X, Y, Z: theories of generations in Russia. Generations X, Y, Z: Similarities and Differences Generation Y Characteristics

The dialogue on the topic of succession and differences between generations began quite a long time ago (for example, in the teachings of the ancient Greek scientist Polybius), but the scientific understanding of this problem began relatively recently, at the beginning of the 20th century. They received their first illumination in the works of Mannheim and Ortega y Gasset, who spoke about the sociological aspects of the formation of generations. Almost a hundred years later, their theories were continued and supplemented by a modern, classical concept, which was outlined by American scientists William Strauss and Neil Howe. Today, this theory has gained popularity due to its relevance and wide popularization in social media.

The famous concept of "Baby Boom, X Y Z", as it is called on the Internet, finds application in sociology, political science, philosophy, anthropology and economic sciences.

In Russia, the theory of generations is given special attention by marketers who use knowledge about the generations of consumers and develop strategies for interacting with them.

Strauss and Howe's theory of generations, in its original version, was based solely on the research of American society. In the future, the principles of the theory of generations were also used to analyze processes in other countries. Among the domestic popularizers of the theory, the most famous is Evgenia Shamis, who turned the study of generational trends into a business that helps modern companies manage their staff, which consists of representatives of different generations.

Here Evgenia Shamis talks about the basics of the theory of generations

The meaning of the theory

Conflicts and misunderstandings between generations are natural and understandable, because the sociocultural prototype is determined by the environment, which reflects the spirit of the times at this particular moment. Only by adapting to conditions is a species able to survive, it has to play by constantly changing rules. The economic crisis, famine, war, or vice versa, a sharp improvement in the quality of life directly affects how a person is formed and perceives himself in the conditions in which he finds himself.

According to Starus and Howe, generations are the totality of all people who were born in the time interval of 20-25 years. Generation Criteria:

  • one historical epoch in which representatives of a generation, being approximately in the same age category, share memories of key events, cultural and social trends;
  • common beliefs and behavior patterns;
  • sense of belonging to this generation.

The history of mankind is conditionally divided into generational eras, which are characterized by ups and downs, in other words, with a wave-like structure. The authors of the concept call these periods transformations or periods in which generations are formed according to general patterns. Stages of transformation:

  • Rise: society shares collective interests and focuses on the power and authority of institutions; in this phase comes the generation of prophets.
  • Awakening: the question of confronting the individual with society arises, a culture of individualism develops, a cult of rebellion and opposition to the old order, fatigue from discipline; in this phase, the generation of Wanderers appears.
  • Decline: individualism flourishes, state institutions are distrusted; in this phase, the generation of Heroes appears.
  • Crisis: the ideas of strong state institutions are being revived. In place of the old state power, a new one is emerging, which unites society under the auspices of common values. In this phase, the generation of Artists appears.

Archetypes of generations: the struggle of the Wanderers with the Prophets, the suffering of the Heroes and the optimism of the Artists

Generation of Prophets, which is born in the recovery phase after the crisis, build a new society and believe in collectivism, a brighter future and progress. In Russian history, this is the stage of the Soviet thaw, when the first signs of freedom appeared after the difficult war times and Stalinist repressions. Children who were born and grew up at that time saw the first flight into space, the effectiveness of state power and its sociality. Remember how our grandparents praise Soviet medicine and education. The institutions of power regularly performed their function, provided the population with work and housing, reinforcing their actions with ideological overtones. These were the times when the people began to live well compared to the time of crisis that was before.

Mikhail Andreevich was born in the early fifties. When he was a boy, he wrote letters to Gagarin and dreamed of being as brave and strong as the first cosmonaut. From childhood, Misha was sure that his country was the greatest power in the world, he loved his Motherland without memory and was ready to work all his life for the common good. He enters the institute, leaves it as a qualified specialist, gets a job, marries. All this time, he goes through stages that classify him as a form of community: Misha was an October child, a pioneer, and a Komsomol member, and then he signed up for the party ranks. By the age of thirty, Mikhail Andreevich is a specialist, patriot, husband and father of two or three children. The sports trend positively affected his health, and the cultivated pathological love of reading had a positive effect on his intellect.

