Folk art: fairy tales and their types. Pedagogical significance of works of oral folk art Folk wisdom in works of folklore

Danil Derbenev

The presented research work examines the role of proverbs and sayings in the life of society.

To reveal the research topic, literature on folk oral art, publications in periodicals, and Internet resources were used.

The practical significance of this study lies in the fact that the results obtained will help in carrying out educational activities of aesthetic and moral directions, through the study of the cultural heritage of Russia.



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"Folk wisdom in proverbs and sayings"


The presented research work examines the role of proverbs and sayings in the life of society.

Literature was used to reveal the research topic.on folk oral art, publications in periodicals, Internet resources.

The theoretical significance of the study allows:

To comprehend and to a large extent deepen the idea of ​​the role and place of proverbs and sayings in the life of society, their influence on the spiritual, moral and social atmosphere;

Determine the current state of folk wisdom and suggest ways to optimize its functioning;

The practical significance of this study lies in the fact that the results obtained will help in carrying out educational activities of aesthetic and moral directions, through the study of the cultural heritage of Russia.

This work gave scope for thought, in it I tried to follow a logically justified sequence.

This work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, applications, where the materials of the study of this problem are presented in various sources,materials of a sociological survey and research on the importance of proverbs and sayings today.




Section "Literary reading"

folk wisdom

in proverbs and sayings

Derbenev Danil

Student 3 "B" class

MBOU "Secondary School" No. 10


Rizvanova Raushania Ramilyevna

Primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary School" No. 10

Kogalym 2013

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………3

  1. Definition of proverbs and sayings……………………………………………………………4
  2. Origins of proverbs and sayings ………………………………………………..5
  3. Expression of core values ​​through folk wisdom ……………………….6
  4. Proverbs and sayings in literature…………………………………………………………… 7

2.1. Proverbs and sayings in modern society …………………………………………….8

Conclusion………………………………………………………………......................... ...............eleven

Bibliographic list………………………………………………………………………….11



"The old proverb never breaks"

folk wisdom

Language is the wealth of the people. How rich is the language! And how little we listen to our speech, the speech of our interlocutors. Many of us speak inexpressively, dimly, forgetting that there is a living, beautiful, kind and wise speech!

I didn’t learn my homework - the teacher will say: “Learning is light, and not learning is darkness.” At home, parents constantly respond to your request to be allowed to play on the computer: “I did the job - walk boldly” or “Business is time, and fun is an hour.”

Last year, I participated in the EMU erudite competition. The tasks of the competition required an excellent understanding of the knowledge of the Russian language and literary reading. One of the tasks was as follows: “Say a word - add a proverb!”. What a surprise it was when the results of the competition were summed up - only 2 people completed this task completely. The rest of the guys either did not give an answer at all, or gave incorrect answers. And I noticed that proverbs and sayings are little known to me and my peers.

And I have questions:

  1. How many proverbs does each of us know by heart?
  2. How to distinguish a proverb from a saying?
  3. What are the origins of proverbs and sayings?
  4. How do proverbs educate a person?

I could not find an answer to these questions, and it was decided to conduct a research work on the topic: "Folk wisdom in proverbs and sayings." As the Russian proverb says, "A big river starts with a small stream." And I decided to become such a stream, to convey to many the beauty, the benefits of folk proverbs and sayings.

Relevance: the study of proverbs and sayings helps not only to expand the vocabulary, but also to understand the national characteristics of their people.

Purpose of the study:determine the value and role of proverbs and sayings, show how beautiful, powerful and kind our speech is.

Object of study:proverbs and sayings of the Russian people.

Subject of study- the productivity of their use, social significance and role in modern Russian speech.

Hypothesis : if you explain the hidden meaning of proverbs and sayings, show the values ​​reflected in them, then we can expand our knowledge of our native language, replenish our vocabulary, better understand folk wisdom.

To achieve this goal, we have identifiedthe following tasks:

  1. To study the deep meaning, value of proverbs and sayings.
  2. Find the origins of proverbs and sayings.
  3. Conduct a study among students of MBOU "Secondary School No. 10" on the topic "Do you often use proverbs and sayings in your speech" and "What is your favorite proverb?"
  4. Determine the attitude of representatives of different generations to the subject of research.

For this project I used the followingresearch methods:Acquaintance with special literature, information on the Internet on this topic, a sociological survey of students and teachers, a conversation with parents, grandparents, generalization of research work, on the basis of which conclusions were drawn.

Chapter I. Proverbs and sayings as a rich source of cultural heritage

1.1 Definition of proverbs and sayings

Before exploring proverbs and sayings, I learned the meanings of these concepts. To do this, I turned to various dictionaries and encyclopedias. For example, in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov “A proverb is a short folk saying with an edifying meaning; a popular aphorism, and a saying is a short, stable expression, figurative, which, unlike a proverb, does not constitute a complete statement.


