The image of Grisha Dobrosklonov in the poem "Who in Rus' should live well" (School essays). The image of Grisha Dobrosklonov in the poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" (School essays) Grigory Dobrosklonov people's defender

Composition on the topic “The image of the people's protector Grisha Dobrosklonov. 3.00 /5 (60.00%) 2 votes

In Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”, we see a huge variety of images and heroes. They are all different: rich and poor, workers and clergymen, bares and princes. Each of the images is important and, of course, carries a huge meaning.
All the heroes of the poem can be divided into two groups. The first group is peasants, workers. These include Yakim Nagogoy, Yermila Grinin, old man Savely, Ipat, Klim and other peasants. This group of people are simple workers who have fallen into economic dependence and cannot find true happiness in any way. Each of them tells his own story, they are all different, but they have the same meaning: the heavy share of the Russian people does not allow him to live peacefully and happily. The peasants are in constant submission, one might even say "slavery" to their masters. Constantly busy with hard work, enduring all the hardships of everyday peasant life, people could "rest" only on holidays. Drinking was the only entertainment for the working peasants. Bitter drunkenness ruined many of them.
The second group is the boyars, the princes - the ruling class. Many of the peasants are slavishly devoted to them and are happy that they can obey the boyars.

Among the variety of all heroes, one can be distinguished, not like everyone else. This is Grigory Dobrosklonov. Grisha is the son of a village sexton, he is one of the representatives of the peasantry in the poem. The life of this hero should be different than that of the peasants, because according to the law, serfdom should not have been extended to church employees. But, the life of Grigory Dobrosklonov and his relatives was no different from the life of other working peasants. Peasant life is close to the hero, he personally knew all the hardships and worries of the peasants. From childhood, Gregory was brave and was not afraid of either work or hard life. Here is how Nekrasov writes about him:
"And soon in the boy's heart
With love to the poor mother
Love for all
Merged - and fifteen years
Gregory already knew for sure
To whom will he give his whole life
And for whom will he die?
In confirmation of the above, I quote: “In love for the people, he found something unshakable, some kind of unshakable and holy outcome to everything that tormented him. And if so, then, therefore, he did not find anything holier, more unshakable, more true than to bow before. He could not believe all self-justification only in verses about the people. And if so, then, therefore, he bowed before the People's Truth. If he did not find anything in his life more worthy of love than the people, then, therefore, he recognized the Truth of the people, And the Truth among the people, And that the truth exists and is preserved only among the people. If he did not quite consciously, not in conviction, he admitted this, then he admitted it with his heart, irresistibly, irresistibly. In this vicious peasant, whose humiliated and humiliating image tormented him so much, he found, therefore, something true and holy, which he could not help but revere, to which he could not but respond with all his heart. (From the "Diary of a Writer") S. A. Andreevsky.
We see that Gregory was ready to intercede, fight and, if necessary, fight for the people. In my opinion, Nekrasov compares this hero with himself and through his actions and words expresses his attitude to what is happening around him.
Grigory Dobrosklonov, who grew up in a poor family of a lazy and mediocre deacon, in hunger and cold, was hardened by life from childhood. That is why he set a life goal for himself so early and never retreated from it.
The hero has such important qualities as the ability to compassion, quick wit, intelligence, strong convictions, diligence, physical health.
The significance of this hero in the poem “To whom it is good to live in Rus'” is great, we can say that the image of Grigory Dobrosklonov is the main image in the entire poem.
Nekrasov, with all his work, and in particular with this poem, wanted to convey to the people the need to fight for their lives, for a better life, for their rights. The poet believed that the most important thing is to fight for happiness.
Using the example of other heroes, Nekrasov shows us the outcome of people who want to "go with the flow", who are lazy and believe that nothing will come of them. For example, Yakim Nagoi saw his happiness in drinking, in other ways, like many others. Many of the peasants believed that it was necessary to wait a while, and everything would work out by itself. This opinion is erroneous, the poet calls on everyone to live like Grisha Dobrosklonov, like a real fighter for the happiness of the people. Nekrasov writes that "incalculable power" lurks in the Russian people. Only this force was allowed into an unnecessary channel. The poet called on the peasants to fight for their lives, for happiness and a worthy future. Grigory Dobrosklonov, a courageous, strong and brave hero, was “appointed” as a role model by Nekrasov.

The poem “To whom it is good to live in Rus'” already in its title contains a question, the answer to which worried any enlightened person at the time of Nekrasov. And although the heroes of the work do not find someone who lives well, the author nevertheless makes it clear to the reader who he considers happy. The answer to this question is hidden in the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, a hero who appears in the last part of the poem, but is far from the last in ideological terms.