His youngest daughter Elena, who was born in the early 70s, is no longer so optimistic about the future. She was young during the crises of the Cold War, her brothers fought in Afghanistan, and some classmates did not live to be thirty due to heroin addiction. The discipline of the "scoop" annoys her a little, as it undermines her personal aspirations and interests. At this time, television is developing, which announces to young Lena about the fall of the Berlin Wall, about the destruction of the Land of Soviets, about the fact that Georgia, where Lena and her family traveled every summer, has now become a foreign wall. At the moment when Lena graduates from college and gets married, the country in which she was born no longer exists, and ideals, respectively, too. Need to survive. Grows under such conditions Generation X, or Wanderers.

Lena gets a job and starts earning in all available ways. Since the system is being formed anew, by the age of thirty it already occupies a leading position, learns to maneuver and support a family in conditions of uncertainty. At this time, personal drama was increased, since the fall of spiritual stereotypes had a rather dramatic effect on the fate of the Xs. If in Soviet times marriage had to be dragged out to the last, because divorce was condemned, then after 1991 marriages fell down like houses of cards. By the mid-nineties, Lena had one divorce and several unsuccessful relationships outside of marriage.

In the dashing nineties, Elena's daughter Lucy is born. Yes, yes, the same suffering Lucy from the sensational article. Living in relative prosperity, it grows in an atmosphere of individualism, where a person owes nothing to a person, and the most important thing in life is self-realization. Mom Lena made every effort to ensure that Lucy had everything (a roof over her head, education ...), and continues to support her even in adulthood. Closer to the age of 30, Lucy becomes a depressive "over-teenager", stuck in the illusions of his own exclusivity. This generation is also called the generation of "Peter Penov", naive and difficult to communicate, undecided on their goals and constantly comparing themselves with others. Lucy is in no hurry to get married, behind her is a constant change of jobs and disappointment. She walks around in sneakers and a sweatshirt, works in open space as a content manager, plays PlayStation on the weekends or goes to exhibitions or personal growth trainings. This is how the portrait of the Russian generation Y looks like, or Heroes.

After 2000, the “Greeks”, and sometimes the “Xs”, who are still relatively young, have children who think in other categories. They do not remember life without the Internet and gadgets, their world lies beyond state borders, they move freely around the planet and easily change their social circle. Now they are just entering adulthood, and they have a completely different approach to it.

Lucy's younger brother Dima, a typical representative Generation Z, or Artist, well versed in fashion trends and actively uses cyberspace. He leads his stream on twitch, is present in all social networks, does not consider it necessary to accumulate information, since there is too much of it. Dima hopes for the power of Google and is sure that his life will proceed in relative comfort, where he will not have to fight for a place in the sun. This generation of homebodies (Homelanders). Dima has no idols, because on YouTube every teenager can get millions of views if he offers quality content. Compared to his older sister, a digital immigrant (because there was no Internet in her childhood), he does not have to study feverishly to be on the wave, he harmoniously comprehends new trends and follows them.

EeOneGuy, one of the top YouTube bloggers

Criticism of the theory and alternatives: why is Sberbank so interested in the theory of generations

The generational theory continues to develop and meets with justified criticism. Naturally, the idea of ​​cyclicality is not new: these trends are visible in both historical and economic science. However, when analyzing data, Strauss and Howe do not take into account either demographic factors or individual personality characteristics, because not all representatives of a particular generation can be attributed to the corresponding type, so the course of cycles may not proceed as evenly as researchers would like. Despite globalization, representatives of different countries face different conditions, so it is hardly possible to speak of clear trends within a particular society.

In the Russian scientific community, the theory of generations in its classical version is sometimes compared with horoscopes, when some signs from the description of a generation are recognized as true, while others, sometimes contradicting reality, are simply ignored. There is still a debate about whether the theory is generally applicable to Russian society. The classification given in this article is very generalized and simplified, so each individual within a generation may or may not agree with it.

Despite the inconsistency of the approach, Russian companies, such as Sberbank, are interested in researching generational trends. Trying to understand what drives generations Y and Z will help company leaders organize the work process in the right way and ensure business growth. On the example of the same Lucy and Dima, communication schemes and task setting are considered, which have not converged with traditional methods of personnel management for a long time. Evgenia Shamis' project "RuGenerations" is studying generations from the point of view of HR and marketing, which is aimed at training and introducing young representatives of society into corporate processes.

The theory of Struss and Howe is far from an ideal model of modern society, but its popularity among modern researchers makes one think: maybe the patterns of development of modern civilization are still subject to general rules. The classification given in this article is very generalized and simplified, so each individual within a generation may or may not agree with it. Please leave your opinion in the comments on how much you agree with this approach. I would be glad to hear your thoughts and examples that confirm or refute the postulates of the authors.

