Download the project of numbers in riddles, proverbs and sayings. Proverbs, sayings and riddles about numbers for children. Proverbs and sayings with deuce

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region, basic secondary school. Novokurovka municipal district Khvorostyansky Samara region

Math project

“Numbers in riddles, proverbs, sayings”

Completed by: 1st grade student

Sosnina Polina

Teacher: Shipilova Valentina Vladimirovna

We must not forget the numbers!

Everywhere you look -

They are everywhere, your friends:

One, and two, and three

They have been living with people for a long time.

There are numbers everywhere.

Just click and it’s right there:

Four, five and six.

In any game, in any way

They are with you.

You count to ten:

Seven eight nine ten.

Digit 0 (zero)

A number like the letter O -
This is zero or nothing.
The round zero is so pretty
But it doesn’t mean anything!


The ball bounces across the pages.

He is looking for his sister,

What looks like a ring -

Without beginning and end.

I don't look like a nickel

Doesn't look like a ruble.

I'm round, but I'm not a fool,

With a hole, but not a donut.

Proverbs, catch phrases.

Zero without a stick. (worthless, meaningless person)

Zero attention. (Complete indifference, indifference on the part of someone to someone or something)

Absolute zero, Round zero. (The person is insignificant, completely useless in any matter.)

Digit 1 (one)

Here is one, or one,
Very thin, like a knitting needle.


On one leg in a swamp

You will find me easily.

How many suns are there behind a cloud,

How many noses does an elephant have?

How many watches are on your hand?

How many legs does a fly agaric have?

And the sapper's attempts,

He knows and is proud of himself,

Column figure... (unit)

Proverbs, catch phrases.

You can't clap your hands with one hand.

One bee will make a little honey.

Alone at sea is not a fisherman.

One head on his shoulders.

One wise head is worth a hundred heads.

One is plowing, and seven are waving their arms.

Once doesn't count.

Only truth lives in the world.

One today is better than two tomorrow.

Number 2 (two)

But this is number two.
Admire what it's like:
The deuce arches his neck,
The tail is dragging behind her.


What glides across the bright surface

Student notebook

A beautiful white swan,

Turned red from shame

For a slacker, a rogue

A naughty boy?

What they criticize him for

And they deprive you of sweets at lunch.

With a light stroke of the pen

A number appeared...(two)

Two brothers look into the water -
The centuries will not converge.


I'm a winch on the lake.

Long-necked pullet.

Proverbs, catch phrases.

Two are fighting in the field, and one is grieving at home.

Chasing two birds with one stone will not catch either one.

Two of a Kind.

Summer doesn't happen twice a year.

Two dogs are fighting - don't bother the third one.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.

Number 3 (three)

But look at this,
The number three appears.
Three - the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.


I am a hunchbacked old lady

Or shavings - a curl.

This figure is simply a miracle.

She has relatives everywhere.

It's even in the alphabet

She has a twin sister.

His eyes are colored
Not eyes, but three lights.
He takes turns with them
Looks down at me.

(Traffic light)

Proverbs, catch phrases.

The price for a braggart is three kopecks.

It takes three years to learn hard work, and only three days to learn laziness.

I ground it for three days, and ate it in a day and a half.

Don't recognize a friend in three days - recognize him in three years.

One is a secret, two is half a secret, three is no secret.

One wears, another asks, the third waits in turn.

They've been waiting for the promised thing for three years. ( They say it jokingly when they do not believe that someone will soon fulfill their promises or when the fulfillment of what was promised is delayed indefinitely.)

Cry in three streams. (That is, it is very bitter to cry.)

Number 4 (four)

After three come four,
Sharp protruding elbow.


Either a number or a fork,

Or a fork in two roads.

In a student notebook

I know for sure - everyone is happy with her.

I stand fourth. Four legs, but not a beast.

Between the numbers in the ranks. There are feathers, but not a bird.

(Bed, pillow)

Proverbs, catch phrases.

There are four courtyards, and in each courtyard there is a godfather and a godfather.

The four countries of the world on the four seas are laid down.

Four corners of the house for construction, four seasons for completion.

The village is large: four courtyards, eight streets.

The horse has four legs and stumbles.

Four heads, and God help the fifth!

On all four sides. (Wherever you want (to go, get away, drive away, let go).)

Live within four walls .(1. Not communicating with anyone, being alone. 2. Without leaving home.)

Number 5 (five)

And then I went to dance
On paper the number is five.
She extended her hand to the right,
The leg was bent sharply.


I did a good job

Lounged in a soft chair.

Mom looks on impatiently

On the pages of the diary.

Waiting for the coveted assessment

A mischievous son.

But again only fours.

There is, friends, such a bird:
If he lands on the page,
I'm very happy
And the whole family is with me.

No beauty...

Five steps - a ladder,
There is a song on the steps.


Who has a piglet,
Not clenched in a fist?
There are hooves on his feet,
He eats and drinks from a trough.


Proverbs, catch phrases.

Like the back of my hand. (To know very well, thoroughly, thoroughly.)

From fifth to tenth . (An expression used instead of a detailed listing or name of something.)