For the first time, readers get to know Grisha in the chapter “Good Time - Good Songs”, during a feast, due to which the image of Grisha in “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is initially associated with the concept of people's happiness. His father, the parish clerk, enjoys the love of the people - it is not without reason that he is invited to a peasant holiday. In turn, the clerk and sons are characterized as "simple guys, kind", along with the peasants, they mow and "drink vodka on holidays." So from the very beginning of creating the image, Nekrasov makes it clear that Grisha shares his whole life with the people.

Then the life of Grisha Dobrosklonov is described in more detail. Despite his origins from the clergy, Grisha was familiar with poverty from childhood. His father, Tryphon, lived "poorer than the seedy last peasant." Even a cat and a dog chose to run away from the family, unable to withstand hunger. All this is due to the fact that the sexton has a “light disposition”: he is always hungry and always looking for somewhere to drink. At the beginning of the chapter, the sons lead him, drunk, home. He boasts of his children, but he forgot to think about whether they are full.

It is no easier for Grisha in the seminary, where the already meager food is taken away by the "grabber economy." That is why Grisha has a “thin” face - sometimes he cannot fall asleep from hunger until the morning, everything is waiting for breakfast. Nekrasov several times focuses the reader's attention on this particular feature of Grisha's appearance - he is thin and pale, although in another life he could be a fine fellow: he has a wide bone and red hair. This appearance of the hero partly symbolizes all of Rus', which has the prerequisites for a free and happy life, but so far lives in a completely different way.

Grisha from childhood is familiar with the main problems of the peasantry: overwork, hunger and drunkenness. But all this does not embitter, but rather hardens the hero. From the age of fifteen, a firm conviction matures in him: you need to live exclusively for the good of your people, no matter how poor and wretched they are. In this decision, he is strengthened by the memory of his mother, caring and hardworking Domnushka, who lived a short century because of her labors ...

The image of Grisha's mother is the image of a Russian peasant woman beloved by Nekrasov, meek, unrequited, and at the same time carrying a huge gift of love. Grisha, her "beloved son", did not forget his mother after her death, moreover, her image merged for him with the image of the entire Vakhlachin. The last maternal gift - the song "Salty", testifying to the depth of maternal love - will accompany Grisha all his life. He sings it in the seminary, where "gloomy, strict, hungry."

And longing for his mother leads him to a selfless decision to devote his life to others who are equally disadvantaged.

Note that the songs are very important for the characterization of Grisha in Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'". They briefly and accurately reveal the essence of the ideas and aspirations of the hero, his main life priorities are clearly visible.

The first of the songs that sound from the lips of Grisha conveys his attitude towards Rus'. It can be seen that he perfectly understands all the problems that torn the country apart: slavery, ignorance and the disgrace of the peasants - Grisha sees all this without embellishment. He easily selects words that can terrify any, the most insensitive listener, and this shows his pain for his native country. And at the same time, the song contains hope for future happiness, the belief that the desired will is already approaching: “But you will not die, I know!” ...

Grisha's next song, about a barge hauler, reinforces the impression of the first, depicting in detail the fate of an honest worker who spends "honestly earned pennies" in a tavern. From private destinies, the hero moves to the image of "all mysterious Rus'" - this is how the song "Rus" is born. This is the anthem of his country, full of sincere love, in which faith in the future is heard: "The army rises - innumerable." However, someone is needed who would become the head of this army, and this fate is destined for Dobrosklonov.

There are two ways, - Grisha thinks, - one of them is wide, thorny, but a crowd greedy for temptations goes along it. There is an eternal struggle for "mortal blessings". It is on it, unfortunately, that the wanderers, the main characters of the poem, are sent at the beginning. They see happiness in purely practical things: wealth, honor and power. Therefore, it is not surprising that they fail to meet Grisha, who has chosen a different path for himself, "close, but honest." Only strong and loving souls who want to intercede for the offended go along this path. Among them is the future people's protector Grisha Dobrosklonov, for whom fate is preparing "a glorious path, ... consumption and Siberia." This road is not easy and does not bring personal happiness, and yet, according to Nekrasov, only in this way - in unity with all the people - can one become truly happy. The “great truth” expressed in Grisha Dobrosklonov’s song gives him such joy that he runs home, “jumping” with happiness and feeling “immense strength” in himself. At home, his enthusiasm is confirmed and shared by his brother, who spoke of Grisha's song as "divine" - i.e. finally acknowledging that he had the truth on his side.

