Facts of Jewish extremism in the Russian government. The new composition of the Russian Government. Without hope for the future? Were there Jews in the government?


According to halacha, Jews should not (if they have the opportunity) allow a non-Jew to occupy any position that gives him even the slightest power over the Jews.

Jewish dominance in the “elite” of post-Soviet Russia is obvious. The list of high-ranking Jews of the Yeltsin era can be continued endlessly.

President - Yeltsin (married to a Jewish woman)

Heads of the Presidential Administration: Filatov, Chubais, Voloshin are Jews.


Gaidar, Kiriyenko - Jews

Minister of Economy - Yassin - Jew

Minister of Finance - Panskov - Jew

Deputy Minister of Finance - Vavilov - Jew

Chairman of the Central Bank - Paramonova - Jewish

Minister of Energy - Shafrannik - Jew

Minister of Communications - Bulgak - Jew

Minister of Natural Resources - Danilov-Danilyan - Jew

Minister of Transport - Efimov - Jew

Minister of Health - Nechaev is a Jew...


It makes no sense to provide data about the government, because... They weren’t the ones who ruled. Perhaps we will only mention Primakov (a Freemason and a Jew). The country was ruled by seven bankers - Aven, Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Potanin, Smolensky, Fridman, Khodorkovsky (six were Jews, data on Potanin varies).

The President and the President's Daughter (a new position in the Jewish government) Tatyana Dyachenko (according to Jewish law - as the daughter of a Jewish woman, a Jew) ruled together with them.


Main features indicating the preservation of Jewish power during Putin's time.


Prime Ministers: Fradkov is a Jew, Medvedev (he himself inadvertently mentioned his right to Israeli citizenship).

It is worth mentioning that Putin was brought to power by Jews: Chubais, Berezovsky and Abramovich. The first of this trinity (Chubais) plays the role of shadow leader.

Chubais Anatoly Borisovich, a Jew, is supposedly the only representative from Russia in the Bilderberg Club. “Thanks to” his activities in the posts of Chairman of the State Committee on Property of Russia and Head of the Presidential Administration, most of the NATIONAL RICHES of Russia came under the control of the Jews. It was he who invited Putin to work in the Kremlin...

“You will know them by their fruits”!

“If those Jews who dominate the world wanted to liberate the Russian people and extinguish the corroding flame of Bolshevism, putting an end to Jewish participation in all revolutionary movements, then they could do this within a week. What is currently happening is being done with knowledge and consent of the Jewish world powers..."

From the book "International Jewry", which was published by Henry Ford in 1920-1922.

“The collapse of the USSR and the subsequent redistribution of its enormous resources can be called, without exaggeration, the Second Great Jewish Revolution of the 20th century. The influence of Russian Jewry on post-Soviet reality grew so rapidly that in 1998, the famous Jewish publicist E. Topol had every reason to publicly declare: “we have received real power in this country...”

The idea that it is Jews who hold in their hands ideological and economic, and, consequently, political power in post-Soviet Russia has been heard repeatedly. Former State Duma deputy of the Russian Federation, Jew L. Radzikhovsky, titled one of his articles on this topic: “Jewish Revolution.” He bluntly stated that it was the Jews who became the main ideologists of the collapse of the USSR, as they once were of the Russian Empire. Then the Jewish clans carried out “privatization” and, in the end, took all political power in the country into their own Jewish hands.

“The following are 100% Jews: the head of the Presidential Administration, the Secretary of the Security Council, five ministers, the leaders of three Duma factions... No other nationality is so abundantly represented in power... This probably does not exist anywhere else in the world. And this despite the fact that there are less than 300 thousand Jews in Russia...”

This idea about Jewish domination in Russia was unequivocally confirmed by Rabbi Berl Lazar at the world congress of Hasidim: “Russia has known many revolutions, but the quietest and most effective is the revolution that our envoys carried out, despite the often hostile attitude of those around them...”

In Putin’s defense, we can say that by the time he became president, real power in the country ALREADY BELONGED to several Jewish oligarchic clans! But “after Putin’s arrival the situation has remained virtually unchanged. Quite the contrary: the Kremlin’s Judeophile sympathies have never been so obvious!”

Putin himself has defined the priorities of his national policy quite clearly. In December 2003, answering questions from viewers on central television channels, he announced to the whole country that the slogan “Russia for Russians!” - “the slogan of ASSHOLES AND PROVOCATORS”!

