The world is not without good people! “It will not be good if there is enmity among each other in the family”

The world is full of good people the world (in the world) is not without good people

There is a lot of mercy in people (and twice as much daring).

God has not found an enemy, but good people will be found (ironic)

Wed. Not without good souls in the world -

Someone will take you to Moscow,

You'll be at the university...

Nekrasov. Schoolboy.

Wed. Who are you?.. “Make a move, your honor...” - But who called you that, you scoundrel? - “Good people named it, your honor. The world is full of good people... known."

Dostoevsky. Notes from the House of the Dead. 2, 3.

Wed. About thirty rubles were collected. - Well, take it to her! tell (the fire victim) that The world is not without good people...

Saltykov. Fairy tales. Village fire.

Wed. Today I have already resigned and I remain, for the time being, with a family without a place... But God is merciful, and there are a lot of good people in the world, I'll find another one.

Dahl. Bacchus Sidorov. 7.

Cm. God save me from friends .

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and apt words. A collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. St. Petersburg, type. Ak. Sci.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what “the world is full of good people” means in other dictionaries:

    There are many kind people in the world. See GOOD MERCY EVIL...

    There is a lot of mercy in people (and twice as much daring). God did not find the enemy, but good people will be found (ironic) Cf. Not without good souls in the world Someone will take you to Moscow, You will be at the university... Nekrasov. Schoolboy. Wed. Who are you?.. Move the tore, your honor... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Male, plural women's people people male, collective people, the human race; people, world, society, everything and everyone; servants in the house, as a servant is called a person. We are all people, but not all people, i.e. the human race, but without human dignity. People… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Wed. material, all good cf. property or wealth, acquisition, goodness, esp. movable. All my goodness or kindness is gone. They have an abyss of stuff in their chests. All good is dust. | In spiritual meaning. It’s good that it’s honest and useful, everything that requires... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

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Ivan Mikhailovich Shevtsov

The world is not without good people

A number of burning problems and questions that the writer raised in his books twenty years ago have not lost their burning relevance today. In particular - alcoholism, getting people drunk.


A person wants so much good luck, especially at nineteen years old. Getting an A in history, getting a movie ticket to see a new Italian film that children under 16 are not allowed to watch - isn't that lucky! But for some reason life is structured in such a way that successes alternate with failures every now and then, and stormy joys and delights are often replaced by bitter disappointments and sorrows.

And who came up with the idea of ​​failure? Why haven’t they yet invented a strong and reliable remedy against them? And what can you do when you so want success, nothing but success!

Many people, even those who are far from superstitious, have, in addition to the general, so to speak widespread, signs, their own signs of success and failure. Vera Titova also had them.

Vera was blithely happy when people crossed her road with full buckets, and she hurried to cross to the other side of the street if a person with an empty bucket walked towards her. It was a “general” sign, everyone knew it. And there was another sign, only hers, Verina’s, that no one suspected or guessed about. Vera always tried to be the first to get off the trolleybus or the metro car, the first to step on the escalator stairs. The main thing is first, it’s good luck.

Trolleybus number two, which Vera was riding on today, was overcrowded. The windows open on both sides provided little relief from the unbearable stuffiness. Vera energetically made her way to the exit through the dense, unyielding crowd; today she definitely had to go out first, first at all costs. Today her fate was decided. To be Vera Titova a film actress or not to be - the lists of accepted first-year students will say so.

Vera’s stepfather Konstantin Lvovich Balashov believed that it was he who discovered Vera for cinema. He, the sculptor Balashov, introduced his adopted daughter to his friend, film director Evgeny Borisovich Ozerov. Evgeny Borisovich, in the presence of Vera’s mother Olga Efremovna and Konstantin Lvovich, authoritatively stated that Vera is a rare talent and that she was born for cinema.

“Your duty, my friends,” said the excited and pink-faced film director from drinking vodka, “is to do everything, absolutely everything for the future of this young talent.

Evgeny Borisovich’s sparkling eyes focused on the embarrassed and completely bewildered Vera and became thoughtful. His gaze, long, at first coldly thoughtful, gradually warmed, softened, turned into a light patronizing smile, in which the director’s eyes narrowed slightly, his right eyebrow rose slightly, and his thick lips moved slightly. This look made an impression on Vera, gave Olga Efremovna good hope, and Konstantin Lvovich, who was no more interested in his friend’s gaze than he is interested in the full moon of an equally full hog, said simply and directly:

And you help, Zhenya, help. Give your talent a go, bring it out.

And without any toast or ceremony, he knocked back a glass of vodka, washed it down with mineral water and had a delicious snack.

