"Fathers and Sons" are the main characters. "Fathers and Sons": characters. "Fathers and Sons": the main characters and their description. How many characters are there in Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons"? All the heroes of the story are fathers and sons

Supporting heroes. Satirical images.“When a man like Bazarov died<…>, a verdict has been pronounced on a whole trend of ideas,<…>Is it worth following the fate of people like Arkady, Nikolai Petrovich, Sitnikov?..” asks Pisarev in his article. The answer is obvious to him. But we’ll try to take a closer look at the named heroes, maybe they’ll suggest something that will help us understand Bazarov.

Nikolai Petrovich is the first person we meet on the pages of the novel. The author presents him as a “gray-haired, plump and slightly hunched” man. Next to him, a “fat rock dove” appears as a kind of double. With a superficial understanding, it is easy to accept “Bazarov’s view” of Nikolai Petrovich: “a retired man, his song is over.” And following Bazarov, take an ironic view of his attempts to learn to play the cello - “at forty-four years old.”

Let's give the floor to the hero himself. In a conversation with his brother, Nikolai Petrovich bitterly complains: “It seems that I do everything to keep up with the times:<…>I read, study, and generally try to keep up with the time demands.” The author confirms the veracity of Nikolai Petrovich’s words. Next to his son, he spent three winters in the capital, listening to the “ebullient speeches” of young people and even tried to participate in discussions. Little of. The great ideas of the century, discussed in student classrooms, are boldly put into practice by the provincial landowner. From the further speech we learn how Nikolai Petrovich “organized the peasants, started a farm, so that even I am called red throughout the province...”. Let us remember that according to the novel calendar the year is 1859, but officially “emancipation” began in 1861! The modest landowner is ahead of reforms on a national scale by almost two years!

Moreover, the reforms are being carried out quite disinterestedly. It is not for nothing that the author devotes so much space to describing Kirsanov’s new estate, for which “four acres of flat and bare field” are allotted, and barren ones at that. Where the water in the ponds does not hold, where the park needed by the estate does not grow well. Needless to say, the owner of the estate could, during demarcation, claim the best land for himself (which happened quite often during the nationwide “emancipation”). With many seemingly fleeting features, the author seeks to emphasize the democracy of Nikolai Petrovich, unprecedented for his time. The landowner is ashamed to call himself the owner of two hundred serf souls. The elder Kirsanov recognizes himself as having power only over acres of land, and, not without pride, calls the estate a “farm.” He calls his servant “Peter” and not “Petrushka”, as most landowners would have done in his place. In the arrival scene, Peter “as the newest servant” bowed to the masters from afar, and did not bow to the hand. Further, when the Kirsanovs’ carriage rolls up to the porch, “the crowd of servants did not pour out onto the porch to greet the gentlemen.” Nikolai Petrovich obviously does not tolerate the picture of false servility. The writer does not want to hide the other side of what is happening. Perestroika in Maryino, like any undertaking, is not without difficulties. It’s hard for the gentleman, unusual for the peasant: “The farm, which had recently been set up in a new way, creaked like an unoiled wheel...”, “everything came running<…>, climbed up to the master, often with beaten faces, while drunk, and demanded trial and punishment.” These mistakes, this disorganization of the business that has just begun, become the subject of Bazarov’s malicious pleasure: “...And the good peasants will deceive your father...” He wants the landowner to “test it in practice” and be convinced of the need for a general breakup, and not gradual changes. In addition, the soft Nikolai Petrovich not only lacks “principles” - even “principles”. But there is humanity and patience. In his next novel “Smoke”, speaking about reforms, Turgenev will say: “Patience was required above all, and patience is not passive, but active, persistent, not without skill, not without cunning sometimes...” Such patience is endowed by the modest Nikolai Petrovich, who uses the wise proverb: “If it grinds, there will be flour.”

Among such household worries, the hero finds time to make music. He finds moments to communicate with the classics, and his lyrical passages are by no means mediocre: “...I played Schubert’s “Waiting” with feeling, albeit with an inexperienced hand, and a sweet melody spread through the air like honey.” Through the eyes of Nikolai Petrovich we see a poetic picture of a summer sunset, which in itself is capable of refuting any attempts to proclaim nature only as a “workshop” and not as a “temple.” Why doesn’t he protest when his son, with a “sympathetic smile,” hands over “Matter and Strength” instead of his beloved Pushkin? Why doesn’t he speak out against Bazarov? We can say that Nikolai Petrovich is wise as a person. That wisdom that Pyotr Ivanovich Aduev (“Ordinary History”) comprehends only at the end of his life’s journey. He understands that it is impossible to make someone fall in love with music, nature, or art. It is impossible to logically explain the beauty of the world around us.