Today everyone is discussing the generations of the future -Y,Z andA, while the most economically active people of the generation X. Little is said or written about them, but they are shaping the future of the global economy and politics. About who are the people of the generation X, and how they differ from representatives of other generations, read our article.

The most active in economic terms today are representatives of the so-called generationsX. It has largely influenced the formation of the modern business environment and has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the global economy. Gen Xers have a unique value system that allows them to excel in all areas of life.

Generation X value system

This system is a set of behavioral and social attitudes that have developed under the influence of many factors. The system has a direct impact on a person's opinion regarding certain phenomena and things that he encounters throughout his life. It is she who is the main reference point in the process of making important decisions. Changing the value system during life is possible, but extremely rare.

Due to the huge variety of values, it is customary to divide them into several main categories. Most often, researchers identify 2 types of values :

Value #1


This category is one of the fundamental ones. This includes all attitudes and ideals, under the influence of which the individual's ideas about the good, justice, beauty, goodness, evil, and so on are formed. It is on a set of spiritual values ​​that ideas about what is necessary and due, preferences and desires, aspirations and inclinations depend;

Value #2


Material values ​​include consumer values ​​expressed in material form: essentials, private property, availability of goods and services.

The final set of values ​​of each person is individual and unique. It is quite difficult to take into account each element of this system. However, there are certain combinations of values ​​(gender, family, national, professional) that are inherent in representatives of certain "generations".

generational theory

For the first time, several scientists started talking about this theory at once in the first half of the 90s. According to this theory, approximately every 20 years, a new generation of people is born whose value system is fundamentally different from the value system of their parents, grandparents. The formation of the value system of a representative of each new generation actually ends by the age of 11-15, after which it is only supplemented and strengthened. Already at this age, the first differences can be noticed: the attitude towards other people, money, material and spiritual wealth, the style of consumption and behavior in general.

The calculation and description of "generations" begins at the end of the 19th century. Each of the generations has its own unique values, which were formed under the influence of many factors. The activities of representatives of each generation provoked the creation of new conditions, which, in turn, began to influence the formation of the value system of the next generation.

The Lost Generation (1890 - 1900)

The first generation referred to in the mentioned theory are people born in 1890-1900. This era is characterized by social inequality, stratification of society, disillusionment with civilization, decline in culture and decadence. Representatives of the “lost generation” grew up and formed in conditions of despotism and monarchism, and the most important event of that era was the hitherto unprecedented global military conflict - the First World War and the collapse of the imperialist state. As a response, representatives of the generation took an active part in revolutionary events, the formation of modern states, the creation of new ideas, the development of science and a new culture.

Winners (The Greatest) (1901 - 1925)

According to different versions, representatives of this generation were born from 1901 to 1925. These people grew up in an era of global changes in the social and political world order. Bold ideas, new areas of science and technology, the strengthening of totalitarian and authoritarian societies - all this influenced the value system of the representatives of the "winning generation". People born at this time were participants or witnesses of the Second World War, the creation of the UN, the post-war restoration of the world order.

Silent (1925 - 1945)

People born on the eve of and during the Second World War (1925-1945) are usually called the “silent generation”. They had to grow up and live in the post-war period, to restore the destroyed economy and industry. The beginning of the Cold War, the slow but steady growth of the economy, the gradual improvement of living conditions and the quality of life, the absence of global shocks, and the strengthening of power structures fall on the period of their activity. However, the childhood of these people was extremely difficult, which could not but leave an imprint on their whole life.

Baby boom (I) (1946 - 1964)

The representatives of the silent generation and the "winners" produced a huge number of children, resulting in a population explosion (1946-1964). The baby boom era saw the beginning of the sexual revolution, the heyday of rock music and the hippie culture. Authoritarian rulers no longer suited society, which often led to unrest and local conflicts. Demonstrations, rallies, popular performances and protests have become typical of this era.

At the same time, protest moods and narcissism begin to prevail. Generation Me people prioritized self-actualization, refusing conventional social responsibility. This generation was one of the first to start talking about the fact that the main thing in life is to have fun and change the world. People from the baby boom generation actively promoted the ideas of equality, non-violence, democracy and tolerance.