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Src="" alt=">“People’s Protector” – Grisha Dobrosklonov">!}

Src="" alt=">In contrast to the repulsive images of the oppressors of the people in the poem depicts a bright and noble image of the "folk"> В противовес отталкивающим образам угнетателей народа в поэме нарисован светлый и благородный образ «народного заступника». Им является семинарист Гриша Добросклонов Гриша Добросклонов - сын «батрачки безответной» и сельского дьячка, жившего «беднее захудалого последнего крестьянина». Голодное детство, суровая юность сблизили его с народом, ускорили духовное созревание и определили жизненный путь Гриши:...лет пятнадцати Григорий твёрдо знал уже, Что будет жить для счастия Убогого и тёмного Родного уголка.!}

Src="" alt=">Grisha resembles Dobrolyubov in many ways Like Dobrolyubov, Grisha Dobrosklonov is a wrestler"> Многими чертами своего характера Гриша напоминает Добролюбова. Как и Добролюбов, Гриша Добросклонов - борец за народное счастье; он хочет быть первым там, «где трудно дышится, где горе слышится».!}

Src="" alt=">In the image of Grigory Nekrasov, he answered the question : what should a fighter for the people's interests do?"> Образом Григория Некрасов давал ответ на вопрос: что делать борцу за народные интересы? Иди к униженным, Иди к обиженным Там нужен ты.!}

Src="" alt=">Grigory joins the ranks of those who ready "to fight, to work for the bypassed, for"> Григорий становится в ряды тех, кто готов «на бой, на труд за обойдённого, за угнетённого». Мысли Гриши постоянно обращены «ко всей Руси загадочной, к народу». В его душе «с любовью к бедной матери любовь ко всей вахлачине слилась». Григорий- верный сын народа. В образе Гриши Добросклонова Некрасов видит представителя трудовой народной массы, кровно с ней связанного: «Как ни темна вахлачина», как ни забита барщиной и рабством, она, «благословясь, поставила в Григорье Добросклонове такого посланца». Ему чужды заботы о личном благополучии, для него «доля народа, счастье его, свет и свобода прежде всего».!}

Src="" alt=">Nekrasovsky revolutionary is ready to give his life for so that “every peasant lives freely and cheerfully on"> Некрасовский революционер готов отдать свою жизнь за то, чтоб «каждому крестьянину жилось вольготно-весело на всей святой Руси». Гриша не одинок. На «честные пути», в бой за «честное дело» вышли уже сотни людей, подобных ему. Ему, как и другим борцам, ...судьба готовила Путь славный, имя громкое Народного заступника, Чахотку и Сибирь.!}

Src="" alt=">But Grisha is not afraid of the upcoming trials, because he believes in the triumph of that cause,"> Но Гришу не пугают предстоящие испытания, потому что он верит в торжество того дела, которому посвятил свою жизнь. Он знает, что его родине «суждено ещё много страдать», но верит в то, что она не погибнет, и поэтому чувствует «в груди своей силы необъятные». Он видит, что многомиллионный народ пробуждается к борьбе: Рать подымается Неисчислимая! Сила в ней-скажется Несокрушимая!!}

Src="" alt=">To the main question of the poem - who Russ live well? - Nekrasov replies in a way"> На основной вопрос поэмы - кому на Руси жить хорошо? - Некрасов отвечает образом Гриши Добросклонова, «народного заступника». Вот почему поэт говорит: Быть бы нашим странникам под родною крышею, Если б знать могли они, что творилось с Гришею. Труден, но прекрасен путь, по которому идёт Гриша Добросклонов. На этот путь вступают «лишь души сильные любвеобильные». На нём ждёт человека подлинное счастье, ибо счастлив может быть только тот, говорит Некрасов, кто себя отдаёт борьбе за благо и счастье народа.!}

Essay text:

Go to the downtrodden. Go to the offended, we need you!
Ya. A. Nekrasov
The poem To whom in Rus' to live well was created in the mid-70s, during the period of a new democratic upsurge, when Russia was on the verge of a revolution. The Narodniks, who preached revolutionary ideas, pinned all their hopes on the peasantry. With the aim of revolutionary propaganda, a mass movement of the intelligentsia into the people began. However, going to the people was not crowned. This text is intended only for private use - success. The peasant masses remained indifferent to the revolutionary preaching of the Narodniks. The question of how to introduce revolutionary consciousness into the masses, to direct them to the path of active struggle, is especially acute in the current situation. In the populist environment at that time there were disputes about the forms and methods of propaganda in the countryside. In the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, the author is also included in this dispute. Nekrasov did not doubt the need for a lively connection between the intelligentsia and the people and the effectiveness of revolutionary propaganda among the peasants even when going to the people failed. Such a fighter-agitator who goes along with the people, influencing the consciousness of the peasantry, is Grisha Dobrosklonov. He is the son of a deacon who lived poorer than the last poor peasant, and an unrequited laborer who salted her bread with her tears. Hungry childhood and harsh youth brought him closer to the people, determined the life path of Gregory.
...for about fifteen years, Grigory firmly knew already, That he would live for the happiness of the wretched and dark native corner.
In many of his character traits, Grisha resembles Dobrolyubov. Like Dobrolyubov, Dobrosklonov is a fighter for peasant interests, for all the offended and humiliated. He wants to be the first there, ... where it is difficult to breathe, where grief is heard. He does not need wealth and is alien to concerns about personal well-being. The Nekrasov revolutionary is preparing to give his life so that ... every peasant lives freely and cheerfully in all of holy Rus'!
Gregory is not alone. Hundreds of people like him have already taken honest paths. Like all revolutionaries
fate prepared for him
The path is glorious, the name is loud
people's protector,
Consumption and Siberia.
But Gregory is not afraid of the upcoming trials, because he believes in the triumph of the cause to which he devoted his whole life. He sees that the people of many millions themselves are awakening to struggle.
An innumerable army rises, the Indestructible Strength will affect it!
This thought fills his soul with joy and confidence in victory. The poem shows what a strong effect the words of Gregory have on the Vakhlak peasants and on the seven wanderers, what they infect with faith in the future, in happiness for all of Rus'.
Grigory Dobrosklonov is the future leader of the peasantry, the spokesman for his anger and reason. His path is hard, but also glorious, only strong, loving souls enter it, true happiness awaits a person on it, because the greatest happiness, according to Nekrasov, consists in the struggle for the freedom of the oppressed. To the main question: Who can live well in Rus'? Nekrasov answers: fighters for the happiness of the people. This is the meaning of the poem.
Our wanderers would be under their native roof, If only they could know what happened to Grisha. In his chest he heard immense strength, His gracious sounds delighted his ears, The radiant sounds of the noble hymn He sang the embodiment of the happiness of the people.
The poet connects the fate of the people with successful
union of the peasantry and the intelligentsia,
laying down my solution to the question of how to install
contact and mutual understanding, how to eliminate su
the gap that exists between them. Only joint
the great efforts of the revolutionaries and the people can
and the peasantry on the broad road of freedom and
happiness. In the meantime, the Russian people are still on the way
to a feast for the whole world.

The rights to the essay "The People's Defender - Grisha Dobrosklonov (based on the poem Who Lives Well in Rus')" belong to its author. When citing material, it is necessary to indicate a hyperlink to

So that my countrymen

And every peasant

Lived freely and cheerfully

All over holy Rus'!

N. A. Nekrasov. Who lives well in Rus'

In the image of the people's protector Grisha Dobrosklonov, the author's ideal of a positive hero was embodied. This image was the result of N. A. Nekrasov’s thoughts about the paths leading to the happiness of the Russian people. Truthfully, but very ethically, the poet managed to display the best character traits of Grisha - an optimistic fighter, closely connected with the people and believing in their great and bright future.

Ros Grisha in poverty. His father, Tryphon, a village deacon, lived "poorer than the last poor peasant", was always hungry. Grisha's mother, Domna, is "an unrequited laborer for everyone who helped her in some way on a rainy day." Grisha himself studies at the seminary, which for him was a "nurse". No matter how poorly they were fed in the seminary, the young man shared the last piece of bread with his mother.

Grisha thought about life early, and at the age of fifteen he already knew for sure "to whom he would give his whole life and for whom he would die." In front of him, as in front of any thinking person, he clearly saw only two roads:

One spacious Road - tornaya. The passions of a slave...

A crowd greedy for temptation moves along this path, for which even the thought of “a sincere life” is ridiculous. This is the road of soullessness and cruelty, because "for the mortal blessings" "eternal, inhuman enmity-war" boils there.

But there is a second road: Another is narrow, The road is honest, Only strong souls, Loving souls, Go to battle, to work ...

Grigory Dobrosklonov chooses this path, because he sees his place next to the “humiliated” and “offended”. This is the road of people's defenders, revolutionaries, and Grisha is not alone in his choice:

Rus' has already sent a lot of its Sons, marked with the Seal of God's gift, On honest paths...

Grisha has not only a bright mind and an honest rebellious heart, he is also endowed with the gift of eloquence. He knows how to convince the peasants, who listen to him and believe his words, to console them, to explain that it is not they who are to blame for the appearance of such people as Gleb the traitor, but the “support”, which gave birth to the “sins of the landowner”, and the sins of Gleb and "poor Jacob". material from the site

There is no support - there will be no new Gleb in Rus'!

Gregory understands the great power of the word better than the rest, because he is a poet. His songs raise the spirits of the peasants, delight the Vakhlaks. Still quite young Grisha can draw the attention of the disadvantaged people to the idea of ​​protest with his songs and lead him. He believes that people's strength is "a calm conscience, I really live for tea", therefore he feels "immense strength in his chest."

Grigory Dobrosklonov finds his happiness in love for the motherland and people, in the struggle for their freedom, and with this he not only answers the question of wanderers about who lives happily in Rus', but is also the personification of Nekrasov's understanding of the true purpose of his work , own life.