The fifth wheel in the cart. ( A superfluous, unnecessary person in any matter.)

Number 6 (six)

Number six - door lock:
There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.


I'm crawling like a snake onto a twig,

I cling deftly, like a hook.

The figure looked in the mirror

And I dreamed about my sister.

But only the properties of one

Apparently I didn’t know him.

And she got a double.

Like a drop of water

Her sister looks like her.

Yes, just a downward braid.

There's a commotion in the yard, guess, guys,
Peas are falling from the sky. What kind of digital acrobat is this?
Nina ate six peas, If she stands on her head,
She now has a sore throat. It will be exactly three more.

(Grad) (Six)

Think, count, guess!

How many ears do three mice have?

How many ends do two and a half sticks have?

The family has five sons. Each of them has one sister. How many children are there in the family?

Masha has parents, a sister and two brothers, and Olya has a mother, two sisters and a brother. Who has a larger family and by how many people?

Number 7 (seven)

Here is the seven poker.
She has one leg.


In the summer I cut the grass in the meadows,

In winter I am on a nail in the entryway.

The book has six plain sheets,
And the seventh is golden.

(Days of the week, one is a day off)

They don't drive with a whip,
They do not feed oats;
When it plows -
Pulls seven plows.


The braid curls in the wind,

And in the middle of the back there is a stripe.

Proverbs, catch phrases.

Seven do not wait for one.

Seven with a spoon - one with a bowl.

Seven are not one, we won’t give offense.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Seven with a spoon - one with a bipod.

Behind seven seals.( This expression means something incomprehensible, hidden, inaccessible to understanding or understanding.)

Seven spans in the forehead. (A very smart, wise, outstanding, talented person.)

Seventh water on jelly. (Very distant relative.)

Seven miles to heaven. (To promise and say a lot.)

On the seventh sky. (An expression that came to us from the Greek philosopher Aristotle. It currently means the highest degree of joy and happiness.)

Seven do not wait for one. (This is what they say when they start something without someone who is late, or with a reproach to someone who makes many (not necessarily seven) wait.)

Number 8 (eight)

Eight has two rings
Without beginning and end.


The number looks like a toy -

Tumbler rattle.

Don't hit the ground with her.

Everyone understands that this is...

Don't you know me? Eight legs are like eight arms
I live at the bottom of the sea. Embroider a circle with silk.
Head and eight legs, the master knows a lot about silk.
That's all I am -... Buy silk, flies!

(Octopus) (Spider)

Proverbs, catch phrases.

Two friends, eight enemies.

He was silent for seven years, and cried out on the eighth.

Eight hryvnia is not enough to reach a ruble.

Don't say "eight" without counting.

Everyone is seven, the owner is eight, the hostess is nine, which divides evenly.

Spring and autumn - there are eight weather conditions per day.

The eighth wonder of the world. ( Even in ancient times, people called magnificent, grandiose structures “the seven wonders of the world.” The expression “eighth wonder of the world” is also used to mean something extraordinary, grandiose, but sometimes in an ironic sense.)

Number 9 (nine)

Number nine, or nine,
Circus acrobat:
If it gets on your head,
The number six will become nine.


Six rolled over my head,

And I found myself in front of you.

How many pirates are there in a dozen?

If three went somewhere,

Months in a year without summer,

Nonet performers,

Lives of a stray cat

And in ten flies without a midge?

Don't look for the answer anywhere, because

The number has the answer... (nine)

Proverbs, catch phrases.

Nine mice pulled together and pulled the lid off the tub.

If you lose once, you will win nine times.

Nine people is the same as ten.

A bull is worth ninety rubles, but an arrogant man is not worth nine kopecks.

A brave man has ten virtues: one is courage, nine is dexterity.

The ninth wave. ( A stormy, strong manifestation of something formidable: the highest rise, takeoff.)

Beyond distant lands, in the distant (thirtieth) kingdom. (Expressions often found in Russian folk tales. Thirty-nine = 27 (3x9). In the old days, counting was done in nines. Then they came to another system - counting in tens; therefore, next to the first expression the second one is placed, with the word “thirtieth” (i.e. . three times ten).

According to some sources: 27 diameters of the Earth is the distance to the Moon. Therefore, the expression “far away kingdom” really means “very far away”».)

Type of project: research and information Goal: expand the understanding of numbers using the material of oral folk art Tasks: Select riddles, proverbs and sayings containing numbers Select riddles, proverbs and sayings containing numbers Collect and classify information into sections (riddles, proverbs, sayings) Collect and classify information into sections (riddles, proverbs, sayings) Work in a group, plan and distribute work among its members Work in a group, plan and distribute work among its members

Let's guys learn to count, divide, multiply, add, subtract. Remember everything that without an accurate count, no work will move forward. Without an account there will be no light on the street. Without an account, a rocket will not be able to rise, Without an account, a letter will not find its addressee, And the boys will not be able to play hide and seek. Count, guys, count more accurately, boldly add good deeds, quickly subtract bad deeds. The textbook will teach you accurate counting. Hurry to work, hurry to work!