Generation X (1965 - 1979) (according to some researchers - up to 1982)

The socially active and freedom-loving baby boomers were replaced by representatives of generation X, born from 1965 to 1979 (according to some researchers - until 1982). In some cases, all children born before the 1990s and even 2000s are also included here, but this is not true.

The formation of the X's value system was influenced by: the war in Afghanistan, the Chechen war, the stagnation and fall of socialist regimes, the end of the Cold War, the opening of borders, freedom of movement, globalization, the growth in the number of emigrants, the fall and subsequent rapid growth of the economy.

The representatives of the unknown became even more independent of the official authorities. However, in contrast to the worldview of the baby boomers, attempts to change the world have been replaced by the absolute or partial indifference of the "X" to what is happening in the political arena. Sexual relations outside of marriage have become the norm, as well as the lack of religiosity and patriotism. Gen Xers are getting divorced more often, but family values ​​still play a primary role for them.

These people are not used to stability. Before their eyes, the whole system of the world was changing radically, and they got used to the difficulties associated with these changes. Infantilism and decadence are alien to them, they are active, quick-witted, they can be called "punching". They rely only on themselves, always have a plan "B", do not get lost in the face of difficulties and are ready for any difficult situations.

"X" changed the world beyond recognition. These people are characterized by high performance and productivity, they are persistent and diligent. For "people X" an important role is played by a career, level of education, material wealth. They strive to be successful, but often they do not look for new ways, but use long-proven routes.

HR Director at Relief

People after 45 are professional and diligent, without unnecessary ambitions. Explain this to company management

Sometimes employers are afraid that subordinates will be older than the leader. But it's not scary! The main thing is to entrust age employees with suitable work that is not associated with high rates and constant stress. And there is always enough such work at the enterprise. For example, we have many employees in our company who are celebrating their 50th birthday this year. Just a year of anniversaries. And all these specialists work productively. Therefore, I am happy to take people over 45 years old to my department. They are more efficient, reliable, professional, and at the same time they do not have excessive ambitions (like a university graduate who does not know how, but wants a lot). I can rely on such an employee, because I am sure that everything will be done 100%. After all, he has both responsibility for the result and unwillingness to lose his job. This is exactly what HR directors should explain to top managers of the company.

Millennials (Y, YAYYA) (early 80s - late 90s)

Most economic models and incentive systems were created specifically for the Xs. Thanks to this, an HR director can quickly achieve an increase in labor productivity, while using a “standard” set of motivators, both tangible and intangible.

"X" are accustomed to achieve everything themselves. Career and life in general for them is a kind of step-by-step strategy. First you need to finish school, then go to college or university, get a profession and "crust". After that, the newly-minted specialist comes to the enterprise and starts from the bottom - works as a line or junior office staff with the prospect of slow but steady career growth. Managerial or expert positions "X" reached (and still reach) at the age of 30-40 years.

Employee motivation X

In most cases, rapid career growth is not possible for them. Representatives of the "X" are trying to "sell themselves" more profitable, but at the same time they understand that in order to implement such a plan, you need to match the declared price. Empty ambitions are rare for them, they are well aware of their own worth and require adequate remuneration for their labors.

Material motivation plays a huge role in stimulating generation X workers. Moving up the career ladder, obtaining new powers or responsibilities, solving assigned tasks, fulfilling the production plan - all this should be noted not only in the form of praise or recognition of merits from the management, but also quite tangible material rewards. By itself, the increase or bonus may even be insignificant, but it must be.

The most effective way of non-material motivation for X employees is the opportunity to gain new knowledge and improve their skills. Courses, seminars, business trips, webinars - all this will be appreciated by representatives of generation X.

An equally important role is played by the recognition of merit - public awards, the provision of a personal workplace, personal benefits, and so on. An excellent way to recognize the merits of such an employee is to appoint him as a mentor who should be involved in training newcomers to the team. With this technique, the personnel service can immediately decide 3 problems:

Problem #1

Increase the motivation of the mentor

By appointing an employee as a “teacher”, management demonstrates its loyalty and trust, which in turn encourages the mentor to better perform their own work;

Problem #2

Reduce newbie adaptation time

It will be easier for a new employee to join the team and get involved in work processes if an experienced employee, and not a representative of the personnel service, is engaged in adaptation and training;

Problem #3

Reduce the workload of the HR department

How to use the X's human resources

The “Unknown Generation” was formed at the dawn of the era of media communications, when the Internet and other types of mobile communications were more of a rarity than the norm. For this reason, for many Xs, live communication and real human relationships are of fundamental value. They are not so dependent on social networks and the Internet in general, so their picture of the world is much more realistic than representatives of Y and Z.