The hero has a softening, reconciling effect on his brother and Bazarov, but at the same time he is not afraid to tell his brother the bitter truth for him: “Bazarov is smart and knowledgeable.” Nikolai Petrovich is characterized by conscientiousness and delicacy to the highest degree. For a long time he refuses his cherished desire - marriage with Fenechka, fearing to offend the memory of his mother in the eyes of his son and embarrass the same Pavel Petrovich. “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” These biblical words involuntarily come to mind when reading the final pages. Kirsanov’s “nest did not go out of order”: Mitya grows up, Kolya is born. Between generations in the Kirsanov estate there is not confrontation, but cooperation. When “father and son” began to work together, “their affairs began to improve.” “Arkady has become a zealous owner, and the “farm” is already generating significant income.” This is how it should be, according to the writer. In this cooperation of generations, wisdom and experience on the one hand, young energy on the other, lies, according to Turgenev, the key to the success of all reforms.

His very name (happy) speaks about Arkady. Arkady really has the talent to be happy in the present. Like his father, he is naturally delicate. This delicacy of his brought many pleasant moments to the old Bazarovs, for whom he partially replaced his cold and unapproachable son with his stories. From the lips of Arkady we learn a lot about Bazarov; His role in the compositional cohesion of the work is no less important: he brings Bazarov to his parents’ estate, he awakens Odintsova’s curiosity with his stories about his friend, thanks to him Bazarov and Anna Sergeevna meet again (second and third dates). Despite his outward gentleness and invisibility, his role as a kind of squire to a friend is very important for understanding the main character.

At the beginning of the novel, he is completely under the authority of his older friend. Pavel Petrovich, discussing “what inexperienced hearts submit to,” indignantly points Bazarov to his nephew: “Look, one of them is sitting next to you, because he is almost praying for you, admire it.” His admiration is sincere and naive, sometimes to the point of ridiculousness. He “lazyly” agreed to Bazarov’s offer to go to the city. “In his heart he was very happy at his friend’s offer,” Turgenev comments, “but he considered it his duty to hide his feeling. No wonder he was a nihilist!” Arkady's naivety highlights the seriousness of feelings and the true severity of Bazarov. But there is a trait in Bazarov that instinctively repels his “student”. Although he agreed, on his advice, to take away the “unnecessary” book from his father, when Bazarov began to “laugh” at Nikolai Petrovich, “Arkady, no matter how much he revered his teacher, this time did not even smile.” 10th grade student in essay “Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov are the sons of their fathers” astutely notes that “Arkady’s cold attitude towards Nikolai Petrovich is only for show. This attitude appears under the “nihilistic” influence of Bazarov. But Arkady is trying, as it were, to justify himself to his father, and his “nihilistic” attitude is manifested insincerely.” He also tries to soften Bazarov’s categorical assessments of his uncle by telling the story of Princess R. Subsequently, it comes to Bazarov’s clashes with his “pupil”:

– What did you call Pavel Petrovich?

“I called him properly, an idiot.”

“This, however, is unbearable!” exclaimed Arkady.

Bazarov is inclined to explain Arkady’s behavior by the remnants of an outdated, in his eyes, “family feeling.” Arkady rightly objects: he speaks of a “simple sense of justice.” The “sense of justice” is shocked in Arkady and by Bazarov’s relationship with his own parents. He wholeheartedly praises both Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasyevna; finally, he asks a direct question: does Bazarov love his parents? "They love you so much." Hidden in the soul of the kind-hearted Arkady is a kind of moral guideline that unmistakably shows when Bazarov’s severity turns into cruelty. Arkady is a student, a devoted admirer. But not a slave. He gently but finally frees himself from the power of his friend, sensing in their relationship a hint of despotism and rudeness. We even know exactly when this happens - all in the same scene under the haystack. “Oh, my friend, Arkady Nikolaich!.. I ask you one thing: don’t speak beautifully,” an irritated Bazarov turns to Arkady. “I speak as best I can... And finally, this is despotism. A thought occurred to me; Why not express it?” - Arkady is rightly indignant at Bazarov’s habit of subjugating people’s actions. Again Turgenev repeats the idea that each person is interesting and valuable in his own way.

Having learned about Arkady and Katya's engagement, Bazarov ironically congratulates him. And he immediately breaks up with a person with whom he is now not on the same path. “You were not created for our bitter, tart, bean life,” Bazarov rightly notes. “Our dust will eat into your eyes, our dirt will stain you, and you haven’t grown up to us...” The attentive reader will notice that with this monologue the bazaars “execute” not only a friend, but all the “liberal nobles.” The hero admits that he “has other words”; he obviously would like to part with his old friend more warmly - “only I won’t express them, because this is romanticism - it means: falling apart.” Arkady's decision has its own strength and weakness. Yes, he chose a different path in life, easier than his friend. But this is his way. No one, no one's power will force Arkady to submit.