The Tale of the Country of Tsifiria Far, far beyond the seas and mountains there was the country of Tsifiria. Very honest numbers lived in it. Only zero was distinguished by laziness and dishonesty. One day everyone learned that Queen Arithmetic was calling the inhabitants of Tsifiria to her service. Everyone wanted to serve the queen. Four deep rivers flowed between Cyphyria and the kingdom of Arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. The numbers decided to unite all together to get to the kingdom. On the way, many amazing adventures happened to them, but zero was in their way. But the inhabitants of Cyfiria reached the kingdom. Queen Arithmetic reconciled all numbers with the lazy zero: she began to assign Zero next to numbers, which from this increased 10 times.

Funny poems There is a first time for everything: First tooth and first grade, first five. Like the beginning of the first fights, the first bruise caught, the first castor oil. 5-five in the diary. 5 fingers on the hand. 5-at the star's ends 5-in the starlings' birdhouse Behind the house the grass had barely turned yellow, Two brothers were chopping wood. One did it carelessly, the other rolled up his sleeves. Six kittens want to eat, give them porridge with milk, let them lap it up with their tongue. Because cats don't eat from a spoon. Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, two tits, two swifts and five eels. How many birds? Answer quickly!

What does the number look like? But this is the number 5! It's easy to count to five. Hold each finger, tell the finger the number. Look, four is a chair that I turned over. And look at this, the number -3 appears. Three - the third of the icons - Consists of two hooks. Here is one, or one, very thin, like a knitting needle. Her appearance is like a comma, her tail is crooked, and it’s no secret: She loves all lazy people, but lazy people don’t. This number is an acrobat, now a six, now a nine. Here is the seven-poker, she has one leg. The figure eight has two rings, without beginning or end. The zero comes after the one, the number 10 on the page.

Riddles in numbers Two brothers look into the water, they will never meet. Two brothers look into the water, they will never meet. Who has one leg, and even that one without a shoe? Who has one leg, and even that one without a shoe? One shepherd tends a thousand sheep. One shepherd tends a thousand sheep. Two twins, two brothers Two twins, two brothers sit astride the nose. They sit astride the nose. One mouse has three tails. One mouse has three tails. A head with four legs lives between the stones. A head with four legs lives between the stones. Five steps - a ladder, on the steps there is a song. Five steps - a ladder, on the steps there is a song. Four fours, two spreaders, the seventh is a spinner. Four fours, two spreaders, the seventh is a spinner. Six legs, two heads, one tail. Who is this? Six legs, two heads, one tail. Who is this? Five fingers, no bones, no meat. Five fingers, no bones, no meat. Four legs, but can't walk? Four legs, but can't walk? Who changes clothes four times a year? Who changes clothes four times a year?

The magic of numbers For the first time, a mystical attitude towards numbers arose several years ago. Numbers were especially revered in Ancient Greece. For the first time, a mystical attitude towards numbers arose several years ago. Numbers were especially revered in Ancient Greece. The philosopher Pythagoras argued “that numbers rule the world.” The philosopher Pythagoras argued “that numbers rule the world.” He believed that numbers bring good or evil, happiness and unhappiness. The unit is a symbol of glory and power, action and ambition. According to the ancient Greeks, the number 2 is a symbol of love and impermanence, always in search of the highest harmony and balance. The Ancient Greeks considered the number 3 to be happy, magical, symbolizing a triangle: past, present, future. The ancients considered the number four a symbol of stability and strength. It is represented by a square, the sides of which represent the cardinal directions, the four seasons, the four elements - Fire, Water, Air, Earth. Pythagoras gave the number 5 a special place, considering it the happiest number. Pythagoras considered 6 an amazing number, since it is obtained as a result of the addition or multiplication of all the numbers it is divided by. In ancient times, the number seven was held in great esteem. Even in Ancient Babylon, 7 planets were known, which included the Moon and the Sun. Thus the seven-day week was born. The names of the days are associated with the names of the gods. A person perceives the world around him through the “Seven Holes” (eyes, ears, mouth, nose). Number 8 is the embodiment of reliability and perfection. Divided in half, it has equal parts (4 and 4), (2,2 and 2,2). The number 9 has a good reputation. It is the personification of prosperity and completeness. In numerology, it is considered a symbol of material success.

Winged expressions Lost in three pines. (not being able to figure out something simple) Three inches from the pot (very short, short) If you chase two hares, you won’t catch a single one. (when you take on several things at once and don’t finish any of them) Seven don’t wait for one (that’s what they say when they start something without someone who is late) Seven Fridays in a week (that’s what they say when they often change their decisions) Seven nannies have a child without an eye (unattended, the job is done poorly when several people are responsible for it at once) They have been waiting for the promised for three years (they say it jokingly when they do not believe in the speedy fulfillment of the given promise) Crying like crazy (crying very bitterly) For seven slurp miles of jelly (to drive far and in vain, trudge)

Numbers in proverbs If you cut down one tree, plant ten. If you cut down one tree, you plant ten. One head is good, two is better. One head is good, two is better. Don't recognize a friend in three days, recognize a friend in three years. Don't recognize a friend in three days, recognize a friend in three years. Without four corners, a hut cannot be cut. Without four corners, a hut cannot be cut. Try it on seven times, cut it once. Try it on seven times, cut it once. Spring and autumn, there are eight weather conditions per day. Spring and autumn, there are eight weather conditions per day. There is safety in numbers. There is safety in numbers. Better to see once than hear a hundred times. Better to see once than hear a hundred times. One spring in your homeland is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land. One spring in your homeland is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land.