Characteristics of people from generation X

  • have rich life experience
  • have a great work experience
  • have some merit
  • have a good education
  • diversified,
  • tactful
  • sociable.

These people are best suited to perform stable and responsible work that requires perseverance and a thorough approach.

Xs are attentive to people and details, so they make excellent managers of all levels. The consistency and predictability of actions allows them to be appointed as leaders of serious projects or developing business lines.

Thanks to business acumen and the ability to build working relationships, Xs can be safely sent for negotiations to other companies. They can be entrusted with the implementation of serious projects with pre-planned results.

Disadvantages of employees X

Unlike Y people (YYYA), whose representatives are very ambitious, Xs can and will work hard. It was this generation that gave rise to the term "workaholism" - dependence on work. An unfulfilled project, failures at work, missed deadlines - all this is taken very seriously and painfully by them.

Excessive workloads and responsibility provoke stressful situations from which the moral and physical health of these individuals suffers. For this reason, the X's are more prone to nervous breakdowns, moral exhaustion and depression. Damage to physical health manifests itself in the form of headaches, reduced sexual activity, heart attacks, early heart attacks and strokes.

Such consequences can be avoided only with the help of regular alternation of “work” and “rest” modes, creation of comfortable working conditions and a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Test yourself

What are the 2 main types of values?

  • gender and family;
  • professional and national;
  • spiritual and material.

What is the name of the generation born between 1946 and 1964?

  • lost;
  • baby boom;
  • millennials.

Which generation is the most active in the economy at the moment?

  • Baby boom;

What's different about Generation X?

  • high efficiency;
  • unwillingness to grow up;
  • protest spirit, active participation in political and public life.

The main disadvantage of generation X is:

  • inflated ambitions;
  • susceptibility to stress;
  • dependence on modern technology.

Generation "X", generation "Y", generation "Z" - these expressions often flash in the articles of sociologists and demographers, personnel officers and marketers. What do these letters mean?

For the first time, two people spoke about the features of age differences in 1991 - US researchers Neil Howe and William Strauss. They created a theory that was based on differences in the values ​​of people of different generations. These differences have been studied, as well as the reasons for them, for example, the situation in the economy and politics, the technological development of society, etc. Some time later, the theory began to be applied in practice, because. she proved to be very effective in business. Today, this theory is being used more and more.

Now representatives of the following generations live in Russia (years of birth are indicated in brackets):

  • The Greatest Generation (1900-1923).
  • Silent generation (1923-1943).
  • Baby boomer generation (1943-1963)
  • Generation X ("X") (1963-1984).
  • Generation Y ("Y") (1984-2000).
  • Generation Z "Zed" (since 2000).

Scientists note that the boundaries are calculated with the assumption of plus or minus 3 years, and for people who are at the junction of generations, the features of both are often characteristic.

post-war generation. Photo from dochki2.tmc-it.net

baby boomers

Baby Boomers are people born between 1943 and 1963. The name of the generation was due to the post-war surge in the birth rate. The events that had the greatest impact on the formation of the values ​​of people of this generation are, of course, the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet "thaw", the conquest of space, uniform standards of education in schools and the guarantee of medical care.

They grew up in a real superpower. These people are optimists, command, collective people. The best sport for them is football, hockey. The best vacation is tourism. In other people, they greatly respect curiosity. Now representatives of this generation, “boomers”, are quite active, go to fitness centers, swimming pools, master new gadgets and the Internet, travel to other countries as tourists.

Currently, most baby boomers are retired, although there are those who are still working. A distinctive feature of this category of people in Russia is good health and enviable endurance.

Generation X. Photo from pikabu.ru

Generation X

Generation X are people born between 1963 and 1983. Generation X is also called the lost or unknown generation. They grew up against the backdrop of the Cold War, shortages, and the beginning of perestroika. Many Xs grew up in an incomplete family, and working parents allowed them to lead an independent life. Often this generation is called "". In political life, the X's are not very active because of their individualism, they are less patriotic than their fathers.

Their distinguishing features are the ability to rely only on themselves, alternative thinking, awareness of what is happening in the world, willingness to choose and change. By and large, people in this age group are loners who are focused on hard work and achieving individual success. They move through their careers for many years, adhering to the chosen direction.

