Sports game darts. Playing darts tips for beginners

The game of darts was born in England. The exact time of birth has not yet been determined, but it is known that darts appeared in the Middle Ages. The game was common in pubs and taverns, where it was inconvenient to shoot from a bow with ordinary arrows due to crowding, and the “archers” guests came up with a game with their shortened version. Inverted barrels were used as targets, and wooden corks served as the center of the target. In this form, the game reached the last century, when various darts competitions and darts leagues gradually began to be organized in Britain.

The first official darts tournament took place in 1927. From year to year, the number of participants in darts competitions increased. So in the 1938 season, 280,000 athletes took part!

The Second World War suspended the holding of darts championships, but nevertheless the game continued to develop. Darts were included in the sports set of officers and soldiers of the British Army and were designed to improve their physical fitness.

After the end of the war, official competitions were resumed.

In 1992, the Professional Darts Corporation was established, as a result of which the highest level darts competitions were held, such as the World Championship, World Matchplay, Grand Prix

Darts rules

The goal of the game is to score a certain number of points faster than the opponent (depending on the type of game), hitting the target with darts, which is located at a distance of 2.37 meters from the throw line. The height of the target (distance from its center to the floor) is 1.73 m.

The target is a circle divided into 20 sectors. The diameter of the circle is about half a meter. The center of the target is called Bull, which means "bull" in English. Hitting it is worth 50 points. The circle surrounding the center of the target has a value of 25 points. Each target sector is evaluated differently - from 1 to 20. In addition, the sectors have doubling zones (a small strip on the outer side of the sector) and tripling (the same strip located inside the sector). So, for example, hitting the triple zone of sector 20 brings the player 60 points - the highest possible number after one throw. The sectors in the circle are distributed in such a way that those that bring a large number of points coexist with low-income ones. So near sector 20 are sectors 1 and 5.

The game begins with the players trying to hit the center of the target with one dart to determine who will throw first. If no one hit the center, the player who sent the dart to the place closest to the center of the target starts first. The players then take turns throwing 3 darts. Throwing three darts in a row is called a turn in darts.

Competitions in darts can be both individual and team.

Darts - a popular game that develops accuracy and eye. The process of the game consists in throwing darts at a target from a certain distance and scoring points.

Despite the same equipment - darts consists of several varieties with their own characteristics and subtleties.

Target, its pictures

The standard target is a circle with a diameter 45 cm. If we consider its components from the center, then The target can be divided into the following parts:

  1. Apple or Bull's eye. Central circle diameter 12.7 mm.
  2. Center or Bull. Ring diameter 31.8mm embracing apple.

Photo 1. Target for darts with a dart hit in the center of the projectile. This area is located around the bullseye.

  1. Sectors. Ring around center with radius 170 mm divided into 20 parts. Colors alternate, most often white and black.
  2. Ring of doubling or "double". On the outer edge of the target there is a ring with a width 8 mm. When hit, the number of points doubles.
  3. Triple ring or "treble". A ring on a target with an inner radius of 99 mm and thickness 8 mm. When you hit it, the number of points triples.
  4. External field. The distance between the playing field and the edge of the target is used for drawing numbers. Hitting it does not bring points.

Photo 2. Diagram of a target for playing darts, divided into 20 sectors. The arrows indicate the parts of the projectile.

Each sector of the target is numbered from 1 to 20. This number is the "cost" - that is how many points the player gets by hitting it. When hit in the doubling ring, the number of points is doubled. That is, if you get into the doubling ring sector 5, is credited to the account 10 points. Similarly with the ring of tripling - when you hit it, the cost is tripled. Hitting the bullseye gives the player 50 points, a successful throw to the center gives 25 points.

Important! Naturally, the most difficult throw to the center of the target. But he is not the most efficient. A successful throw at the bull's-eye brings 50 points, while hitting the triple sector 20 - 60 points. Thus for 1 trip a player can knock out not 150, A 180 points and collect the required amount faster.

Popular darts games for beginners, how to count points in them correctly

There are a lot of options for playing darts. Different options are popular in different countries, but there are several classic games.


The most popular and widespread game. At the start of the game, each player on account 501 points. Players take turns throwing darts at the target. After each approach, the points scored are subtracted from the total until until someone cancels their account.

Attention! If after counting sum is negative or equal to 1, then throws are not counted. In this case, the right to attempt passes to the next player.

You can write off 501 points in 9 throws - 3 sets. To do this, you need to knock out the tripling of the sector 7 and 8 times knock out a tripling 20 points.

Photo 3. Three darts hit in the twentieth sector in the area of ​​tripling points. For such a throw, you can get 180 points.