The same can be said about Katya, “a girl of about eighteen, black-haired and dark-skinned, with a somewhat round but pleasant face, with small dark eyes.” Katya has the qualities that we are used to seeing, which give the charm to Turgenev’s girl. When she first appears, she "holds a basket filled with flowers" and befriends a "beautiful greyhound dog with a blue collar." The girl is kind to her aunt: “Katya put a bench under her feet,” although the evil old woman “didn’t even look at her.” Katya loves Mozart’s music: “She played very well<…>, clenching her teeth tightly... and only towards the end of the sonata her face flared up and a small strand of developed hair fell on her dark eyebrow.” Like Arkady, she was influenced by a strong nature and was even a little “intimidated” by her sister; she is timid and afraid when Anna Sergeevna “caressed” her. There is no secularism in Katya, she is “not a flirt”, she does not dream of new shoes. “Simply, without being ashamed or showing off,” she tells Arkady, who financially depends on her sister. The girl is not at all weak-willed. She has both character and pride. “Some young ladies are considered smart only because they sigh intelligently; and yours will stand up for itself...” notes Bazarov. She will not agree, like her sister, to sell herself into marriage with a rich man, “because the song says about unevenness.”

Katya can be called a Turgenev girl with some reservations. There is no desire for self-sacrifice in her, no dream of going “to a difficult feat,” as in Natalya or Asa. Calmly and somewhat busily, she prepares herself for the main work of life: marriage and raising children. Arkady, as Bazarov predicted, soon falls under her influence; but this influence is beneficial for him. He leaves the habit of “being sybaritic” and “zealously gets down to business” - the business to which his soul lies. No less than leaders, the world needs simple workers, modest leaders. People cannot be manipulated.

Evgeny BazarovAnna OdintsovaPavel KirsanovNikolay Kirsanov
AppearanceAn oblong face, a wide forehead, huge greenish eyes, a nose, flat on top and pointed below. Long brown hair, sandy sideburns, a self-confident smile on her thin lips. Naked red handsNoble posture, slender figure, tall stature, beautiful sloping shoulders. Light eyes, shiny hair, a barely noticeable smile. 28 yearsAverage height, thoroughbred, about 45 years old. Fashionable, youthful

slender and graceful. Gray hair with a dark sheen, cut short. The face is bilious, regular in shape, without wrinkles. Remarkably handsome, black eyes.

Plump, slightly hunched, just over 40 years old. Soft thin gray hair, small sad black eyes
OriginThe son of a military doctor with peasant roots. RaznochinetsAristocrat. The father is a swindler and gambler. Mother - from a princely familyNobleman, aristocrat, officer's son
UpbringingHomemade, freeBrilliant education received in St. PetersburgHome, and then in the page corps
EducationStudent at St. Petersburg University, Faculty of MedicineMilitary serviceSt. Petersburg University
Character traitsKind and sensitive, wanting to seem like an indifferent cynic. Harsh and unyielding in judgment. Hard worker, self-confident, energetic, courageous. Loves people, but in his own way, independent, not polite, sometimes behaves defiantlySmart, proud, free in judgment, reasonable. Incapable of hobbies, indifferent, selfish, coldProud, self-confident, impeccably honest. Intellectual, insightful, noble, principled. The British inspire him with admiration. Strong-willed characterThin man. Aesthete, romantic, dreamy and sentimental, naive. An idealist, too modest and complacent. Weak-willed, impractical, but kind, hospitable, loving his family
Socio-political viewsNihilist Democrat (denies everything except science)DemocraticLiberal-ConservativeLiberal
Life goalsNihilists did not accept “doing nothing,” they strived for activity. The main goals of youth are to expose and destroy; someone else had to build a new world in a cleared place.He wants to love Bazarov, but he cannot. She values ​​the state of comfort very much, she is afraid of losing her inner harmony, so the heroine is not ready to surrender to her feelings. The human essence is such that it simply cannot exist without love. In the absence of love, the life goal disappears, a person gets tired early and grows old from griefAristocrats are the main force influencing the development of society. “English liberty” or constitutional monarchy is the ideal of the aristocracy. Progress, openness and reforms - ways to achieve the idealThe hero tries to establish new relationships with serfs, seeks spiritual support in art, and happiness in love
Relationships with othersHe talks to the peasants as if they were his equals. Constantly argues with aristocratsThe heroine is free from all prejudices, has her own opinion, and does not seek to prove anything to anyone. Lives according to the rules that she likes, while both rejecting and indifferently accepting the vulgarity of lifeA typical proud aristocrat who looks down on others. He does not accept the latest technologies, achievements of science and medicine. Although the hero shows admiration for Russian men, he does not know how to talk to them, he only frowns and sniffs cologne. He is cruel to Bazarov because he cannot boast of noble originFriendly and considerate with all people, regardless of their background

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The problem of relationships between fathers and children is eternal. The reason lies in differences in life views. Each generation has its own truth, and it is extremely difficult to understand each other, and sometimes there is no desire. Contrasting worldviews- this is the basis of the work Fathers and Sons, a summary of which we will consider.