Generation Y

The "autumn" generation Y, which was born from 1983 to 2003, grew up against the backdrop of global upheavals: the collapse of the USSR state, terrorist attacks, epidemics. But the passage of time has introduced new symbols - the rapid development of information technology. Thanks to the internet and cell phones, the generation of Yers has been nicknamed the "thumb generation" for their ability to type text messages with the finger of one hand.

Players can easily communicate with strangers online, but in real life they experience communication problems. In the virtual world, the players create their own ideal world, where their rules and laws reign. Therefore, the generation is distinguished by great naivety and ignorance of the realities of this world.

Players don't like to start at the bottom of the ladder, they want rewards and high fees right now, just for being there. At the same time, they strive to achieve professionalism in several areas at once, they strive to obtain versatile information, which is a plus in the modern world.

Generation Y jokes

We were born - the USSR collapsed, went to school - defaulted, entered the university - a crisis began, found a tolerable job - the end of the world. Just a lucky generation.

Generation Z

Those who were born after 2003 belong to Generation Z. They saw the restoration of the power of our country, rooted for our winning athletes at the Olympiads and World Championships. Their school has computers, repairs have been made, the yards are clean, new playgrounds and sports complexes have been installed.

Representatives of Generation Z actively use tablets, iPads, VR and 3D reality. Often, the term "Generation Z" is considered as a synonym for the term "digital person". Generation Z is interested in science and technology (for example, it is expected that many members of the generation will be engaged in engineering and technical issues, biomedicine, robotics), as well as art. It is assumed that the generation will be frugal and will lead a healthy lifestyle.

Generation Z jokes

When I was a child, I was not accepted as a Padawan, at 10 I did not receive my first Pokémon, at 11 I did not receive a letter from Hogwarts ... If by the age of 33 my uncle does not give me a ring of omnipotence or at 50 years old knocks on my door magician, I'll stop hoping and go look for a job...


If we follow the theory of Strauss and Howe, then the generation that will replace the zero generation (representatives of this generation will begin to be born in 2023-24) will be the generation of Artists, the “new silent generation”. We cannot predict exactly what it will be, but we can remember what the previous one was like. Here is what the Times wrote sixty years ago: “In anticipation of the pointing finger of fate, today's youth work tirelessly and do not grumble. The most amazing fact about this young generation is their silence. With very few exceptions, you won't see them in the stands... They don't write manifestos, they don't make speeches, they don't carry banners."

In the same way as for the silent ones of the 20th century, for the “new” the core values ​​will be collective values ​​(social networks will play an important role in their lives); they will probably work hard, and in their free time they will go into virtual worlds, not just books (like 100 years ago), but computer games.

What is the difference between people of different generations? Are we that different? Is there something that unites us, and, on the contrary, repels each other? I decided to ask this question to an expert, consultant psychologist Dmitry Lukashenko.

In this situation, we decided to consider the characteristics of three generations to find out their predisposition to certain qualities. Generation X (born from 1963 to 1986), Generation Y (1986-2000), Generation Z (2000-2003). Each generation has its own characteristics and common features. Let's analyze each of them.

Generation X, they are also called generation with a key around their necks. They are very independent, tend to develop. For them, such a value as freedom is very important. Our parents' generation. They are not as smart as they are wise. They know the value of such qualities as stability, calmness and reliability. Generation X was forced by life itself not to stand still, to move up the social ladder, to change thinking. It was a time of shortages, perestroika, the Cold War.

For generation Y, things like a team, positive relationships are important. They strive to develop within society. Communication is valuable for them, they are more inclined to develop in a playful way. If we compare them with generation X, then generation Y makes more informed choices: in work, study, personal life, etc.

Generation Z does not see information technology as a luxury, it is the norm. Z has already been born in this era. For generation Y, it was still something new and exciting. The use of information technology as the transfer of information is a kind of flattening of relations. The transmission speed is very high, the conversations are straightforward. For a given period of time, it is easier for people to communicate, it does not mean degradation, it means the ease of communication. For X and Y it is important how to speak. Z is characterized by competent and correct processing of information, what to say is of great importance. For X and Y in the first place is the positivity of information, for Z - the amount of information.

For Y, there is no block for information. It is very easy for them to pass it on. For those born from 1986 to 2000, the main value is living with her.

For Z, information is no longer valuable, since there is already too much of it.

For example, according to Dmitry, startups that are gaining momentum more and more will be at their peak of development thanks to Generation Z.