S.I. Ozhegov, 13 - 558

The compiler of the famous dictionary of Russian proverbs, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, gives the following definition: “A proverb is a short parable. It is a judgment, a sentence, a lesson."

About proverbs, Vladimir Ivanovich said that a proverb is a colloquial, short speech, walking among the people (“There is a saying for every Egor”). A proverb, unlike a proverb, does not generalize anything, does not teach anyone, is used as a figurative speech. The proverb does not finish, but only hints. 2

The purpose of the saying is to tell as brightly, more figuratively as possible about a phenomenon or event. Sayings help to express the emotional state: “Like peas on the wall”, “Sits like on pins and needles”, “Puffed up like a turkey”. But if we like someone, then the sayings are different: “He says that he will give you a ruble”, “Like cheese in butter”.

The people themselves offer such a difference between a proverb and a saying: "A proverb is a flower, and a proverb is a berry." From which we can conclude that proverbs contain folk wisdom, a complete judgment.

1.2. Origins of proverbs and sayings

It is difficult to say from what time proverbs originate - oral short sayings endowed with a special meaning. It can be assumed that their origin goes back to ancient times. Or at the time of the emergence of human speech. Perhaps the first proverbs were depicted on the walls, in the form of pictures - after all, even then a person needed to transfer his observations. Someone once correctly noticed the obvious, expressed his thought smartly, vividly. Other people picked up, remembered, passed on, contributed something of their own. A people that can neither read nor write, as it were, created their own oral school.

Proverbs, along with sayings, have become a kind of form of preservation and transmission of one's life experience to subsequent generations. Scientists believe that the first proverbs appeared in connection with the need to fix some rules, tips, customs.Proverbs are very diverse in their subject matter. “There are thousands, tens of thousands! As if on wings, they fly from century to century, from one generation to another.” 2


2Dal V. Proverbs of the Russian people. // Sat. proverbs, sayings, sayings, - M .: 1862 (ed. 2, St. Petersburg, 1879, 2 vols).

The first collection of Russian proverbs and sayings that has come down to us dates back to the end of the 17th century. This is "Tales or proverbs of the people in alphabetical order." The compiler remained unknown, and more than 2500 proverbs and sayings were included in the collection.

In the 19th century, a collection by V.I. Dahl "Proverbs of the Russian people", Dahl for the first time distributed them by topic: "Rus' - Motherland", "People - World", "Learning - Science", "Past - Future", "Good and Evil", "Truth and Lies"(Annex 1)

There are 180 topics, and more than 30,000 proverbs. Dal, according to him, has been collecting all his life "bit by bit what he heard from his teacher, the living Russian language."

1.3. Expressing Core Values ​​Through Folk Wisdom

K.D. Ushinsky writes about proverbs: “In terms of content, our proverbs are important for initial learning in that they, like in a mirror, reflect Russian folk life with all its picturesque features. In folk

proverbs reflected all aspects of the life of the people: home, family, field, forest, social: their needs, habits, their view of nature, people, the meaning of all phenomena of life. 3

Proverbs for us are a kind of textbook of life; they are of great social importance. Their educational value is great. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, wrote that the proverb "is the color of the people's mind, this is the worldly folk truth." 4 In their best proverbs, the people passed on from fathers to sons, from grandfathers to grandchildren their cherished rules of life, taught children to reason.

Proverbs instill in a person love for the Motherland, for work, reveal the nature of the relationship between people; condemn stupidity, laziness; praise the mind, diligence, modesty. Thanks to proverbs, you can easily decide what to do in a difficult situation. By following the proverbs, we can be sure that we are doing the right thing.No wonder they say: "As the proverb says, so act."

At all times, one of the main values ​​is human health, so a huge numberproverbs and sayings on this topic:


3 K. D. Ushinsky. Pedagogical essays in six volumes. Volume 2, p167.

4 "Tales, proverbs, riddles", Moscow "Children's Literature", 1989 (1)

"Cleanliness is the key to health"; "Sick - get treated, and healthy - beware» (Appendix 2)

In proverbs and sayings, we see vivid examples of the fact that our ancestors valued learning, science, diligence and hard work, and stupidity, laziness, were condemned and despised: “Learning is light, not learning is darkness”(Annex 3) The people devoted a large number of proverbs and sayings to kindness and philanthropy, responsiveness

and thanks. “If you want good for yourself, do no harm to anyone”; "Good is not born from evil"(Annex 4)

“A proverb is said to the word” - the skillful and quick use of proverbs and sayings testifies to resourcefulness, a sharp mind. Knowledge of proverbs and sayings enriches, makes us more attentive to the word, to the native language, develops memory.

Thus, Russian proverbs are of great social value. It consists in a cognitive, educational and aesthetic meaning, in a rich life content, a deep meaning.