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The idea of ​​​​creating the work “Fathers and Sons” arose from the writer Ivan Turgenev in August 1860. The author writes to Countess Lambert about his intention to write a new big story. In the fall he goes to Paris, and in September he writes to Annenkov about the final drawing up a plan and serious intentions in creating a novel. But Turgenev works rather slowly and doubts a good result. However, having received an approving opinion from the literary critic Botkin, he plans to complete the creation in the spring.

Early winter - period of active work writer, within three weeks the third part of the work was written. Turgenev asked to describe in detail in his letters how things were in the life of Russia. This happened before, and in order to be privy to the events of the country, Ivan Sergeevich decides to return.

Attention! The history of writing ended on July 20, 1861, when the author was in Spassky. In the fall, Turgenev again goes to France. There, during a meeting, he shows his creation to Botkin and Sluchevsky and receives many comments that push him to make changes to the text.

Next spring the novel will be published in magazine "Russian Herald" and he immediately became the object of polemical discussion. The controversy did not subside even after the death of Turgenev.

Genre and number of chapters

If we characterize the genre of the work, then “Fathers and Sons” is 28 chapter novel, showing the socio-political situation in the country before the abolition of serfdom.

main idea

What are we talking about? In his creation “fathers and sons” Turgenev describes contradiction and misunderstanding of different generations, and also wants to find a way out of the current situation, ways to get rid of the problem.

The struggle between the two camps is a confrontation between everything that is established and what is radically new, era of democrats and aristocrats, or helplessness and determination.

Turgenev is trying to show what has come time for a change and instead of people of the outdated system, nobles, active, energetic and young people come. The old system has become obsolete, and the new one has not yet been formed. The novel “Fathers and Sons” shows us the turn of an era when society is in turmoil and is unable to live either according to the old canons or the new ones.

The new generation in the novel is represented by Bazarov, around whom the confrontation between “fathers and sons” takes place. He is a representative of a whole galaxy of the younger generation, for whom complete denial of everything has become the norm. Everything old is unacceptable to them, but they can't bring anything new.

The conflict of worldviews is clearly shown between him and the elder Kirsanov: the rude and straightforward Bazarov and the mannered and refined Kirsanov. The images described by Turgenev are multifaceted and ambiguous. Bazarov's attitude towards the world does not bring happiness at all. They outlined their purpose to society - fight against old ways, but the introduction of new ideas and views in their place does not bother him.

Turgenev did this for a reason, thereby showing that before the collapse of something established, it is necessary to find a worthy replacement for it. If there is no alternative, then even what was intended to be a positive solution to the problem will only make it worse.

Conflict of generations in the novel “Fathers and Sons”.

Heroes of the novel

The main characters of “Fathers and Sons” are:

  • Bazarov Evgeny Vasilievich. Young student learning to become a doctor. Adheres to the ideology of nihilism, questions the liberal views of the Kirsanovs and the traditional views of his own parents. At the end of the work, he falls in love with Anna, and his views of denying everything in the world are changed by love. He will become a village doctor, and due to his own carelessness he will become infected with typhus and die.
  • Kirsanov Nikolai Petrovich. Is the father of Arkady, widower. Landowner. He lives on the estate with Fenechka, a commoner woman, whom he feels and is ashamed of, but then takes her as his wife.
  • Kirsanov Pavel Petrovich. He is Nikolai's older brother. He retired officer, a representative of a privileged layer, is proud and self-confident, shares the ideas of liberalism. He often participates in disputes with Bazarov on a variety of topics: art, science, love, nature, etc. Hatred towards Bazarov develops into a duel, which he himself initiated. During the duel he is wounded, fortunately the wound turns out to be minor.
  • Kirsanov Arkady Nikolaevich. Is the son of Nicholas. Candidate of Sciences at the University. Like his friend Bazarov, he is a nihilist. At the end of the book he will abandon his worldview.
  • Bazarov Vasily Ivanovich. Is the father of the main character, was a surgeon in the army. He did not leave his medical practice. Lives on his wife's estate. An educated person understands that living in a village, he was cut off from modern ideas. Conservative, religious.
  • Bazarova Arina Vlasevna. She is the main character's mother. She owns the Bazarov estate and fifteen serfs. Superstitious, pious, suspicious, sensitive woman. He loves his son infinitely, and is worried that he has renounced his faith. She herself is a follower of the Orthodox faith.
  • Odintsova Anna Sergeevna. Is a widow, rich. On his estate he welcomes friends who hold nihilistic views. She likes Bazarov, but after his declaration of love, there is no reciprocity. He puts a calm life in the foreground, in which there are no worries.
  • Katerina. Anna Sergeevna's sister, but unlike her, she is quiet and unnoticeable. He plays the clavichord. Arkady Kirsanov spends a lot of time with her, while he is passionately in love with Anna. Then he realizes that he loves Katerina and marries her.