If we return to the question of similarities and differences between people of different generations, then it should be noted that for Y and Z the very concept of development is very important. They are ready to learn, absorb as much information and experience as possible. Generation X, I repeat, life itself forced us not to stand still, to move up the social ladder, to change our thinking.

However, there is an important point: generation Y and generation Z can remain children until the age of 30. The reason for this is a lack of understanding of life guidelines, in which direction to develop and move, there are too many ways. Therefore, those born from 1986 to 2003 need to clearly understand where to direct their energy in order to achieve great heights and success, otherwise it threatens with a complete waste of available resources and opportunities.

As for the form of education, which is more relevant than ever for us, students, Dmitry Lukashenko's opinion on this issue is quite clear:

“The form of education is undoubtedly an important aspect. The lecture will remain one of the learning formats. However, this system will have to be improved over time so that there is no degradation. The world is changing, and the system of mastering information will be revised in the same way. For example, over time, instead of hard desks and chairs, sofas will appear, where students can discuss their ideas, work, etc.”- says Dmitry Lukashenko.

“You asked me about family values. The institution of the family is modified by different generations. But everyone can build good relationships, but in their own way. Generation Z will be quite family people who know the price of good relationships, love and friendship. For generation Y, a career is still more important. Do you remember the motto of our generation: "Think globally, act globally." The cult of purpose is important to us. As for generation X, the family is important for them, but freedom is equally important.”

Each generation has its own distinctive features, which, to one degree or another, encourage both the revision of certain outdated attitudes, and, conversely, the adoption of those eternal life dogmas that will always be relevant.

Nurieva Albina

In Russia, there is a lot of talk about Generation Y - people who were born between 1981 and 1995. Who they are, what they love, how to please them - all because millennials in modern Russia are a key audience for the e-commerce sphere: there are many of them, they are solvent and active on the network.

In developed countries, generation Z is gradually coming to the fore, and they are already beginning to adapt their strategies to them. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the e-commerce market in the United States is developing more rapidly, and secondly, due to historical and economic features in Russia, the gradation of generations has been shifted by several years. Many Western trends resonate with us (often with a delay of 3-5 years), so it is important to understand where we will be relatively soon and what to do about it.

To begin with, a little theory: according to the American classification, there are 4 main generations in the world that are significant for the e-commerce sphere:

baby boomers- those who were born immediately after the war. They are characterized by optimism, interest in personal growth, a worthy reward for their work, at the same time collectivism and team spirit. Boomers are now gradually mastering the Internet (including Russian ones: in 2017, the number of Runet users reached 90 million people, which is 73% of the population of the Russian Federation), but they are not doing it so intensively as to be of wide interest to e-commerce representatives.

Generation X- people who appeared during the decline in the birth rate, after the population boom. They are ready for change, appreciate the opportunity to choose, strive to learn throughout their lives. They rely primarily on themselves and believe in gender equality. "X" - the last witnesses of the world before digital technologies and the only ones who can fully appreciate how it was "before" and how it became "after". According to research, they mostly trust traditional media: 62% read newspapers, 48% listen to the radio and 85% watch their favorite TV shows. People of this generation are not fanatical Internet users, so, like baby boomers, they are not the target audience of online retailers.

Generation Y, also known as , differs markedly from their parents in high self-esteem, digital literacy and unwillingness to work as hard as previous generations. In Russia, it refers to those who were born from 1985 to 2000 in the new socio-economic conditions and grew up, watching perestroika and the collapse of the USSR. In the USA, this generation includes people born in 1981-1995, as they rely on a sharp rise in the birth rate that began in 1982 - that is why retailers in Russia are still focusing on generation Y. While in the States they are already actively working with Generation Z, or post-millennials.

Generation Z have not seen a world without the Internet, it is normal for them to be online 24/7. They do not think at all about the fate of their homeland and have much more in common with their friends than with the citizens of their country. Often irresponsible and subject to fashion trends. In 2017, 74 million post-millennials were born in the United States, now generation Z makes up 23% of the total US population.

What is Generation Z?

We conducted a study of representatives of generation Z around the world to find out: who are they, what do they need and how to make them fall in love with you?

  • Involved

Technology has evolved along with the post-millennials, so this generation is characterized by a deep immersion in the digital space. With the help of smartphones, they explore the world and will not think about buying until they consult with their friends. The Zetas in the States spend more time online on mobile than all other generations.