Balashov had been sculpting Ozerov’s portrait for two months now. Evgeniy Borisovich found that there was little resemblance in the portrait, but there was undoubtedly thought, character and, most importantly, expression, laconicism, “generalized volumes”. The author put everything he could and was capable of into this portrait, and willingly reported that he was pleased with his work.

You can buy a similarity, Zhenechka, from a photographer for a ruble,” Balashov tried to philosophize. - And you and I have art. This, brother, is for centuries. We'll cast it in bronze. Or do you want forged copper? A? This is not some polished, polished cobblestone. This is a thing - the ringing of a bell, power!.. In a hundred years, the viewer will not give a damn whether you look like you or not. It will be important for him to see character, high art, and plasticity. I want your descendants, looking at your portrait, to see that in our time there were artists with taste. Yes, exactly with taste. For whom art is everything, the holy of holies. An eternal search, not a swamp tradition covered with moss and mold... Art. Yes, that’s exactly what test means. That's why it's called art.

Vera was unpleasant that Evgeny Borisovich, for whom she gradually and cautiously developed sympathy, agreed with her stepfather. “How is it that it doesn’t matter whether there is a resemblance or not?” thought Vera. “Then why is he forcing Evgeny Borisovich to pose, wasting time? He should have put a janitor in prison and molded him into a film director.” Vera saw that Ozerov did not care whether he looked like or did not look like himself in the image of his stepfather. He is only delicate and spares the author’s pride. But Konstantin Lvovich had no reason to take on a portrait: this is not his role at all, he doesn’t know how to sculpt people. His business is animals. It turns out that he can’t confuse a horse with a ram, or a wolf with a fox, even with these very “generalized volumes” and laconicism - the ultra-fashionable components of the “new style”.

Be that as it may, Vera’s career began with this meeting. Evgeny Borisovich invited her to star in the film “It Was in the Evening.” The role he chose was suitable for her - not the main one, of course, but very responsible - the role of a rural girl, the heroine's friend.

It’s you that we need, your amazing braid,” Evgeny Borisovich said enthusiastically, lifting his massive chin and impatiently pacing around the room. - And how did you preserve it, an old-fashioned, ashy, maiden braid praised and re-sung by poets?! I'm surprised. They saved it especially for our film, admit it?

Verochka looked at Ozerov directly, quickly, warily.

So, you only need my braid?

He couldn't help but appreciate her question and look.

No, of course not, Verochka. Your eyes, facial features, your voice, manners - you are all created for this role. And in general, let me tell you, you are very graphic! You were born for cinema! - Evgeny Borisovich’s soulful voice sounded soft, melodious and, as Vera thought, very sincere. - Do you understand what the essence of your role is?

“My role,” Vera mentally repeated with excitement, not missing a single word or gesture of the director. And he said some extraordinary words:

You are a friend of the heroine - an extraordinary girl, energetic, but not feminine and, you know, with a very mediocre appearance. And you are a beauty, a delight. You are the complete opposite of your friend.

Vera successfully coped with her role. Filming did not prevent her from graduating from school with a silver medal. Vera had success - continuous and grandiose. Everything went as in a wonderful fairy tale, she rushed towards her dream like a spaceship. Her path, straight and bright, passed through VGIK - the State Institute of Cinematography. Evgeny Borisovich said: the competition will be big, serious, but we will try, Verochka, to emerge victorious.

Vera had no doubt about success: how many young men and women entering the acting department of VGIK who have already been lucky enough to act in films?

Vera got off the trolleybus first and, without stopping, fluttered at the traffic light to the opposite side of the street. She didn’t go, she flew to college on the wings of a big dream, a happy hope. And towards her from the side of the exhibition, from where the semicircular colonnade of the institute is white, rushed the steel giants “Worker and Collective Farm Woman,” sculpted by the great sculptor Vera Mukhina. They approached Vera Titova swiftly and majestically and seemed to want to pick her up, carry her away and elevate her. And in their mighty silver running, in their open and clear gaze, in the steel muscles of the fabulous titans, Vera saw the image of her country, the face of the era.

Something great and beautiful was emanating from the silvery-ringing sculptural group; some invisible rays emanated from it like a halo of blue radiance and penetrated deep into the soul, into the heart, into the brain. The sun played with millions of golden-silver sparkles, reflected in the sculpture, in the starry spire of the Main Pavilion, in the glass hemisphere of the Mechanization pavilion, in the orange ceramics of the new buildings, in the blazing flames of the flags. And all this flowed, swayed, and moved in the radiance of heavenly blue.

Nowadays, a statement of this kind is quite sharp and not many people think about what such concepts as kindness and a kind person mean.

It’s clear that each of us at school was taught that every a person must be kind and bring at least a small amount of this wonderful concept into the world, but it seems to us that today many people have completely forgotten what it means. There is a wonderful one about this.