And in April 2005, speaking on Israeli radio during his visit to Tel Aviv, Putin emphasized: “We are categorically against any manifestations of nationalism. It is necessary to constantly respond to them in order to protect the interests of national minorities... the interests of the Jewish people. For us, the fight against anti-Semitism is the BASIS of our domestic policy.”

Berl Lazar, already mentioned earlier, stated: “Since Vladimir Putin came to power, punishments for anti-Semitic acts have become more frequent... He promised to completely eradicate anti-Semitism... President Putin feels RESPONSIBLE for the well-being of Russian Jewry, for the fight against anti-Semitism in all its manifestations and for the opportunity for Russian Jews to move freely and HAVE DUAL CITIZENSHIP...".

Israeli President Moshe Katsav, during a visit to Moscow in January 2001, called Putin “a great friend of the Jewish people.” Even the American press was shocked by the Kremlin’s attention to the slightest whims of the Jewish guest: “A kosher kitchen was set up in the Kremlin, for which an entire army of rabbis was invited... The kitchen was set up in the building where Ivan the Terrible still lived... President Putin, in fact, from the moment of his election, proclaimed that the heritage of the Jews , Judaism... has unconditional value for Russia" TheNewYorkTimes

However, some sensible Jews warned: “What is especially dangerous for Jews in Russia is that more and more Russian people believe that Jews have taken over Russian media, banks, aluminum, oil, gas... which for a significant part of the Russian people symbolizes the takeover of Russia by Jews.”

In addition, Jews have the right to dual citizenship, which allows them to evade Russian law...

True, in recent years the most politicized part of Russian Jewry has been subjecting Putin to crushing criticism! Portraying Putin in the image of the Antichrist (as always with Jewish talent), Jewish publicists call in every possible way for a “popular rebellion against the thieves’ regime.” “For the sake of this desired goal, they are even ready to temporarily sacrifice the basis, so to speak, the foundations - fear of the Russian people.”

year 2000. Could Putin come to the Kremlin without the approval of the Jewish clans that rule the country? The most influential figures among Russian Jewry did not even hide the fact that for them Putin is a “technical president,” a nominal figure whose main task is to legalize their actual domination over the country. It is to this era that the famous formula of the omnipotent Berezovsky dates back to “Private capital hires power. The form of hiring is called democratic elections.” Another most influential Jewish oligarch of that time, Gusinsky, the head of the Russian Jewish Congress, spoke in the same spirit: “the authorities in Russia should serve Jewish business interests, and no others...”

“This strategy was most openly formulated by another Jew - Oleg Deripaska. In his interview with the Eurasia Time newsletter, stunning in its frankness and cynicism, he, in particular, said: “Power is a group of people, an elite capable of making decisions and implementing them... Russian President Putin is a kind of top manager who runs the entire country . We are the Russian real power. The bearers of real power make a decision - who will be at the head of the management structure, one of them, or someone hired. In Russia, for example, this is a hired manager, Putin... We must discard all sorts of fairy tales about democracy, supposedly someone decides something by going into the voting booth. I will clarify so that the technology of managing society is clear. A group of people exercising power decides on the form of that power. Now, for example, it is a form of democracy where the general public is convinced that they are governed by whoever they chose in the voting booth."

This frank and provocative interview is indicative of the fact that Deripaska is so confident in his abilities that he did not even consider it necessary to fear the reaction to his words.

So in the early 2000s, Putin is “just a technical president.” But then a very powerful ally unexpectedly came to his aid and drew him into HIS game...

Putin found an ally not in the Russian people, whom the century-old Jewish yoke had turned into a herd, but in the most seemingly unexpected place - in the radical Jewish Hasidic sect “Chabad”, with which by that time the “Kremlin purse” R. Abramovich had become close friends! The President quickly and profitably exchanged his support for the Hasidim in their struggle for power over Russian Jewry (and, accordingly, Russia) - for support for his OWN POLITICAL FIGURE...

Hasidim, a small minority in modern Judaism (about 5 percent), are perhaps the richest and most influential part of world Jewry. Recently, they have been increasingly claiming to be the spiritual and political leaders of the entire Jewish people.

The most influential Jewish organization in Russia at that time was the Russian Jewish Congress (REC), headed by Gusinsky, and the religious structure that supported it, led by Chief Rabbi Shaevich.