Tongue twisters Three magpies were chattering on a hill. Three magpies were chattering on a hill. Four turtles have four hatchlings. Four turtles have four hatchlings. Six little mice rustle in a hut. Six little mice rustle in a hut. In the morning, my brother Kirill fed three baby rabbits grass. In the morning, my brother Kirill fed three baby rabbits grass. Eight couplers couple the tanks. Eight couplers couple the tanks. Seven pipers sat and whistled. Seven pipers sat and whistled.

How did people learn to count? Once upon a time, our distant ancestors lived in tribes. Their life was not much different from the life of animals. Primitive people, like small children, did not know counting. Observing the surrounding nature, Once upon a time, our distant ancestors lived in tribes. Their life was not much different from the life of animals. Primitive people, like small children, did not know counting. Observing the surrounding nature, on which their lives completely depended, our ancestors learned to isolate individual objects from many different objects. At first they defined this ratio as “many”, “one”. Fingers played a significant role in the history of counting. on which their lives completely depended, our ancestors learned to isolate individual objects from many different objects. At first they defined this ratio as “many”, “one”. Fingers played a significant role in the history of counting.

Counting books One, two, three, four We were sitting in the apartment. They drank tea, ate rolls, and forgot who they were sitting with. One two three four. Who doesn't sleep in our apartment? Everyone in the world needs sleep, He who does not sleep will go out. One, two, three, four, five, We'll play hide and seek. Sky, stars, meadow, flowers, just come and lead me. One, two, three, four, five We are going to play. A magpie flew to us and told us to lead us.

Physical education minutes Pinocchio stretched, bent over once, bent over twice, bent over three times. He spread his arms to the sides, apparently he couldn’t find the key. To get the key you need to stand on your toes. One-two, head higher, three-four, arms wider. Five, six - sit down quietly. Seven, eight - let's discard laziness. One - rise, stretch, Two - bend, unbend. Three - three clap your hands, four - three nods, five - wave your hands, six - sit down at your desk again. Five - wave your hands, six - sit down at your desk again. One, two, three, four, five We all know how to count. We also know how to relax. Let's put our hands behind our backs, raise our heads higher, and breathe easily.

We, friends, will make 10 very important rules for you... When you wake up, get up, don’t give in to laziness. The dew has washed the petal, but the soap will wash you. Don’t wait for prodding, go to school on time. Before you slam the door, check if you took everything with you. At school, in the classroom, don’t litter, but if you litter, pick it up. Don’t carry chalk in your pocket, that’s none of my business, my dear. Be careful in your clothes, avoid holes and stains. In class, don't chatter like an overseas parrot. You sit at your desk modestly and behave with dignity. Always keep books, pens and notebooks in order.

Holiday of numbers We learned many poems, proverbs, riddles about numbers and figures while creating this project. We discovered a lot of new and interesting, useful and necessary things, and most importantly, we realized that mathematics is truly the QUEEN of all sciences and we must be friends with it. We learned a lot of poems, proverbs, riddles about numbers and figures while creating this project. We discovered a lot of new and interesting, useful and necessary things, and most importantly, we realized that mathematics is truly the QUEEN of all sciences and we must be friends with it.

Math project

“Numbers in riddles, proverbs, sayings”

The project was completed by:

1st grade student

MKOU Ostaninskaya Osh.

Kovgan Svetlana.

Unit, unit
The number is as thin as a knitting needle.
She is very slim
Visible to everyone.
Sings the first song,
She is always the first to dance.
Every day from this number
We are counting down all the cases.
There is an excellent motto, children,
That one is responsible for everything,
The Musketeers honor him
They are eager to fight for one.

WITH one more complicated
But here we will find the answer -
This figure is to strive upward.
Meaning arrow? Let's say: "No!"
The arrow may break -
We get UNIT!

Who does she look like? deuce?
Maybe for a duck? Wait!
No it can compare with her
Only a swan, arching its neck.

Where there is deuces? You know? No?
Remember the bicycle!
These are not miracles -
It has two wheels.
The marten has two eyes
Every bird has two wings.
Do you remember that a person
There are two eyes and two eyelids.
Two arms and two legs...
What else? Help me!

TWO, not the best mark -
The kids at school know this.
Like swans swimming
In diaries, notebooks,
TWO, ​​if the student
He did something nasty.

But look at this,
Number stands out three.
Three - the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

On cardboard - three Pictures:
In one picture there is a cat,
In the other picture there is a krinka,
And on the third one in the picture
Black cat from yellow krinka
He laps and drinks milk.

Cannon Frog is waiting for you to visit -
The feast is ready in the forest apartment:
Sweet worms - FOUR
And one big fly.