  • Curious

Even though Gen Z sees their smartphone as a remote control, tactile sensations and personal experience are important to them, and so far online shopping has not completely satisfied their thirst for knowledge.

  • Convinced

Their life principles are instilled in social authorities (the inner circle, bloggers, public figures) and are unshakable - this, of course, is a minus for retailers. But! Now in America, the Zetas are just entering the maturation stage: soon they will be able to manage their own money and therefore are open to new brands and brands - this is a plus.

What factors are important for buyers when shopping online

The Zetas value the opportunity to get to know the product in person, which is why webrooming is comfortable for them: the opportunity to first study all the available information on the Internet, and then buy the product in a physical store - according to the results of our study, 34% of respondents prefer this mechanic. 23% regularly do the opposite: they see a thing in a store and buy it online. Interestingly, the “click&collect” format currently developing in Russia (ordered online, picked up at the pickup point) is not so close to post-millennials around the world: only 34% of them regularly use this service.

Mobile communication largely determines the life of post-millennials around the world, they spend a large proportion of their time in social networks: 49% log in several times a day, almost the same number actively (43%) use Snapchat, which is still not at all popular in Russia. The Zetas spend 42 hours a week streaming video and are generally attracted to any video format.

Their relationship with retail? It's Complicated

The Zetas admit that the modern realities of e-commerce do not satisfy them: 45% say that it is difficult for them to find a product they like online, 43% say that it is not so comfortable for them to buy on the Internet. In general, generation Z can be called the most dissatisfied generation of all. What can retailers do to engage post-millennials and increase their sense of satisfaction?

Don't forget about offline

Despite the title of "digital generation", post-millennials are ready to interact with the world without the use of various devices, because they are young and mobile. Therefore, the presence in physical stores will help increase the credibility of the brand and provide an opportunity to examine the product in person. 71% of the world's Zetas say they enjoy shopping to see what's on trend, and 80% like to visit new outlets. At the same time, the unusual design of the premises and the uniqueness of the presented goods are extremely important for them.

Number of post-millennials using social media multiple times a day

Example 1 Sephora has found a way to diversify the shopping experience in offline stores by installing touch screens that help with the selection of cosmetics. As part of the master classes, clients can do free makeup from stylists, and using screens, test various foundations, concealers, perfumes and much more without having to open numerous jars. So the beauty retailer leaves an expert assistant in the store, but optimizes the choice from a variety of products.

Example 2 The BUTIK online store, looking for channels to attract a new audience, decided to figure out what drives their customers who choose offline or online shopping, what are the points of their “digital intersection”. With the help of our technologies, the retailer was able to analyze customer data from the Internet and set up personalized targeting. As a result, the conversion increased by 27%.

And about online

Virtual space is the natural habitat of post-millennials. Get the full picture with a website with quality photos and product descriptions, optimized for smartphone, mobile app and social media presence. Generation Z should know that the brand is on the same wavelength with them.

Average number of hours per week spent across generations watching video content

Example. Maybelline used an interesting technique to engage in online shopping: to personalize online communication with customers, the beauty giant launched an application that allows you to virtually apply makeup. The face is scanned, analyzed according to more than 60 characteristics, and then the retailer offers products that will allow you to create a similar look in reality.

Work for individuality

The Zetas love the personalized approach. Take a step forward by analyzing customer information and recommending the right product: 36% of post-millennials consider recommendations necessary. One of the UK's top retailers, clothing retailer New Look, after analyzing big data and personalizing recommendations for its products, received 4 times more orders, reducing the cost of customer acquisition by 74%.

How post-millennials buy

In order to attract them, the products must be presented in the window in the best possible way - ideally, they should be presented in a limited collection. For the Zetas, the design of a store is often the deciding factor for visiting a store. So, customized fairs, which take place in unusual places, markets, stylized retail zones, where “zetas” get the opportunity to pick up a handmade item for themselves, are becoming a new word in retail. Also, the results of our study suggest that the Zetas are the most tactile of all generations, it is extremely important for them to feel the product by touch.

At first glance, Generation Z may seem like children whose purchases depend on the opinions of their parents. However, this will not always be the case. Very soon, Russian post-millennials will start earning money and making decisions on their own. It is important to start understanding the intricacies of this generation now so that in 3-5 years we can offer them an optimal shopping experience. Well, don't forget that even now the older generation consults with their children when choosing gadgets and equipment - so it's time for IT retailers to focus on the "zetas".