1 .4. Proverbs and sayings in literature

Examples of the use of proverbs and sayings can also be found in written speech and literature. Especially many of these grains of wisdom can be found in Russian folk tales. For example, the well-known fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane": "How it backfired, and responded." In the fairy tale "Two Proverbs" - "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends", "It is good to be thrifty, but even better to be kind." But most of all, proverbs owe a literary fable, especially the fables of I.A. Krylov. Who does not know his proverbs! “Ay, Moska is so strong. Kohl barks at the elephant”, “And the casket just opened”.

Proverbs can change under the influence of time and history. Previously, they always said: “One is not a warrior in the field,” and during the Great Patriotic War, our soldiers sounded this saying in a new way: “If you are tailored in Russian, and one is a warrior in the field,” thereby praising the spirit and heroism of the Russian soldier .

We found out what great importance was attached to proverbs and sayings in the past, but how are things now? Is there any interest in folk wisdom in the modern world? These and other questions I put before myself, starting research on the topic: "Folk wisdom in proverbs and sayings."

Chapter II. Without saving the past there is no future

2.1. Proverbs and sayings in modern society

"Without the past, there is no future," says the popular proverb. And it’s hard to disagree with this, how hard it is to disagree with the words of the great teacher K.D. Ushinsky: “The proverb is good because it almost always, despite the fact that it is shorter than a bird’s nose, there is something that the child should understand : represents a small mental task, completely childish. 5

To study the situation in relation to the subject of research, as an additional, clarifying material, I studied special literature, interviewed, and conducted a sociological survey. For the most objective reflection of reality, 40 representatives of different generations participated in the survey, namely, students of our school, people of older and middle age, asked a question on a forum on the Internet. This allowed me to identify the modern attitude of children and adults to the proverbs and sayings of the Russian people.

This is confirmed by the results of a sociological survey among students of the MOU "Secondary School" No. 10.

(Annex 5)


Younger children's answers

school age

Answers of children of average

school age

How often do you use proverbs in your speech?

Often -10%






For what purpose do you use proverbs?

Give advice-22%


Beautify speech-60%

Give advice-22%


Beautify speech-43%

From what sources do you learn proverbs?



Speech of teachers-25%

Parental speech -23%



Speech of teachers-25%

Parents' speech - 30%

Thus, we see that the survey revealed a number of problems. An analysis of the attitude of schoolchildren to folk wisdom confirms that proverbs are not used actively enough. Not all sources of information are used.

During the research, I interviewed students from our school. Analyzing


5 K. D. Ushinsky. Pedagogical essays in six volumes. Volume 2, p167.

interview results, it is obvious that proverbs and sayings are little known to modern children.

Also on social networks, the Internet, with the help of my parents, conducted a survey on the topic I was researching, asking the users of one of the forums: “Do you use proverbs and sayings in your speech”? The survey involved 230 people of older and middle age.

Here are some excerpts from the responses:(Annex 6)

  • It happens sometimes. It's kind of empty without them.
  • I can't say the words without them! Honestly! i am a philologist.
  • Almost no, more often I hear from my parents, they are somehow better at it.
  • Sometimes I don't even realize I'm using it.
  • Certainly! Who doesn't use them!? Except babies!

After analyzing the statements of forum users, I came to the conclusion that proverbs and sayings are more often used by people of middle and older age.

To determine the degree of popularity in the use of proverbs and sayings, I conducted a sociological survey among the teachers of our school. The teachers were asked the question: “What proverbs and sayings do they know and use in their speech?” Based on the results of the survey, the data were entered into a table and processed(Annex 7)

It can be concluded that the most popular proverbs used by teachers are: “Without labor, you cannot pull a fish out of a pond”; "Teaching is light, not teaching is darkness."

The proverb is applied to various everyday situations. We paid attention to the fact that residents of our city of different age groups use different proverbs in their speech. With what it is connected, I decided to check(Annex 8)

Analyzing the data collected during the study, it is clear that:

1. Among the age group of 7-13 years old, a common proverb is the proverb "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends." This is determined by the fact that at this age, interpersonal relationships among adolescents are more important than work.

2. Among the age group of 15-22 years, there is no most popular proverb in terms of use, they are on different topics. This confirms that this age is the most active in a person's life. People of this age care about everything: worldly wisdom, education, truth, love, family.

3. Among the age group of 23-35 years, the most common proverb is,

“You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without effort.” These people are already responsible for their families, children, their parents.

4. Among the age groups of 36-50 years and above, proverbs about work, life, good and evil, lies, God are common. This is due to the fact that in adulthood a person begins to think about the meaning of life, sums up his activities, tries to do the right thing, looks up to the Bible, fiction.

I was interested in the question, are proverbs necessary in modern communication?

The results of the survey and surveys are presented in the table(Annex 9)


Schoolchildren's answers


middle-aged people

Answers from older people

Are proverbs necessary in modern communication?