Other heroes:

  • Fenechka. Daughter of the housekeeper of Kirsanov's younger brother. After his mother died, she became his mistress and gave birth to his son.
  • Sitnikov Victor. He is a nihilist and acquaintance of Bazarov.
  • Kukshina Evdokia. Victor's friend, a nihilist.
  • Kolyazin Matvey Ilyich. He is a city official.

The main characters of the novel "Fathers and Sons".


Fathers and sons are summarized below. 1859 – year when the novel begins.

The young people arrived in Maryino and live in the house of brothers Nikolai and Pavel Kirsanov. The elder Kirsanov and Bazarov do not find a common language, and frequent conflict situations force Evgeniy to leave for another city N. Arkady also goes there. There they communicate with urban youth (Sitnikova and Kukshina), who adhere to nihilistic views.

At the governor's ball they hold meeting Odintsova, and then go to her estate, Kukshina is destined to stay in the city. Odintsova rejects the declaration of love, and Bazarov has to leave Nikolskoye. He and Arkady go to their parents' house and stay there. Evgeny does not like the excessive care of his parents, he decides to leave Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasevna, and

The plot of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev is built around a dispute between the old way of life and new views. The first are represented by two heroes of the work: landowners brothers Nikolai and Pavel Kirsanov.

Pavel Sr. He is a bachelor, a retired officer. His character is difficult - he is used to everyone agreeing with him. His younger brother Nikolai prefers peace in his brother's shadow.

Pavel's opponent is Evgeny Bazarov, a friend of his nephew Arkady. Bazarov is from a poor family, he despises the old order, but just like Pavel Kirsanov, he strives to become an indisputable authority. Arkady Kirsanov can be called a minor character.

"Fathers and Sons" Character Characteristics Chart?

There are not very many main characters in the work “Fathers and Sons”.

Firstly, this is Evgeny Bazarov. A very self-confident young man. Almost a revolutionary. I wanted serfdom to be abolished and the wealthy to start working. I considered Russian people dark and not particularly intellectually developed. Nihilist.

Secondly, Arkady Kirsanov. He is a friend of Evgeniy, he is only 23 years old, but he is very driven by his comrade, gentle, at the same time he loves life, his wife and family.

Thirdly, N.P Kirsanov is Arkady’s father. Belongs to the older generation. He didn’t serve because his leg was broken, he goes about his landowner affairs, but not particularly well. Loves children.

Fourthly, P.P Kirsanov is the brother of Arkady Kirsanov. Self-satisfied, caustic and at the same time a dandy, loves high society. From the very beginning I disliked Evgeny Bazarov.

Fifthly, Anna Odintsova is a typical woman of that time. Cold, calculating, but knows how to show tenderness and softness when she needs it.

Quotable characterization of the characters "Fathers and Sons"?

The novel “Fathers and Sons” is one of my favorite works since school; I have read it several times, and each time it is perceived differently. I guess it's a matter of age. When the worldview changes, the attitude towards different heroes also changes.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the characteristics P.P. Kirsanova: As for appearance, he is of average height. His appearance seems graceful and thoroughbred. His face is without wrinkles, and his eyes are light and oblong. He is the son of a general, he was raised at home, and then in the Corps of Pages.

Evgeny Bazarov- tall, his face is thin and long, his forehead is wide. The nose is pointed, the eyes are large and greenish. The son of a doctor, he studied at the Faculty of Medicine.

Brief description of the characters in “Fathers and Sons”?

There are five main characters in Ivan Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Sons”. These are father and son Kirsanovs, uncle of the family, friend of the younger Kirsanov Bazarov and landowner, neighbor of the Kirsanovs Odintsova.

The elder Kirsanov is a quiet and peaceful person, prone to compromise. His brother is Pavel, a self-confident, proud and wayward man, a retired officer.

Arkady is the younger Kirsanov, a spineless young man who easily falls under Bazarov's influence. Evgeny Bazarov is a nihilist. He is stubborn, does not back down in an argument, and is keenly interested in science. Anna Odintsova is a calculating woman who is afraid of strong feelings.

Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" was written in 1861. He was immediately destined to become a symbol of the era. The author especially clearly expressed the problem of the relationship between two generations.

To understand the plot of the work, we suggest reading “Fathers and Sons” in a chapter-by-chapter summary. The retelling was done by a teacher of Russian literature, it reflects all the important points of the work.

Average reading time is 8 minutes.

Main characters

Evgeny Bazarov- a young man, a medical student, a bright representative of nihilism, a trend when a person denies everything in the world.