Many of us see how our world is increasingly becoming material, one in which people are more and more dependent on money. How beautiful is such a world? A lot of expensive and fairly simple things that can satisfy you for some time, or those unprincipled feelings that have become so popular in our time?

Of course, the value of human existence lies far from this. Everyone understands that a person is a social being who, no matter how, needs the support and help of another, and this is precisely what real kindness is in our time. Selfless in our time are extremely rare, but they still exist and many people are inclined to do the so-called good, which, in the opinion of many people, has lost its real meaning.

It would seem that the road is far from the best place for doing good deeds, but as we can see from the video, this is far from the case. Many people agree to give selfless help, but not many follow through with their desire to the so-called final end. Some people lack motivation, some are simply lazy, and some are not interested - everyone has their own reasons for this, because you and I live in a democracy where everyone decides for themselves what is best for them to do, and what to do.

However, despite all this, we can say that good people nowadays there is and many people will agree with this. You can even use a little allegory and say that goodness is that piece or that center of pleasant emotions and selfless help that is embedded in us since childhood.

Yes, one can agree with this, but one cannot help but notice that each person uses this particular “hearth” to the extent of his needs. So, for example, someone only thinks about helping other people and inviting at least someone to use their selflessness, while someone does not understand the happiness that lies under such a wonderful concept as selfless help. Eg, .

It has a deep philosophical meaning, and maybe some people have not yet fully discovered it for themselves, but throughout their lives they will definitely succeed and there will be one more kind person in the world.

No matter how optimistic this may sound, it is true. Be kind people and give others that “hearth” of kindness and joy that was given to you by nature - and you will definitely succeed, no doubt!

Recently, a meeting on questions and answers on spiritual topics was held in our city, organized by the guys from the ALLATRA IPM. Since this topic and this movement are close to me, I gladly took part in the meeting itself and helped in its organization. To say that I learned a lot of useful things is to say nothing. The knowledge and invaluable experience that I gained at the meeting inspired me to work even harder on myself. The desire for the Spiritual world, the desire to do good, create, and be a conductor of God’s will, strengthened in me. Although, in fact, nothing new seemed to be said, the information received nevertheless made me think.

Inspired by the message of sharing stories about good deeds that people from other cities do, I decided to write this article. And we will talk about good people whose existence we do not suspect. Or rather, we are familiar with them, but we don’t even know what their inner world is like, how they live, what inspires them. We don’t even know that they are doing these very good deeds.

Recently I was invited to visit by neighbors with whom we have been communicating for a long time. I always knew that my neighbor, a young man, was a well-mannered, decent, intelligent person who loved justice and order. He is constantly doing something to improve his apartment and our entrance. We need to take an example from such people, unite and do good deeds together.

In a conversation, he and his wife told me about how they ended up with their child in a regional children's hospital, telling about all the “delights” of staying there: the poor conditions in which children are treated and how many children there are in need of medicines, without which they cannot survive. would have lived a day on food in normal hospital conditions. But the children either do not have parents, or their parents do not have the opportunity to provide them with such conditions.

This was not news for me, I understand perfectly well that we have an imperfect healthcare system, that there are a lot of problems in it, that the technical condition of the premises leaves much to be desired. But I was pleasantly surprised that the guys (neighbors, a young married couple) were inspired by these problems and began to help children in need. They do not live in excess: an ordinary average family with an average income, but this does not prevent them from finding free time and money to come to the intensive care unit, ask the doctor if there are children in need of help, go to the pharmacy, store and buy necessary, even if only for a couple of days. With what interest and kindness, on the one hand, and regret that such a phenomenon exists in our society, they told all this... After all, how much money is donated to all sorts of dubious funds, but you could just come to the hospital, orphanage and bring medicine, food, clothes, toys to children who do not have parents.

I can’t convey the state I was left with after that conversation. I immediately wanted to support this initiative. I started to think, how can I be useful? It was also nice that in our society there are such caring people who are ready not with words, not with money, but with real deeds to help completely strangers, unfamiliar children, although, as we know, there are no strangers’ children! It was nice to realize that people had revealed a completely different side to me, which I had not even suspected, even though we see them almost every day. I am glad that there are more and more such people, at least in my surroundings, and this cannot but please me. Such examples are inspiring. The good news is that people are not proud of what they do, but modestly help to the best of their ability.

Once again I am convinced of the truth of the phrase: “The world is not without good people.” And, fortunately, there are quite a few such people. We are all one, and each of us has a need to do something good just like that, not for fame or money. If we begin to listen to these inner messages more often and act, our society will soon undergo a qualitative transformation and we will begin to live in unity, Peace and harmony.

Let's unite and do good, because it's so wonderful!