Yes - 80%

No - 6%

Difficult to answer -14%

Yes - 90%

No -8%

Difficult to answer - 2%

Yes -100%

No - 0%

Difficult to answer - 0%

In the course of the study, we found out that proverbs and sayings are necessary in modern communication, they do not cease to exist and attract people of any age.

But, unfortunately, my generation knows little proverbs and sayings. This happens because we modern schoolchildren have lost interest in reading. We read little, mostly only software works and are not at all interested in other literature, we spend most of our time at the computer than in a living environment. As a result, works of folk art are little used in our speech.

In order to correct the situation with regard to the subject of research, I propose to pay more attention to folk art. At school, you can hold competitions, competitions in the knowledge of proverbs and sayings. In the classroom, organize an exhibition of drawings on the topic: "The old proverb of the century will not break."


Concluding the study, I would like to note that the work on this topic turned out to be very relevant and interesting.

Summing up the study, it can be said that:

  • Knowledge of proverbs and sayings enriches a person, sharpens his mind, makes him more attentive to the word, language, develops memory.

This research work can be useful for extracurricular and literary reading.

Thus, the research hypothesis put forward by us that if we explain the hidden meaning of proverbs and sayings, show the values ​​reflected in them, then we can expand our knowledge of our native language, replenish our vocabulary, better understand folk wisdom, was confirmed.

Knowing proverbs and sayings, being able to use them in time and, by the way, using them in speech to accurately express your thoughts is a big deal. All this must be learned.

twenty two proverbs

I remembered in a row.

Twenty-two proverbs

This is a whole treasure!

And just collected their class

Nearly a hundred and fifty

And they are not in the eyebrow, but in the eye

They come up often!

Bibliographic list

  1. Arutyunova, N.D. Language and the human world / N.D. Arutyunova. - M., 1999.
  2. Dal, V.I. Proverbs of the Russian people / V.I.Dal. - M.: Eksmo, 2003.
  3. Dal, V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language / V.I. Dal. - M., 1955.
  4. Kruglov, Yu. G. Russian folk riddles, proverbs, sayings / Yu.G. Kruglov. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990.
  5. Grammar of proverbial wisdom / G.L. Permyakov / / Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the East. - M., 2001.

Internet resources:

Oral folk art - the beginning of the art of the word
Oral folk art is the oldest form of human verbal creativity. It arose many centuries ago, when there was no written language and people did not know what letters were. How did such works come about? One person will compose, say, a fairy tale, translate it to others, and those to whom, and so the work is transmitted from person to person, from one locality to another. Passing from mouth to mouth a fairy tale, song, proverb, saying or riddle, people could change it, add something of their own. Thus, the same work in different areas could have some differences. If a literary work is written by a certain one person or several people, then a folk song or saying appears as a result of the communication of many people, and it is no longer possible to establish who invented it first. Many people participate in its creation, which is why the works that appeared and were not written down on paper for a long time are called folk works. Another name for oral folk art is folklore. This word translated from English means "folk wisdom". Two or three hundred years ago, people appeared who were interested in this work and began to write it down on paper. They were writers, scientists, or simply literate and educated people. Thanks to these people who spent their time and efforts, we can read such works simply in a book, we do not need to look for those who know many proverbs or fairy tales in order to get acquainted with folk art.
In everyday life, each of us uses folklore without noticing it. First, my mother sings lullabies to us, then in kindergarten we study riddles. But at school we get acquainted with other types of folk art. First, we study fairy tales, sayings and proverbs, then ditties, songs, thoughts.
Sayings and proverbs carry what is called folk wisdom. When I don't want to do my homework, my dad says, "If you don't run, you won't have lunch." And I understand that he does not mean that the one who does not run is left without lunch, but that I will not get a good mark if I do not do my home exercises. Sayings and proverbs cover various topics, namely: various human shortcomings, family and domestic relations, health, work, courage and courage, poverty and wealth, happiness and sorrow, and many others.
The works of oral folk art are always distinguished by the fact that they are easy to read, easy to remember, small in size. This is quite understandable, because they were not recorded anywhere, and it is impossible to remember a long and heavy work.
It is now believed that folklore appeared much earlier than other works, and I fully agree with this, because it existed already when people did not even imagine that letters existed.


IN 4 "a" CLASS











2012-2013 YEAR




“Where the song flows, life is easier there”

Russian folk song is a chronicle of the life of the people.

The purpose of the lesson:

To show the multidimensionality and harmony of all genres of folklore and the life-giving power of nature as the basis.

Prove that a folk song is not a "singalong with words", but a part of a person's life.

Lesson type:

Integrated lesson-game "Gatherings" (literature, music, labor training, fine arts).

Means of education:

Record player;

Russian folk instruments- spoons, rattles. rubel, whistles.

Applied art objects- products of Khokhloma, Gzhel, Palekh, Vologda, Zhostov;

Music material:

finale of Symphony No. 4 by P.I. Tchaikovsky,

scene "Seeing Shrovetide" from the opera "The Snow Maiden" N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov;

Literary material:

M. Gorky "How the song was composed";

G. Serebryakov "Where are you from Russian music originated ..." (poem)


Elements of Russian folk costumes; household items.