Arkady Kirsanov– a recent student who arrived at his parents’ estate. Under the influence of Bazarov, he becomes interested in nihilism. At the end of the novel, he realizes that he cannot live like this and abandons the idea.

Kirsanov Nikolay Petrovich- landowner, widower, father of Arkady. He lives on the estate with Fenechka, who bore him a son. Adheres to progressive ideas, loves poetry and music.

Kirsanov Pavel Petrovich- aristocrat, former military man. Brother of Nikolai Kirsanov and uncle of Arkady. A prominent representative of the liberals.

Bazarov Vasily Ivanovich– retired army surgeon, Evgeniy’s father. Lives on his wife's estate, is not rich. He is engaged in medical practice.

Bazarova Arina Vlasevna- Evgeniy’s mother, a pious and very superstitious woman. Poorly educated.

Odintsova Anna Sergeevna- a rich widow who sympathizes with Bazarov. But he values ​​peace in his life more.

Lokteva Katya- Anna Sergeevna’s sister, a modest and quiet girl. Marries Arkady.

Other characters

Fenechka- a young woman who has a small son from Nikolai Kirsanov.

Victor Sitnikov- an acquaintance of Arkady and Bazarov.

Evdokia Kukshina- an acquaintance of Sitnikov, who shares the beliefs of nihilists.

Matvey Kolyazin- city official

Chapter 1.

The action begins in the spring of 1859. At the inn, the small landowner Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov is waiting for the arrival of his son. He is a widower, lives on a small estate and has 200 souls. In his youth, he was destined for a military career, but a minor leg injury prevented him. He studied at the university, got married and began to live in the village. 10 years after the birth of his son, his wife dies, and Nikolai Petrovich throws himself into farming and raising his son. When Arkady grew up, his father sent him to St. Petersburg to study. There he lived with him for three years and returned to his village again. He is very worried before the meeting, especially since his son is not traveling alone.

Chapter 2.

Arkady introduces his father to his friend and asks him not to stand on ceremony. Evgeny is a simple person, and you don’t have to be shy about him. Bazarov decides to ride in a tarantass, and Nikolai Petrovich and Arkady sit in the carriage.

Chapter 3.

During the journey, the father cannot calm down his joy from meeting his son; he always tries to hug him and asks about his friend. Arkady is a little shy. He tries to show his indifference and speaks in a cheeky tone. He constantly turns to Bazarov, as if he is afraid that he will hear his thoughts about the beauty of nature, that he is interested in the affairs of the estate.
Nikolai Petrovich says that the estate has not changed. Hesitating a little, he tells his son that Fenya’s girlfriend lives with him, and immediately hurries to say that she can leave if Arkady wants it. The son replies that this is not necessary. Both feel awkward and change the topic of conversation.

Looking at the desolation that reigned all around, Arkady thinks about the benefits of transformations, but he does not understand how to implement them. The conversation smoothly flows into the beauty of nature. Kirsanov Sr. is trying to recite a poem by Pushkin. He is interrupted by Evgeniy, who asks Arkady for a cigarette. Nikolai Petrovich falls silent and remains silent until the end of the journey.

Chapter 4.

At the manor's house no one met them, only an old servant and a girl who appeared for a moment. Having left the carriage, the elder Kirsanov leads the guests into the living room, where he asks the servant to serve dinner. At the door they encounter a handsome and very well-groomed elderly man. This is Nikolai Kirsanov’s older brother, Pavel Petrovich. His impeccable appearance stands out strongly against the background of the unkempt-looking Bazarov. An acquaintance took place, after which the young people went to clean up before dinner. In their absence, Pavel Petrovich begins to ask his brother about Bazarov, whose appearance he did not like.

During the meal, the conversation did not go well. Everyone said little, especially Evgeniy. After eating, everyone immediately went to their rooms. Bazarov told Arkady his impressions of the meeting with his relatives. They quickly fell asleep. The Kirsanov brothers did not sleep for a long time: Nikolai Petrovich kept thinking about his son, Pavel Petrovich looked thoughtfully at the fire, and Fenechka looked at her little sleeping son, whose father was Nikolai Kirsanov. The summary of the novel “Fathers and Sons” does not convey all the feelings that the characters experience.

Chapter 5.

Waking up earlier than everyone else, Evgeniy goes for a walk to explore the surroundings. The boys follow him and everyone goes to the swamp to catch frogs.

The Kirsanovs are going to drink tea on the veranda. Arkady goes to see Fenechka, who is said to be ill, and learns about the existence of his little brother. He rejoices and blames his father for hiding the fact of the birth of another son. Nikolai Kirsanov is touched and does not know what to answer.

The older Kirsanovs are interested in Bazarov’s absence and Arkady talks about him, says that he is a nihilist, a person who does not take principles for granted. Bazarov returned with the frogs, which he took to the experiment room.