It will bring 21 and 480 points respectively. Sometimes players introduce additional rules - the first or last throw must be doubled, tripled, or in a sector of a specific color. These are optional rules and are introduced by agreement. In a team game, you can use a larger amount by agreement.

In the game 501, the end of the game is important. Since the rule of enumeration is in effect, it is necessary not only to score points, but to try to reach a convenient ending. For example, with the current rule of ending with a doubling, knock out 2 points there is only one way - doubling 1.


Before the start of the game, the number of points is discussed. It must be a multiple of 50 are most often played up to 300 or 500 points. The one who reaches this number first wins. Only hits in the center or the bullseye are taken into account - 25 and 50 points respectively. Throws do not count when busted. By agreement, the first or last throw must be a bull's-eye.

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American version of darts with specific rules. The game does not involve the entire target, but only the center with an apple and sectors from 15 to 20. Throws to other parts of the target do not count and are considered a miss. The center and the bullseye are considered one.

The closing order is unimportant, you can throw in any order. The sector is considered closed after three hits in it. In this case, doubling counts as two hits, and tripling as three.

For the central sector, the center counts as a normal hit, and the bullseye counts as a doubling. If a player hits his own closed sector, and the opponent has not yet closed one, then he is awarded points in accordance with the hits. If you enter an area covered by both players, the roll does not bring a result.

Important! Sector is considered closed after the end of the throws. That is, if the first dart out of three hits the player in a triple, then the throws of the remaining darts in this sector in this approach do not bring points.

The game is over when one of the players closes all his sectors and he has more points than the opponent. If at the same time he has less points than the opponent, the game continues. The player who finished closing scores points, and the opponent must close the remaining zones. In this case, the game ends if both players have covered the entire target or when the first player scores more points.

Rule of the game with sector 20

Even though the center circle costs the most, the 20th sector is considered the most convenient for throwing. This is the basis of the tactics of playing many varieties of darts with a set of points.

Any successful throw at him brings 20 points, which is why it is more profitable than most zones. A sector is always more profitable than sectors 1 to 6 and almost always sectors from 7 to 10. The remaining parts of the target are comparable in terms of scoring, but harder to hit consistently.

Most often, deviations occur vertically. That's why it is necessary to aim at the part of the target above the tripling ring. By area, this is the largest part, so getting into it is the easiest. A slight vertical deviation up or down will result in a double or triple hit, which speeds up scoring.

After practicing a confident throw, you can move to the part between the tripling ring and the center of the target. When tilted vertically hit occurs in the tripling ring or in the center of the target, which brings additional points, compared with a simple hit in the sector.

Scoring table

For the convenience of calculating the points scored and remembering the cost Below is a table of all parts of the target:

Ordinary Doubling tripling
1 1 2 3
2 2 4 6
3 3 6 9
4 4 8 12
5 5 10 15
6 6 12 18
7 7 14 21
8 8 16 24
9 9 18 27
10 10 20 30
11 11 22 33
12 12 24 36
13 13 26 39
14 14 28 42
15 15 30 45
16 16 32 48
17 17 34 51
18 18 36 54
19 19 38 57
20 20 40 60

Thinking about how to spend their free time, many choose Darts. This is the name given to exciting sports when participants throw darts at a round target from a distance. Playing darts is a great way to entertain a child, family and group of friends.

Purpose of the game

The main task of all participants is to make accurate hits on the target. The player or team that scores the most points for accuracy and clears the score faster than others wins.


For the game, a round target is used, fixed at the height of human growth. Competitors are located at a specified distance from the target and one by one throw darts at it.

Standard throwing arrows consist of a sharp metal tip, a barrel, a tang and a light fletching. The most popular of them weigh from 20 to 25 g.

Darts is played one on one and team by team. The scoring is based on darts that have stayed in the target for at least five seconds.


Participants fix the target and measure the line from which the throws will be made. Before the start, they play among themselves the right of the first approach. To do this, each in turn throws three darts. The one who got closer to the center of the target starts the tournament.


The target is divided into sectors of black and white colors, which are assigned numbers from 1 to 20. The central place is occupied by the "bull's eye". The player who throws here gets 50 points.

For hitting the blue rings around him, 25 points are awarded.

The outer and inner narrow rings are colored blue and red. Hitting the outer narrow ring doubles the number of the sector, which is why it is called the "Doubling" ring. An accurate throw into the inner narrow ring triples the number of the sector, which is why this part of the target is called the “Tripling” ring.

The participant does not receive points if his dart bounced off the target or lingered in it for less than five seconds. Points are not awarded when one arrow is stuck in another or hit outside the outer narrow ring. In addition, the throw is considered invalid if the player stepped over the designated line.

The points scored in one approach (3 darts) are summed up and subtracted from the sum of points that remained after the player's previous result.