Organizing time.

Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Theme of the lesson "FOLKLORE - FOLK WISDOM"

Folklore is a treasury of knowledge necessary to preserve and prolong human life on Earth. The content reflects a thoughtful and careful attitude to the world around, the inextricable connection of man with nature and society.

Collective memory transmits its national culture from generation to generation.

Folklore is based on two main concepts: oral folk art and applied.

Think about why such names were given - oral and applied folk art - and name what applies to each of these concepts (to oral folk art - songs, fairy tales, epics, proverbs, sayings, rituals, - to applied - everything that hands are attached - household items, household utensils, tools)

In the popular mind, a stable image of the year as a circle has developed, because since ancient times it has been believed that the sun is a wheel that rolls from east to west.

We still say "All year round".

A year is not just a time of 12 months. The word "year" has a root that says that this time is "suitable", "pleasing"

The year began in March, at this time nature awakens, heat overcomes cold, birds arrive

MARCH - our ancestors called him a protalnik, a rookery, a dropper,

Folk signs:

March is the morning of the year.

In March, a chicken from a puddle will get drunk.

March 22 - Magpies - housewives baked forty balls from rye flour and then every morning they threw one ball into the street, thus counting forty frosts.

In March, migratory birds called, chants, voices were sung, that's when whistles made in winter come in handy. With them, the children climbed onto the roofs of houses and wailed, calling migratory birds.

Call "Oh, waders" (use of whistles and flutes)

APRIL - pollen (water carrier, caddisfly, primrose)


April starts with snow and ends with greenery

The sun from the April hill rolls into the summer

April streams wake the earth.

In April, work began on preparing the land for sowing. The earth played a major role in people's lives. - Why? (Earth is the mother of all living things, she fed)

She was called the nurse, they called the Mother of Cheese Earth, they kissed her at the conclusion of contracts, and in special cases they ate a small lump of earth.

At the end of April, a holiday came when young people for the first time after winter went out to street festivities - “Krasnaya Gorka” (they swung on a swing, danced round dances.)

“I WALK WITH THE WINNER” - round dance.

MAY - grass (Maya - the goddess of fertility in ancient Rome).


May grass feeds the hungry.

If it rains in May, there will be rye.

March - with water, April with grass, May - with flowers.

On May 6, Egoriev's Day, for the first time they drove cattle into the field, played the shepherd's horns, pipes.

"KOROVUSHKA" - flute.

Spring suffering begins: sowing in the fields and gardens, (spring day feeds the year - what you sow, you will reap).


JUNE - worm (colorful, meeting of summer). Zhostovo

Trinity - birch holiday, worship of mother - nature. They carry the birch tree to the church, to the house, the girls “curl” the birch tree (tie the branches with grass), dance around it, decorate the birch tree with flowers, ribbons, beads. And at sunset, they “undress” her, make wreaths, insert a candle into it and throw it into the river.

The round dance is the most important life-affirming tool, it was believed that holding hands, people gained the power of unity. The main drawing of the round dance is a circle, a symbol of the sun. Before Ivan Kupala, round dances were led “in the direction of the sun” (clockwise), and after that - “against the sun.

P.I. Tchaikovsky. SYMPHONY №4. THE FINAL.

JULY - Linden (mid color, month of berries, sweet tooth)

AUGUST - serpen (sunset of summer, gatherer-storage)


SEPTEMBER - Veresen (field ash, golden flower) KHOKHLOMA

Grain harvest time (rye, oats, barley)

Everything that was reaped in the field was called rye.

What is the origin of the word "zhito"? (life)

Playing out the song “OH, WE SHARED LIFE, SHARED…” - LABOR (survival)

What tools did our ancestors use? (sickle)

Who reaped the belly, as the song says? (zhnei - women)

On September 21, the peasants had a ritual - a meeting of autumn - early in the morning women went to the river bank. The eldest was holding oatmeal in her hands, and the young, standing around, sang.

Bread has always been treated with respect, with respect, from childhood they were taught to take care of bread, because it gets a lot of work

What proverbs and sayings about bread do you know?

September highlights:

In autumn, the winds roar and forest howler deer, hence the name of September - howler.

Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.

In September, the leaf on the tree does not hold.

In September, the day is finer, but the morning is worthless.

If the cranes fly slowly and talk, the weather will be fine.

At the end of September, they began to harvest cabbage for the winter.

OCTOBER - leaf fall (dirty, podzimnik)

Folk signs:

October will cover the earth where with a leaf, where with a snowball.

October then cries, then laughs.

In October at one o'clock and rain and snow.

Playing the song "Boyars, and we came to you ..." - SONG-GAME

And October was also popularly called a wedding day. Why do you think?

The time of weddings, festivities, because. in the field and in the garden all the work has been completed, in every house a lot has been prepared for the future.

