this condition.

This suggests that feeding should always follow after walking. On a hot day, there should always be a shelter in the shade in the place where the animal is kept so that it does not overheat, and therefore does not consume large volumes of water at a time.

If the animal lives in a flock or in a constant feeling that its food is being taken away, then it may swallow a portion of food too quickly, and along with food, a large amount of air will enter the stomach. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to negate the stressors that provoke such behavior.

And, finally, the most effective method of preventing the development of gastric volvulus in a dog will be a preventive gastropexy. That is, even before the development of a pathological condition, the animal is brought to a planned surgical intervention, which includes fixing the stomach to the wall of the abdominal cavity. Preventing gastric volvulus in advance can save your pet's life and give you the freedom to worry about it.

There are several ways to prevent intestinal obstruction, which occurs due to the swallowing of foreign objects by a dog:

  • strict training, during which the pet must understand and remember well that it is impossible to pick up objects;
  • it is necessary to remove all small objects with which she can play during the absence of the owner from the dog’s access zone;
  • if the dog is wayward, capricious, or not trained, then you should walk only on a leash and control its actions;
  • boiled and tubular bones are contraindicated;
  • toys should be purchased only in specialized stores.

If you suspect a blockage of the intestine, contact the veterinary clinic should be immediate.

Reducing the risk of volvulus is very simple. It is necessary to follow simple recommendations for caring for animals. So, it is important for a pet to provide fractional nutrition in small portions. Refuse to walk immediately after eating, within 20-30 minutes after eating the animal should be in a calm state.