For three throws, you can score a maximum of 180 points. This will happen when each of the three darts hits the boundary of the inner narrow ring around sector 20.

Victory Conditions

The number of points received by each player is subtracted from the initial amount, for example 501, 701 or 1001. The one who clears the score first wins.

More experienced darters introduce an additional rule to end the game: during the last throw, the player must hit the sector doubling. For example, if there are 30 points left before the account is reset, the participant needs to get into the doubling of the “15” sector.

Darts originated in the British Isles several centuries ago.

Initially, the target for darts was called butt, translated from English - shooting range from onions, while butt comes from French but denoting target.

It is most likely that the game originated in a military society, soldiers used cut arrows as projectiles, and the bottom of a barrel or a tree trunk for a target.

In the case of a tree trunk, the resulting cracks from the arrows diverged and formed areas - "sectors". Modern competitive darts use the markings proposed by in 1896 carpenter Lancashire Brian Gamling.

Basic components and rules for playing darts

classic target has a round shape. Its area is divided into twenty sectors and a small central circle. bull separated by metal wire. Most of the targets are made from sisal (compressed agave fibers), the production of which is concentrated in Kenya and China.

Photo 1. A classic target for playing darts. The projectile is divided into 20 sectors, which are marked in black or white.

The main distinguishing characteristic of targets - the shape of the separation wire, it happens:

  • Plain round. Such models have a large percentage of rebound when hit.
  • trihedral. When hit, the darts move to the nearest sector.
  • Thin: stands out with less chance of rebound, used in professional darts.

Standard dimensions:

  • The width of the rings "trebles" and "doubles" 8 mm.
  • bullseye diameter 12.7mm.
  • External diameter of the central ring 19.1 mm.
  • Bullseye to inner wire "double" 162 mm.
  • Bullseye to Inner Treble Wire 99 mm.
  • Whole target diameter 451 mm(tolerance 10.0 mm).
  • Separation wire thickness 1.5 mm.

Dart for darts differ in material, weight, plumage shape and other characteristics. The body of the dart is made from the following metals:

  • brass;
  • nickel;
  • silver;
  • tungsten.

Photo 2. Two darts for playing darts. Products differ in the length of the tip and barrel, the shape of the plumage.

Main parts: tip, barrel, shank and plumage. In classic darts, the tip is a metal rod, while in electronic darts it looks like a blunt needle. The central part is the barrel, the heaviest and determines the trajectory of the projectile. At the rear are the shank and plumage, they are made of nylon and vary in length.

Dart Features:

  • The maximum length of the dart is 30.5 cm.
  • Maximum weight — 50 gr.

Target setting: height from the floor, distance to the throw line

For beginner darters, due to low accuracy, setting up a target will require a lot of space: 1 meter wide and 3 meters long.

Installation rules:

  • Height from floor to center 173 cm
  • The length from the front projection of the target to the line of throw - 237 cm, that is, you need to take into account the thickness of the product and retreat the appropriate distance.
  • Subject to the first two points, the diagonal distance from the bullseye to the throw line is 293.4 cm.
  • The twentieth sector should be darker than the neighboring ones and be at 12 o'clock.

Attention! It is necessary not to forget about protective devices against inaccurate throws - protective rings and cabinets for the target.

How to throw darts, from what distance they play in competitions

Despite the huge variety in the types of darts games: cricket, round, big round, doubling round, bull and so on, big significant competitions are held only when playing in 301/501 , more precisely, in 501 . The most famous and popular tournaments - BDO World Darts Championship, PDC World Darts Championship.

The main points in the rules read:

  • Throw darts in such a way that The point of the needle was directed towards the target. If this rule is not observed, the throw is not counted, even if it hits the target.
  • It is forbidden to re-throw a projectile ricocheted off or off the target.
  • To finish laying down the player must necessarily hit the doubling with the last roll.
  • Point burning rule: if in a series of three throws a player has scored more points than he has left, or does not close the leg by doubling, then the points scored in this approach are not counted.
  • 1.73 meters- the height of the target attachment, which is measured from the floor vertically to the center of the "bull's eye".
  • 2.37 meters- the minimum allowable distance for making a throw. It is measured along a straight line perpendicular to the plane of the target, measured from the projection of the digital side of the target.

"Darts" in English means "dart"(dart). Today, not a single popular American blockbuster about tough guys or a police series is unthinkable without the game of darts, and dart throwing competitions have been held even at the international level for several years now.

History of darts

The history of darts begins in the distant 14-15 centuries, when in England every self-respecting gentleman was fond of hunting, despite the ranks and ranks. That's when the game first appeared. On this occasion, there are two versions.