The bride prepares her dowry, everything is done by her with her own hands. The girlfriends gathered for a bachelorette party, untwisted the bride's braids and sang a song.

The song “You are my river, river ...” - WEDDING.

What is the nature of this wedding song? (sad, slow pace.)

NOVEMBER - chest (leafy, gate of winter)WOODEN TOYS

November notes:

November chest - everywhere heaps of frozen earth.

November - September's grandson, October - son, winter - father.

If the sky cries in November, then after the rain and snow will come.

In November, winter and autumn fight.

November 12 was called Sinichkin's holiday, by this time winter birds arrive.

In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.

On long rainy evenings, the peasants did housework: they sewed, embroidered,

they made household utensils from wood There were always a lot of children in families - little, little, less. A cradle with a baby hung in the middle of the house, it was so convenient to rock it without interrupting work.

What are the names of the songs that rocked the children to? (Lullabies)

Remember the beginning of the lullaby "LIKE A MONTH" and come up with words further.

(girls sing a lullaby and needlework)

DECEMBER - jelly (cold, frowning) LACE


December ends the year, winter begins.

In December, winter lays white canvases, and frost builds bridges across the rivers.

In December, after the solstice, at least for a sparrow lope, let the day arrive.

In the long December evenings, the peasants went to each other's gatherings, but they simply could not sit without work. Women wove ladles for the hut, spun, wove lace, and men prepared nets and nets for spring.

“ALWAYS, YOU ARE A FISH, YOU ARE A FISH-PERCH” (they sing and weave a net)

JANUARY - cut (Crackle, fierce. snowman) GZHEL


January is the melody of the year, the pinnacle of winter.

In January, the day grows, and the cold grows.

January ice on the rivers in the "prosin" paints

Although the January frost is strong, he cannot overcome fun and laughter.

Why is January called the most fun month? (Many holidays - Christmas,

Christmas time, mummers went from house to house with carols)

"OH, KALEDA, KALEDA ..." with tools

FEBRUARY - fierce (snow, blizzard) PALEKH


February has two friends - a blizzard and a blizzard.

February - crooked roads.

If February is cold - to a favorable summer.

February will add three hours to the day.

February 15 - Candlemas, winter meets summer. What is the weather on this day, wait for such a spring.

What holiday usually falls at the end of February? (Maslenitsa)

Name the games and fun of this holiday (riding from the mountains, playing snowballs, riding horses, making a snowman.)

Shrovetide chants - “And we are waiting for Shrove Tuesday ...”

"Early early chickens sang ..."

"Farewell, Shrovetide..."

N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov used carnival songs in the opera "The Snow Maiden" in the scene "Seeing Shrovetide"

The composer said: “All intonations are invented by the people, and we only process them.”

Listen to the scene "Seeing Shrovetide" and find familiar themes and intonations.

Fixing the material.

Summing up the lesson.

A folk song is not a melody with words, but a part of a person's life.

All folk art - oral and applied - is closely connected with nature, the change of seasons.

Composers used the themes of Russian folk songs in the most complex musical forms.


in 3"A" CLASS












in 3"A" CLASS
















“Music is created by the people, we, artists, simply arrange it ...” (M.I. Glinka)

Artistic and pedagogical idea of ​​the lesson:

Folk music is an inexhaustible source for composers

The purpose of the lesson:

To instill a careful attitude to the cultural traditions of their people;

To form the skills and creative skills of each student on a folklore basis;

Find the difference between folk music and folk style music:

Use differentiated teaching methods;

To develop the ability of students to work in pairs, in groups, as well as individually with advanced learning.

Lesson type:

Differentiated lesson-research.

Means of education:

Tape recorder, TV, CDs, piano

Russian folk instruments - spoons, rattles. rubel, whistles.

Elements of Russian folk costume and attributes of a shepherdess

Music material:

Lel's third song from Rimsky-Korsakov's The Snow Maiden

Literary material:

Excerpts from the play by A. Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden"

Fragments of the cartoon "Snow Maiden"

Homework (advance learning).

1 group. The content of the cartoon based on the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"

2 group. The content of the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden"

3rd group. Drawings for the fairy tale "Snow Maiden".

Each group makes a report on their assignment and the group receives points by agreement of all students.

Learning new material (work in groups).

Work with textbooks: text, illustrations, keywords and messages in the form of answers to questions that are received on cards.

1 group.

a) Which Russian writer wrote the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden"?

b) What do you think served as the primary source for the creation of the play?

c) What is the name of Rimsky-Korsakov's opera based on Ostrovsky's play of the same name?

2 group.

a) Who is Lel and what does he perform in Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Snow Maiden

b) What instrument does Lel play?

c) Why do his musical numbers occur in every act of the opera?

d) Can Lel's songs be called music in folk style?

3rd group.

a) What is the name of Lel's third song?