What kind of squiggle is this?
Like a chair was turned over?
This number four,
Everyone knows in this world.
All animals have so many legs
And at my furniture.
As soon as I get a four,
I'll do what I want!
Mom and dad will be happy
They will give me a reward for my work:
Scooter, soccer ball
And a puppy to boot!

I'm sure you know
Five rays from a starfish.
How many fingers are there on a hand? Five.
Can you name them for me?

The fisherman knows his stuff!
Number five- he has a hook.
If this number is five
Tie a fishing line to a stick,
A stick will become a fishing rod...
It will be great fishing!

But for what? But for what?
Number SIX are we similar?
Imagine! Imagine!
And give me ideas!
There's something about the letter "B"
Baba, Pants, Blouse
Just a rounder number!
How do you like the load?

I can’t with this number
Work in the meadow.
She looks like a braid
But he can't mow the grass -
Not sharpened at all
And doesn't mow number 7.

Let's continue! Number SEVEN -
The unit is falling!
Crossbar to the fence
We'll kill her
After looking closely
SEVEN let's call it!

Let's ask nature together,
Who has what? eight?
A spider has eight legs
The stalk is thinner than a hair.
An octopus has eight legs
There are many suckers on the legs.

You probably guessed it with me too -
To the snow woman eight similar.
Let spring come, and summer, and autumn,
She does not melt in the sun - the number eight.

She lived in a little mansion nine:
She loved to sleep sweetly.
Red bow over the top of the head,
The tail is a cheerful comma.
Once she had a dream:
Miracle forest from all sides,
Nine rainbow dragonflies
They wove a wreath of roses for her,
Nine fast perches
They played with her on the waves,
Nine ducks flew with her,
Nine foxes rolled her around
Nine bright moths
They came down to her from the clouds.
And then the elephant stomped
And scared away a wonderful dream!

Was walking ten to the store
With a whole heap of baskets.
I bought ten books there,
Ten poppy cakes
I bought ten cubes
I didn’t forget ten mugs,
Ten pink plates
And for some reason ten hot water bottles.
Ten ripe juicy pears,
Stepped into ten puddles
I barely managed to drag it
I almost dropped the good stuff!
She brought the luggage
To your tenth floor.
And then I asked myself:
- Why did I buy everything?

NUMBERS in proverbs

and sayings

Unit, one, first

There is safety in numbers.

One bee can't make a lot of honey.

You can't clap your hands with one hand.

One head on his shoulders.

One foot here and the other there.

The first damn thing is lumpy.

Seven do not wait for one.

Deuce, two, two

Two of a Kind.

One foot here and the other there.

One head it's good, but two better.

As two drops of water.

Between the devil and the deep sea.

Sit between two chairs.

Miser pays twice.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Limp on both legs.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

For one beaten, they give two unbeaten.

Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.

Of two evils choose the less.

Three, three, three

Get lost in three pines.

They've been waiting for the promised thing for three years.

Cry into three streams.

From the pot - three inches.

The price for a braggart is three kopecks.

Don't recognize a friend in three days - recognize him in three years.

It takes three years to learn hard work, and only three days to learn laziness.

Four, four, four

Without four corners, a hut cannot be cut.

The horse is on four legs, and even then it stumbles.

On all four sides.

Close yourself within four walls.

Five, five, five

Have at one's fingertips.

The fifth wheel in the cart.

Six, six, six

Sixth Sense.

Seven, seven, seven

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Measure seven times, cut once.

Seven do not wait for one.

Seven Fridays a week.

Seven with a spoon - one with a bowl.

Onion from seven ailments.

Beyond the seven seas.

Killed seven in one fell swoop.

I don’t fight myself, I’m not afraid of seven.

Eight, eight, eight

Eight hryvnia is not enough to reach a ruble.
He was silent for seven years, and cried out on the eighth.

seven each, master eight, the hostess is nine, which divides exactly.
Spring and autumn - depending on the weather eight.
Two friends, two enemies eight.
Without counting, don't say" eight".

Spring and autumn - there are eight weather conditions per day.

Nine, nine, nine

A bull costs ninety rubles, an arrogant man and nine not worth a penny.
Nine They pulled the mice together and pulled the lid off the tub.
Nine a person is the same as a dozen.
A brave man has ten virtues: one is courage, nine- dexterity.
Having given in once, nine once you win.

For three nine lands.

Ten, ten, tenth

Tenth water on jelly.
Measure ten times, cut once.
A fool will throw a stone into the water, but ten smart people will not remove it.
If you cut down one tree, you plant ten.

NUMBERS in riddles

Unit, one, first

1. Antoshka is standing on one leg; They are looking for him, but he does not respond (mushroom).

2. Stands on his leg one, twists and turns his head.

Shows us countries, rivers, mountains, oceans (globe).

3. On a long stem, frozen for the time being, the stick rests after playing ( unit).

4. Who has one a leg, and even one without a shoe? (mushroom).

5. Many hands, leg - one(tree).

Deuce, two, two

1. Two Brothers went to the river to swim (buckets).

2. Two rings, two ends, in the middle - a nail (scissors).

3. Two houses - heated vehicles were given to Tanya (mittens).

4. The neck is so long, the tail is crocheted...

And it’s no secret, she loves all lazy people, but her lazy people don’t! ( deuce).