According to the first of them, the wife of one of the English rulers fell ill and could not take part in the royal hunt, which is why she was kindly offered a replacement: to throw short arrows at a bull skin hanging on the wall. According to the second, it follows that on one of the cloudy days unsuitable for hunting, for which England is so generous, the hunters sorted out bows and arrows to kill the beast. One of them tested them for strength, and when the arrow broke, he adapted the tail to the fragment of the shaft and threw it at the nearby skin of a bull.

It is already difficult to judge which of these versions is closest to reality, but it is from that time that the craze for throwing darts at a target on the wall has been going on - with the only difference being that then broken, rejected arrows were used for this, and now special darts.

Darts target

Familiar to everyone the target for playing darts appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century when this hobby went beyond the Foggy Albion. And before that, the skin of a dead bull stretched on the wall acted as it.

A modern darts target looks like a circle with a diameter of about 0.5 m, which is divided into 20 sectors. going from the edges to the central part. The center is called Bull, which means “bull” in English. For hitting it with a dart, the player is awarded 50 points. This is followed by the so-called "bull's eye", which frames the center. Hitting it brings 25 points.

Scoring by sectors is carried out as follows. Opposite each of them is the nominal "weight". The most significant sector is the twenty, which is located vertically, the lowest is one. In the game of darts, all profitable and unprofitable zones are next to each other, so getting to the desired mark is not so easy. For example, the 20th sector is located near the 5th and 1st. In addition, there are still lines of doubling and tripling points. The first is a ring covering the target from the outside, the second is the inner strip.

Darts for darts

A standard dart dart consists of:

  • plumage;
  • shank;
  • barrels;
  • tip.

The main body of a dart for darts is a barrel. It is made from various materials and a wide variety of sizes and shapes. The fins and tails are replaceable parts that provide the aerodynamic capabilities of the darts. As a rule, they wear out, based on the frequency and intensity of the game. The barrel is made from several types of materials.

There are the following types of barrels:

  • TUNGSTEN (tungsten, have a very high density, which is why they are made much thinner than all other types, with the same mass ratio; they make it possible to achieve high performance in the game due to accuracy and accuracy; intended for the pro level);
  • NICKEL-SILVER (nickel-silver, made of heavy alloys of nickel and German silver, similar to brass, differing from them in greater strength, hardness and heaviness; uniform in composition; designed for players with an average level of skill);
  • BRASS (brass, used for inexpensive darts; thicker in diameter than all other types of barrels; used for entry-level play, intended for beginners).

In addition, darts for darts are also divided depending on the sharpness of the tip and are:

  • SOFTIP (with a blunt end; designed for playing electronic darts, but can also be combined with sisal targets made on the basis of fiber extracted from the leaves of Agava sisalana - a Mexican plant belonging to the agave family);
  • STEELTIP (with a pointed tip; used for throwing at sisal targets only).

Darts rules

Now there are a very large number of darts games with their own rules for holding “tournaments”. However, there are still points common to all: the sequence of throws with throwing only three darts; a bounce of a dart from a target automatically removes the participant from the game, as well as a miss, without scoring points and without the right to re-attempt the throw, even if all three darts flew off.

The most common darts games are Bull, 501, Big Round and American Cricket. According to Bull rules, all throws are directed exclusively to the center of the target, with hits only on the green ring or on the bull. The goal of the competition is to be the first to score the maximum number of points. "501" is rather a team game, consisting, according to the rules, in subtracting from the specified number the amount of points scored for each attempt. The first person to reach zero wins.

The "big round" is a good warm-up game with its own rules: 1 or 2 people play, gaining as many points as possible and throwing 3 darts in each sector - alternately, starting from 1 to 20 and ending with the bull, that is, the center. The rules of "American cricket" are slightly different: each of the participants is obliged to close all sectors from 20 to 15 and the center of the target, scoring no less than or more than the opponent. Sectors are considered closed if they were hit with a dart at least three times.

Dart technique

The first point of the darts technique: you can not put your hand too far back and give acceleration to the dart (and also with the help of the body body) - this will only give extra holes on the wall, but not an accurate hit on the target.

The second point of the darts technique: the players must stand firmly on their feet, placing the foot, thigh, shoulder, elbow and hand in one line and being with their right side towards the target with the transfer of the entire body weight to the right leg (if the participant is right-handed, if the participant is left-handed, then vice versa to the left). Next, after tilting forward, you need to pick up a comfortable stand and only then throw a dart.

The third point of the darts technique: the dart should be held in such a way that its tip is directed exactly at the target. The throw is made from the shoulder, moving only the brush.

The fourth point of the darts technique: you need to remove the darts from the target by rotating them clockwise, which will give it a longer service life.

The fifth point of the darts technique: it is preferable to work out the basic technique on throws to the bull (the central part of the target) - this will help develop your own throwing style.

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