(b) Which instrument mimics the shepherd's horn?

c) Why did Rimsky-Korsakov use timpani in the Third Canto?

Listening (individual, group training).

Sounds like Lel's third song from Rimsky-Korsakov's The Snow Maiden.

Each group answers the questions that sounded in the messages when studying new material, given by other groups.

1 group.

a) What is the name of this piece of music? (Lel's third song from Rimsky-Korsakov's The Snow Maiden.

2 group.

a) What is the name of the opera, who is the composer and what literary work served as the basis for writing the opera? (composer Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Snow Maiden, literary work - Ostrovsky's play The Snow Maiden)

b) What instrument imitated the sounds of Lel's shepherd's horn? (clarinet is a woodwind instrument of a symphony orchestra)

3rd group.

a) Why did the composer give this part to a female voice? (this voice more accurately conveys the timbre and pitch of the young shepherdess Lelya)

b) How is the rondo form used in Lel's Third Canto? (this song has a verse and a chorus, and the chorus, with constant repetition without change, is the form of a rondo)

Learning (individual, group training, work in pairs)Learning and performing Lel's Third Song from Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Snow Maiden. The class is divided into groups of different composition and functions.

1. Conductor (1 student) - listens to the accompaniment of Lel's Third Song and directs the performance of the soloist and the instrumental group.

2. Soloist (1 student) - performs the melody of the verse under the guidance of the conductor.

3. Choir (10 students) - performs the chorus.

4. Instrumental group (6 students) - perform accompaniment on noise instruments (spoons, triangle, snare drum, tambourine, bell)

5. Props (2 students) - select elements of Lel's costume and his attributes

6. Members of the jury (the remaining students) - in pairs evaluate the work of the conductor, soloist, choir, instrumental group, props.

Viewing an episode of the cartoon "Snow Maiden" by the 2nd and 3rd groups.

Group 1 (she watched this episode in advance to do her homework) in pairs solves a crossword puzzle on the topic of the lesson, where keywords are used:song, clarinet, timpani, mezzo-soprano, Lel, Ostrovsky, fairy tale.

Summing up the lesson.

The teacher evaluates each student and their individual and group work. The best students check and evaluate the written work "Crossword".

As many of us know, folklore is not only poems or stories. This has its own zest, there are theatrical performances and so on. All emotions are very clearly conveyed by emotions, gestures and even intonation of the voice.

The way of our people was very long. Folklore accumulated in the history of our people. It is he who differs from all types of creativity in its diversity and rich heritage. Here we can find a lot of fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, songs, and so on, and this list is far from complete. In addition to all these varieties of genres, which, in fact, can be present in any work.

Folklore has its own unique and creative genres. These are, of course, riddles and proverbs. They are inherent not only for our people, but also for any part of the world. In any city you can hear some special local saying. There are many of them, and even some people like to collect these pearls of the folk genre.

But there is also folklore inherent only in a particular country. This is a very interesting trend. So, let's say, Russians own a larger number of ditties. The first ditty was written on this earth, and this genre belongs entirely to the Russian people. But the Ukrainian people own thoughts. These are very interesting works that are liked by different peoples.

Folklore has such significance due to the fact that it reflects various folk traditions. It is very important to inherit, because everyone wants to know what was before him. All this is passed down from generation to generation, and every nation cherishes it sacredly.

Keeping the folklore of your ancestors is very important, it is important to know and respect it.

Composition on the theme of folk wisdom in the works of oral creativity of Russian folklore (fairy tales, epics)

Some interesting essays

  • Composition The story of Katerina and Boris in the play by Ostrovsky Thunderstorm

    The play by Ostrovsky Thunderstorm presents a problem that many people face on the path of life. Ekaterina and Boris are two important characters who are involved in this situation. Let's look at how the love developed between these two characters.

  • Analysis of the work The Third Son of Platonov

    The topic of relations between generations, in particular between parents and children, can safely be called eternal. It is relevant at all times, in all historical eras. This question is philosophical, over which one can argue and argue endlessly.

  • Characteristics and image of Eugene Onegin in Pushkin's novel Grade 9 essay
  • Composition Description of a person's appearance Grade 7 (Girlfriends, friend, mothers, grandmothers)

    Frankly, I have many good, true friends. They are my classmates, boys and girls from my city. But my best friend for more than 5 years is Elizabeth

  • The image of St. Petersburg in Pushkin's novel Eugene Onegin
  • To broaden the horizons of students, to consolidate knowledge about the genres of Russian folklore.
  • To acquaint youth with entertainment in Rus' - village gatherings.
  • learn to perform folk rhymes and songs, accompanied by noise instruments, with movements. Determine by ear the genres of folk music - dance, round dance, lullaby;
  • develop memory, attention, performing and creative skills, rhythmic and timbre hearing;
  • to promote the formation of respect for and interest in Russian folk art and the customs of the Russian people, to encourage friendly relations between children.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Today you will be transported back several centuries and will be participants in village gatherings. After all, the theme of our lesson: "Folklore - folk wisdom."