5. There is a completely different bird: if it sits on the page, then with a bowed head, I return home ( deuce).

6. We agreed two legs make arcs and circles (compass).

7. At night two The windows close themselves, and with the sunrise they open (the eyes).

8. Every face has one two beautiful lakes. There is a mountain between them. Name them, kids. (eyes).

9. Between two shining, in the middle - one(nose).

Three, three, three

    There is a back, but it never lies. Eat four legs, but don't walk and three. He himself always stands, but tells everyone to sit (chair).

    I'm standing on three feet, feet in black boots. White teeth, pedal. What's my name? (piano).

    You enter one the door and you come out three. You think you went out, but in fact you went in (shirt).

    Triangular board, and on it three hair The hair is thin, the voice is ringing (balalaika).

    Three Brothers went to the river to swim. Two bathe, third lying on the shore. Swimmed - went out to third hung (buckets and rocker).

    Near the forest on the edge three they live in a hut. There three chair and three mugs, three beds, three pillows. Can you guess without a hint who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Mashenka and the three bears).

    Three They plow one meadow (fingers write).

    His eyes are colored, not eyes, but three light, he takes turns looking at me from above (traffic light).

    Here stands on the street, in a long boot, a monster three-eyed on one leg. The monster’s emerald eye glowed, which means you can cross the street now (traffic light).

Four, four, four

    Four brother under one the roof stands (table).

    At least we have 4 legs, we are neither mice nor cats. Although we all have backs, we are not sheep or pigs. We are not horses, even though you sat on us hundreds times (chairs).

    Under the roof 4 legs, and on the roof there is soup and spoons (table).

    On 4 I’m standing on my feet, I can’t walk at all. When you get tired of walking, you can sit down and rest (chair).

    On 4 boots were put on their feet. Before putting them on, they began to inflate the shoes (tires).

    Everyone moved around the flower four petal I wanted to pick it, it fluttered and flew away (butterfly).

    Every year they come to visit us: one gray-haired, the other young, third jumps and fourth cries (seasons).

    Four wing, not a bird; flaps its wings, and does not move from place (mill).

    She will fluff up her sides, her four corner. And when night comes, the (pillow) will still attract you to itself.

Five, five, five

    There is, friends, such a bird: if it lands on the page, I am very happy, and the whole family is with me ( five).

    Five brothers are inseparable, they are never bored together. They work with a pen, a saw, a spoon, and an ax (fingers).

    U five brothers have one job (fingers).

    Two mothers each five sons, one name for all (fingers).

    As soon as she goes for a walk in the winter, the tenants move into the houses, and into each one exactly five! (gloves).

    5 fingers, like people's, but her fingers are without nails (gloves).

    5 woolen bags - the brothers warm themselves in them (gloves).

    On five a flock of birds resting on the wire (notes)

    So as not to freeze, five The guys are sitting in a knitted stove (fingers in mittens).

    Five steps - a ladder, on the steps - a song (notes).

Six, six, six

    If it stands on your head, exactly on three there will be more ( six).

    Cheren, but not a raven. Horned, but not a bull. Six legs without hooves. It flies, buzzes, falls and digs the ground (beetle).

    There is a commotion in the yard, peas are falling from the sky. Ate 6 pea Nina, she now has a sore throat (hail).

    6 legs, 2 heads, one tail. Who is this? (rider on a horse).

Seven, seven, seven

    Daily in 7 in the morning, I shout: get up porrrrrra! (alarm).

    Eat 7 brothers: equal in years, different names (days of the week).

    Exactly these brothers 7 . You all know them. Every week the brothers walk around each other. The last one says goodbye - the first one appears (days of the week).

    I've been wearing it all my life two hump, I have two stomach! But every hump is not a hump, it’s a barn! There is food in them seven days! (camel)

    Five puppies, and mother-like. Just try and count! (6)

    The sun ordered: “Stop, seven-color bridge in an arc! (rainbow)

    There's a flock of us, 7 protect rams from snowstorms (fur coat).

    One of seven filled (spider).

Eight, eight, eight

    The house is wonderful - a runner on its own eight legs Day after day on the road: running along the alley along the steel two snakes (tram).

    I'm so sweet, I'm so round, I'm made up of two circles. I'm so glad that I found friends like you ( 8 ).

    Don't you know me? I live at the bottom of the sea. Head and 8 legs, that's all I am - .... (octopus).

    8 legs like 8 hands, embroider a circle with silk. The master knows a lot about silk. Buy silk, flies! (spider).

Nine, nine, nine

    Guess, guys, what kind of figure is an acrobat? If it stands on your head, exactly on three will be less ( 9 ).

Ten, ten, tenth

1. Your assistants - take a look - ten friendly brothers.

How nice it is to live when they are not afraid of work (fingers).

2. The hedgehog grew up in ten once, it turned out... (porcupine).

3. Cunning little brothers live in a smart book. 10 them, but these brothers will count everything in the world ( numbers).

4. I have workers, hunters will help with everything. They don’t live behind the wall - day and night with me: whole ten, faithful guys! (fingers).