Chapter 6.

While having morning tea together, a serious argument breaks out between Pavel Petrovich and Evgeniy. Both do not try to hide their dislike for each other. Nikolai Kirsanov tries to take the conversation in a different direction and asks Bazarov to help him with the choice of fertilizers. He agrees.

In order to somehow change Evgeny’s ridicule towards Pavel Petrovich, Arkady decides to tell his friend his story.

Chapter 7.

Pavel Petrovich was a military man. Women adored him, and men envied him. At 28, his career was just beginning and he could go far. But Kirsanov fell in love with a princess. She had no children, but had an old husband. She led the life of a flighty coquette, but Pavel fell deeply in love and could not live without her. After the separation, he suffered greatly, quit his service and followed her all over the world for 4 years.

Returning to his homeland, he tried to lead the same lifestyle as before, but, having learned about the death of his beloved, he went to the village to live with his brother, who at that time became a widower.

Chapter 8.

Pavel Petrovich does not know what to do with himself: he is present during the conversation between the manager and Nikolai Kirsanov, and comes to Fenechka to look at little Mitya.

The story of how Nikolai Kirsanov and Fenechka met: three years ago he met her in a tavern, where things were going badly for her and her mother. Kirsanov took them to the estate, fell in love with the girl, and after the death of her mother began to live with her.

Chapter 9

Bazarov meets Fenechka and the child, says that he is a doctor, and if the need arises, they can contact him without hesitation. Hearing Nikolai Kirsanov play the cello, Bazarov laughs, which causes Arkady's disapproval.

Chapter 10.

In two weeks, everyone got used to Bazarov, but they treated him differently: the servants loved him, Pavel Kirsanov hated him, and Nikolai Petrovich doubted his influence on his son. One day, he overheard a conversation between Arkady and Eugene. Bazarov called him a retired man, which greatly offended him. Nikolai complained to his brother, who decided to fight back against the young nihilist.

An unpleasant conversation took place during evening tea. By calling one landowner a “rubbish aristocrat,” Bazarov displeased the elder Kirsanov, who began to argue that by following principles, a person benefits society. Eugene responded by accusing him of living meaninglessly, like other aristocrats. Pavel Petrovich objected that the nihilists, with their denial, are only aggravating the situation in Russia.

A serious argument broke out, which Bazarov called senseless, and the young people left. Nikolai Petrovich suddenly remembered how a long time ago, when he was just as young, he quarreled with his mother, who did not understand him. Now the same misunderstanding arose between him and his son. The parallel between fathers and children is the main thing the author draws attention to.

Chapter 11.

Before going to bed, all the inhabitants of the estate were busy with their thoughts. Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov goes to his favorite gazebo, where he remembers his wife and reflects on life. Pavel Petrovich looks at the night sky and thinks about his own things. Bazarov invites Arkady to go to the city and visit an old friend.

Chapter 12.

The friends went to the city, where they spent time in the company of a friend of the Bazarov family, Matvey Ilyin, visited the governor and received an invitation to the ball. Bazarov’s longtime acquaintance Sitnikov invited them to visit Evdokia Kukshina.

Chapter 13.

They didn’t like visiting Kukshina, because the hostess looked untidy, had meaningless conversations, asked a lot of questions, but did not expect answers to them. In conversation she constantly jumped from subject to subject. During this visit, the name of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova was heard for the first time.

Chapter 14.

Arriving at the ball, friends meet Odintsova, a sweet and attractive woman. She shows attention to Arkady, asking him about everything. He talks about his friend and Anna Sergeevna invites them to visit.

Odintsova interested Evgeny because she was different from other women, and he agreed to visit her.

Chapter 15.

Friends come to visit Odintsova. The meeting made an impression on Bazarov and he, unexpectedly, became embarrassed.

Odintsova's story makes an impression on the reader. The girl's father lost the game and died in the village, leaving his two daughters a ruined estate. Anna was not at a loss and took up housekeeping. I met my future husband and lived with him for 6 years. Then he died, leaving his young wife his fortune. She did not like city society and most often lived on an estate.

Bazarov behaved differently than always, which greatly surprised his friend. He talked a lot, talked about medicine and botany. Anna Sergeevna willingly supported the conversation, as she understood the sciences. She treated Arkady like a younger brother. At the end of the conversation, she invited the young people to her estate.

Chapter 16.

In Nikolskoye, Arkady and Bazarov met other inhabitants. Anna's sister Katya was shy and played the piano. Anna Sergeevna talked a lot with Evgeniy and walked with him in the garden. Arkady, who liked her, seeing her passion for her friend, became a little jealous. A feeling arose between Bazarov and Odintsova.

Chapter 17.