3. Jokes, counting rhymes, teasers are folklore. The word folklore came to us from Old English. English folk - people, lore - teaching. Together these words - "folklore" - are translated as "folk wisdom". So all over the world it is customary to call oral musical and literary folk art. It was in the works of oral folk art that the folk experience, traditions, worldview were embodied, that is, folk wisdom was transmitted.

Musical folklore is folk songs and epics, dances and instrumental tunes. Unlike professional music, folklore does not know authorship. Works are passed from mouth to mouth, from one performer to another. "Folk songs, like musical organisms, are by no means the compositions of individual musical and creative talents, but the works of a whole people," A.N. Serov once wrote.

A long time ago in Rus', when there was no television, theaters, radio, and even more so computers, young people gathered for gatherings. What is this? Listen to the poem and you will understand everything.

On the rubble, in the light,
Or on some logs
Gatherings were going
The elderly and the young.
Did they sit by the torch,
Ile under the bright sky -
They talked, they sang songs
And they led a round dance.
And how they played! Into the burners!
Ah, the burners are good!
In a word, these gatherings -
They were a celebration of the soul.

U: What did the youth do at the gatherings?

D: They talked, joked, sang songs, danced and danced round dances, played games.

U: At the same time, the girls brought spinning wheels, or sewing, or a hoop with towel embroidery. The girls came to the gatherings first, sat down on the benches and began to spin. Guys approached one by one, two by two and in groups; entering, they prayed in front of the icons, then greeted: "Hello, red girls!" In response, it was heard: "Hello, good fellows!" (Playing a greeting.)

Imagine that you are sitting in a wooden hut. There is a table in the center, wooden benches along the walls, a fire crackles cheerfully in a Russian stove. Girls and boys are dressed in Russian folk costumes. (Pay attention to the sketches of Russian folk clothes). Everyone is here. We can start our gatherings.

Now for you guys
I will guess riddles.
I know, I know in advance -
You are a smart people.

A new vessel, but all in holes (sieve, sieve).

Wet, beat, tore, twisted and put on the table (tablecloth).

A flexible forest climbed onto the shoulders (rocker).

Four legs, two ears, one nose, and a belly (samovar).

I feed everyone willingly, but I myself am mouthless (spoon).

Without arms, without legs, but the gate opens (wind).

Now you ask each other riddles.

5. And what songs - nursery rhymes and songs - teasers do you know?

D: Rain, magpie, peas, cockerel, don-don, sun.

W: Let's sing these songs.

Sunshine, sunshine
Shine in the window.
Let's go to the field, to the meadow.
Let's gather in a circle. (Sing with transposition).

magpie, magpie,
Where was? - Far.
I cooked the porridge.
She fed the kids. (Sing with conducting).

Petya walked along the road, he found a pea.
And the pea fell, rolled and disappeared.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Peas will grow somewhere! (Singing with hands showing the movement of the melody).

Don-don-don. The cat's house caught fire.
The cat jumped out, eyes bulging.
A chicken is running with a bucket, flooding the cat's house. (Singing with clapping. Choir and one at a time).

6. W: Young people were very fond of playing games - bast shoes, burners, blind man's buff, hide and seek, cat and mouse, guesses. They made a "rope".

What games do you know? (Children name the games they know.)

And I offer you a game of attention. I will play different melodies, and you will perform movements to them. (Dance - they dance in a squat. Round dance - they spin or perform smooth movements with their hands. March - they march. Lullaby - they sit on chairs).

T: What are the genres of folk music that sounded in the game?

D: Dance, round dance and lullaby.

U: What kind of dance do you call a round dance, and what kind of dance? - (Children's answers).

Ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra
The girls are coming from the yard.
Songs to sing and dance
Amuse everyone around.

Children perform and act out the song "The Red Girls Came Out".

1. Sing a song, imagining yourself: a beautiful girl, a good fellow, grandma, grandpa.

Oh, the soul of the Russian people is wide!
And wherever they are in the wilderness.
Only spoons were taken in hand
And they played from the heart!

One group of children decorates the melody of "Kamarinskaya" with the sound of noise instruments.

The second group performs dance movements to the music.

Here are the instruments.
And then from all sides
There was applause.
Everyone goes to bow.

9. Did you like our gatherings?

What interesting things did you learn in the lesson? -

D: We learned about the entertainment of young people in Rus'. What did the youth do at gatherings, what games did they play, what songs did they sing? What is folklore?

U: Nursery rhymes, songs, riddles, proverbs and sayings are genres of Russian folklore. And folklore is folk art. Folklore is the wisdom of the people.

10. Our gatherings have come to an end. Our lesson has come to an end. Time to say good-bye.

T: The bell rang again and the lesson ended. Goodbye.

D: Goodbye.

11. Children leave the classroom for dance tunes.