5. On tens of miles- colorful bridge. But no one can walk on it (rainbow).

Numbers greater than ten

    70 clothes, and all without fasteners (cabbage).

    On the ABC book page 33 hero. Every literate person knows the sages and heroes.

    Sat down on the page 33 sisters. They sat down next to each other - they were not silent, they told us riddles (letters).

    Kulik - not big, whole hundred commands: then sit down and study; then get up and leave (school bell).

    I have friends - dark. I can’t count them myself, because whoever passes by will shake my hand (door).

    Hundred the eye looks in all directions (thimble).

    IN two there are rows of houses - 10, 20, 100 contract. AND square they look at each other with their eyes (street).

    12 brothers are called the same and do different things (months of the year).

    Peas scattered on seventy roads: no one will pick him up (hail).

    He is golden and mustachioed. IN hundred pockets - 100 guys (spike).

    I spent the whole summer trying - getting dressed, getting dressed... And when autumn came, she gave us our clothes. Hundred We put the clothes in a barrel (cabbage).

    Thousand brothers one girded with a belt (ears of corn in a sheaf).

    One shepherd 1000 shepherds sheep (month and stars).

    The golden sieve of black houses is full. How many little black houses, so many white residents (sunflower).

    One hundred Birch soldiers stand holding hands. Day and night, all year round: they guard the garden (fence).

2. I don’t fight myself, I’m not afraid of seven.

3. Killed seven in one fell swoop.

4. Beyond the seven seas.

5. Onion for seven ailments.

6. Seven with a spoon - one with a bowl.

7. Sixth sense.

8. The fifth wheel in the cart. A superfluous, unnecessary person in any matter.

9. Like the back of your hand. Know very well, thoroughly, thoroughly.

10. The horse has four legs, and even then it stumbles.

11. A hut cannot be cut without four corners.

12. To learn hard work, it takes three years, to learn laziness - only three days.

13. Don’t recognize a friend in three days - recognize him in three years.

14. The price for a braggart is three kopecks.

15. Limp on both legs.

16. Eat by both cheeks.

17. Kill two birds with one stone.

18. The miser pays twice.

19. Sit between two chairs.

20. Double-edged sword.

21. Two inches from the pot.

22. One head is good, but two are better. --FortunaIDm2012 060 20:44, October 24, 2012 (MSD) Sign the team by clicking on the “Signature with time stamp” button in the article editing mode (the team name and id number should be displayed!)

  • (Even numbers, if put in the right order, can be sad, happy or romantic.

Counting table:
2 12 46
48 3 06
33 1 102
8 30 32
Cheerful verse:
2 15 42
42 15
37 08 5
20 20 20
--We are from 90.ID 048 19:38, October 25, 2012 (MSD)!))

  • (poems, sayings about numbers

1. Alone in the field is not a warrior. One bee can't make a lot of honey. You can't clap your hands with one hand. One head on his shoulders. One foot here and the other there. One head it's good, but two better. The first damn thing is lumpy. Measure seven times, cut once. Seven do not wait for one. For one beaten, they give two unbeaten. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided. 2. Two boots - a pair. As two drops of water. Between the devil and the deep sea. An old friend is better than two new ones. 3. Get lost in three pines. They've been waiting for the promised thing for three years. Cry into three streams. From the pot - three inches. 4. On all four sides. Close yourself within four walls. 7. Seven nannies have a child without an eye. Measure seven times, cut once. Seven do not wait for one. Seven Fridays a week. 9. For three nine lands. --X-Men IDm2012 041 21:21, October 25, 2012 (MSD))

  • Proverbs. 1. Sorrow for two is half grief, Joy for two is two joys. 2. It took two hours to get ready, It took two hours to wash, It took an hour to dry, It took 24 hours to get dressed. 3. He who helped quickly, Helped twice. 4. A lazy person works twice. 5. For two words.6. On two fronts.7.Can’t connect two words.8.Neither two, nor one and a half.9.One is a bully, the other is unyielding.10.One spring in the Motherland is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land.11.A coward dies a hundred times - and the hero once...12.Once he lied, he became a liar forever.13. If you go alone, the road is long.14. A hedgehog has one strength - thorns. 15. You can’t tie a knot with one hand. 16. One today is better than two tomorrow. Winged words. 1. Grandmother said in two.2. Second wind.3. Two-faced Janus. --Pyaterochka IDm2012 034 22:30, October 25, 2012 (MSD))
  • Say:
  1. Five fingers, no bones, no meat. (Rake)
  2. The five brothers are inseparable.
    They are never bored together.
    They work with a pen
    Saw, spoon, axe. (Fingers)
  3. Five steps - a ladder.
    There is a song on the steps. (Notes)
  4. On a stepladder
    Bagels are hung up.
    Click and click - five and five.
    This is how we learn to count. (Abacus)
  5. Who has a piglet,
    Not clenched in a fist?
    His feet have hooves.
    He eats and drinks from the hoof. (Piglet)--Magnificent Five IDm2012 028 08:14, October 26, 2012 (MSD)

  • Poems about the number Six
Six is ​​sitting at the table.