While living on the estate, Bazarov began to change. He fell in love, despite the fact that he considered this feeling a romantic billbird. He could not turn away from her and imagined her in his arms. The feeling was mutual, but they did not want to open up to each other.

Bazarov meets his father’s manager, who says that his parents are waiting for him, they are worried. Evgeniy announces his departure. In the evening, a conversation takes place between Bazar and Anna Sergeevna, where they try to understand what each of them dreams of getting from life.

Chapter 18.

Bazarov confesses his love to Odintsova. In response, he hears: “You didn’t understand me,” and feels extremely awkward. Anna Sergeevna believes that without Evgeny she will be calmer and does not accept his confession. Bazarov decides to leave.

Chapter 19.

There was a not entirely pleasant conversation between Odintsova and Bazarov. He told her that he was leaving, he could stay only on one condition, but it was unrealistic and Anna Sergeevna would never love him.

The next day, Arkady and Bazarov leave for Evgeny’s parents. Saying goodbye, Odintsova expresses hope for a meeting. Arkady notices that his friend has changed a lot.

Chapter 20.

They were received well in the house of the elder Bazarovs. The parents were very happy, but knowing that their son did not approve of such a manifestation of feelings, they tried to remain more restrained. During lunch, the father talked about how he runs the household, and the mother just looked at her son.

After dinner, Evgeniy refused to talk to his father, citing fatigue. However, he did not fall asleep until the morning. In the novel "Fathers and Sons" the description of relations between generations is shown better than in other works.

Chapter 21

Bazarov spent very little time at his parents’ house, as he was bored. He believed that with their attention they were interfering with his work. There was an argument between friends that almost escalated into a quarrel. Arkady tried to prove that it was impossible to live like this, Bazarov did not agree with his opinion.

Parents, having learned about Evgeniy’s decision to leave, were very upset, but tried not to show their feelings, especially his father. He reassured his son that if he had to leave, then he had to do it. After leaving, the parents were left alone and were very worried that their son had abandoned them.

Chapter 22.

On the way, Arkady decided to take a detour to Nikolskoye. Friends were greeted very coldly. Anna Sergeevna did not come down for a long time, and when she appeared, she had a dissatisfied expression on her face and from her speech it was clear that they were not welcome.

The elder Kirsanovs' estate was delighted with them. Bazarov began to engage in wholesale and his own frogs. Arkady helped his father manage the estate, but constantly thought about the Odintsovs. Finally, having found correspondence between his mothers and Odintsova’s, he finds an excuse to go visit them. Arkady is afraid that he will not be welcome, but he alone was greeted warmly and cordially.

Chapter 23.

Bazarov understands the reason for Arkady’s departure and devotes himself completely to work. He retires and no longer argues with the inhabitants of the house. He treats everyone badly, making an exception only for Fenechka.
One day in the gazebo they talked a lot, and, deciding to test their thoughts, Bazarov kissed her on the lips. This was seen by Pavel Petrovich, who silently went into the house. Bazarov felt awkward, his conscience awoke.

Chapter 24.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is offended by Bazarov's behavior and challenges him to a duel. They don’t want to admit to their family the true reasons and say that they shot because of political differences. Evgeny wounds Kirsanov in the leg.

Having completely ruined his relationship with the elder Kirsanovs, Bazarov leaves for his parents, but on the way he turns to Nikolskoye.

Arkady becomes more and more interested in Anna Sergeevna's sister, Katya.

Chapter 25.

Katya talks to Arkady and convinces him that without his friend’s influence he is completely different, sweet and kind. They try to declare their love to each other, but Arkady gets scared and hurriedly leaves. In his room he finds Bazarov, who has arrived, who told him about what happened in Maryino in his absence. Having met with Odintsova, Bazarov admits his mistakes. They tell each other that they want to remain just friends.

Chapter 26.

Arkady confesses his love to Katya, asks for her hand in marriage and she agrees to become his wife. Bazarov says goodbye to his friend, angrily accusing him of being unsuitable for decisive matters. Evgeniy goes to his parents' estate.

Chapter 27.

Living in his parents' house, Bazarov does not know what to do. Then he begins to help his father, treating the sick. While opening up a peasant who died of typhus, he accidentally injures himself and becomes infected with typhus. A fever begins, he asks to send for Odintsova. Anna Sergeevna arrives and sees a completely different person. Before his death, Evgeniy tells her about his real feelings, and then dies.

Chapter 28.

Six months have passed. Two weddings took place on the same day, Arkady and Katya and Nikolai Petrovich and Fenya. Pavel Petrovich went abroad. Anna Sergeevna also got married, becoming a companion not out of love, but out of conviction.

Life went on and only two old people constantly spent time at their son’s grave, where two Christmas trees grew.

This brief retelling of “Fathers and Sons” will help you understand the main idea and essence of the work; for deeper knowledge, we recommend that you read the full version.

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