There is a pile of cookies in front of her.
Six huge chocolates,
Six transparent gummies,
Six boxes of marshmallows,
Six bottles of kefir.
Six ate everything, stood up,
And then she got stuck in the door!
“Ah,” sighs number Six,
- Apparently, we need to eat less!
Six little mice are laughing at her,
Six bumblebees hover over the number!
- Hey, six, your belly
It definitely won't fit through the door!
To get through this door,
You need to go on a diet!

The number six has no angles

There is only an arc with a circle.
You start writing with an arc,
And wrap it in a circle.

The number six is ​​easy to write:
No touches, no corners!
Watch your hand
Draw the line smoothly!

Number nine. This is -
Reversed six.
Draw a circle at the top
Down - an arc diagonally.
Start writing with a circle,
Don't make a corner.
Nine has no corners:
A circle, an arc - and the sign is ready!

Athletes have a strange look.

Guess it quickly for yourself -

Who will win in the ring?

Don't waste time,

Only the first move is difficult.

Add up the numbers for each.

Who is stronger? Whose will he take?

MBOU "Kamenskaya OOSH"

1st grade student of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Kamenskaya Secondary School"

Rapina Stas

“Numbers in riddles, proverbs, sayings”

Supervisor: Kozyaykina N.N.

Project goals:

Introduction to the history of numbers and figures;

Expanding knowledge about the world around us;

Formation of skills to work with information;

Development of speech, thinking and creative abilities;

Cultivating a love of mathematics.

Project stages:

    Gathering information (conversations with adults, working with reference books, Internet resources...).

    Creation of the final work: Making a booklet “Numbers in riddles, proverbs, sayings” See p. 64 - 65 of the textbook “Mathematics. 1 class. Part 1".

    Project protection.

From the history

The word "mathematics" originated in ancient Greece around 5th century BC It comes from the word “mathema” - “teaching”, “knowledge gained through reflection”.

Without knowledge of mathematics, all modern life would be impossible. For example, we wouldn't have good houses because builders have to be able to measure, count and build.

There would be no railways, no ships, no airplanes, no big industry.

And, of course, there would be no music, radio, television, cinema, telephone and a thousand other things.

And we meet numbers everywhere: on the pages of books, newspapers, magazines, on house numbers, on telephones, on cars, buses, airplanes...

Numbers are also found in riddles, fairy tales, puzzles, proverbs and sayings!

About numbers and numbers

In one wonderful land of numbers, they lived and did not bother with numbers. They had a queen, “Mathematics,” who ruled honestly and fairly.

And then one fine day this country was attacked by robbers X and Y. The whole country of numbers gathered for battle. And 1, 2 and 3 thought that the country of numbers would lose, and hid. The signs have come. They began to argue who was stronger, the country of numbers, or the robbers. says that the robbers are stronger, but stronger. They can't decide who is stronger. And so the battle began. Numbers 5,6,7 and 8 tried very hard to win. + will increase, - will decrease,: will divide, x will multiply. But they just can’t do anything. After all, X and Y are unknown, how will they defeat them? Soon they solved the equations and found out what numbers were hidden under the HiU masks. The numbers won. Queen "Mathematics" wanted to drive out the robbers. But a sign of reconciliation came = and reconciled everyone.

The queen forgave all the robbers, and everyone began to live happily and amicably.

One spring in our homeland is better than one hundred spring in a foreign land.

One the bee will make some honey.

Hands will fight one , knowledge – thousand.

An old friend is better than a new one two.

The price for a braggart is three kopeks.

Don't recognize your friend three of the day - find out at three of the year.

Horse o four feet, and even then he stumbles.

Without four The corners of the hut are not cut.

Here are four. Not complicated
As she writes:
On the left is the corner ahead,
Draw a line to the right.

There is an even shorter way:
We need to turn the chair over.
On the left is the leg, on the right is the back.
Very accurate picture!

Expensive - five , but straight ten .

Him six tricks and five deceptions.

U seven nannies a child without an eye.

For a mad dog seven verst is not a circle.

Spring and autumn - depending on the weather eight .

Nine man - no matter what ten .

Tricky riddles

1. The man bought three goats, paid twelve rubles for them, why did each goat come for? (On the ground.)

2. Sitting three cats, against every cat two cats, are there many of them? (Three.)

3. Shel one, found five rubles; three Will they go and find a lot? (five rubles.)
Poems about numbers.

Here one or unit,
Very thin, like a knitting needle.

And this is the number two.
Admire what it's like:
Arches deuce neck,
The tail is dragging behind her.

And for deuce- look-
Number stands out three.
Troika- the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

They're coming for three four,
Sharp protruding elbow.

And then I went to dance
Number on paper five.
She extended her hand to the right,
The leg was bent sharply.

Number six- door lock:
There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.

Here seven- poker.
She has one leg.

U eights two rings
Without beginning and end.

Number nine or nine,
Circus acrobat:
If it gets on your head,
In numbers six nine will become.

A number like the letter O-
This zero, or nothing.
Round zero, so cute,
But it doesn't mean anything.

If on the left, next to him
Unit let's sit down,
He will weigh more
Because it - ten.
S. Ya. Marshak.