But the REAL FIGHT between Putin and Chabad for REAL POWER has begun! Berezovsky was the first to fall in this fight - a reward for Abramovich! Being a convert and a personal enemy of Gusinsky, Berezovsky could not count on the support of Russian Jewry, much less the world. Orthodox Jews reacted to his problems rather indifferently. Rabbi Shaevich spoke about such “traitors to the Talmud”: “For a Jew to be baptized is a great sin”!

With Gusinsky it was much more difficult. In addition to the fact that he was one of the richest oligarchs and a media tycoon with enormous influence in the media, Gusinsky was also a recognized leader of Russian Jewry, head of the RJC, and a member of the presidium of the World Jewish Congress. It seemed impossible to topple such a figure without entering into open conflict with world Jewry. This is where Putin’s Hasidic allies came onto the scene in the person of their representative, Rabbi Berl Lazar.

“In Russia there are two chief rabbis, and the conflict between them does not subside,” Gazeta wrote. Adolf Shaevich is the head of the traditional and most popular movement in Judaism. But the president gave preference to the head of the Hasidic community, Rabbi Berl Lazar.”

In his interview with Gazeta, Shaevich was as frank as ever. “The Hasidim want me to leave... They want everything to be under them and they would be the ONLY OWNERS HERE. It would be possible to divide spheres of influence - and work! And here we are not talking about work, but about general’s shoulder straps and a white horse.”

It is worth noting here that in the person of the Hasidic rabbi, Putin received a channel for informal communication with the most influential Jewish clans in the world! And Putin took advantage of this!

In vain did Shaevich complain: “Isn’t anyone interested in knowing why Berel Lazar became the chief rabbi of Russia on the day Gusinsky was arrested? What, tell me, is it necessary for a person who speaks Russian poorly to be given Russian citizenship within two weeks? They were having a conference, and there were no elections of chief rabbis on the agenda. Someone came from the Kremlin, called Lazar, and ten minutes later they announced that elections for the chief rabbi of Russia would now take place. And now two dozen rabbis, 18 of whom are not even citizens of Russia, chose him. And this surprised no one either! The elections took place at two o’clock in the afternoon, and at six they arrested Gusinsky...”

At the same time, Shaevich does not try to hide: the root cause of the conflict between Putin and Gusinsky is that Gusinsky claimed to consolidate Russian Jews under his own leadership...

With Khodorkovsky it turned out differently. “The YUKOS company became for him not only and not so much an instrument of personal enrichment, but an instrument of political influence and, even moreover, an instrument of a political conspiracy, the result of which would be the complete and final elimination of Putin from the political arena. At the same time, Khodorkovsky’s plans were given special weight by his close personal friendship with the then US Vice President Richard Cheney, who represented the interests of the American oil giant Halliburton, with which YUKOS intended to merge into a single global super corporation.”

The severity of the situation that had developed by 2003 is best characterized by an article by a very informed Jewish political scientist S. Belkovsky under the eloquent title “Putin’s Loneliness. The President of Russia is fading into political oblivion.”

“At the beginning of 2003, the oligarchs sent a clear signal: they intend to change the state structure of Russia and personally take power, getting rid of the unnecessary intermediary in the person of a popularly elected president...”

The main goal of such a COUP was to eliminate the only political institution that in the foreseeable future could limit the undivided power of the oligarchs - the president!

“A head of state with broad powers was needed as a guarantor of closed privatization. Today this mission has been completely accomplished, and presidential power with its enormous formal powers is becoming a source of threat to the oligarchic world. What if the owner of the Kremlin wants to revise the division of the country? What if it accumulates a huge HIDDEN ENERGY of national and social protest?..."


Khodorkovsky was promised tacit support from the only superpower of the modern world - the United States. America's dividend is quite clear. Firstly, the coup guarantees the complete transformation of Russia into a satellite of Washington. Secondly, in the coming years, the largest raw materials and then infrastructure companies in Russia will become the property of US corporations.”

In that situation, for Putin, delay was like death. A little more, and the mandate of “watching over Russia” issued to Khodorkovsky would have made him beyond the reach of the “technical president” Putin...

But not everyone was happy with this development of events. “The transformation of Russia into a submissive vassal of the United States automatically turned the United States into the undisputed world hegemon for many decades to come. Meanwhile, the global course of American politics at the beginning of the 21st century began to change significantly. As part of Washington’s new concept of maintaining global hegemony, the US political elite (more precisely, representatives of the Jewish Rockefeller clan) began an active search for ways to establish a long-term alliance with the so-called “radical Islam”, which later resulted in the “Arab Spring”.

The transformation of the “Islamic world” into a territory of “controlled chaos” under US control was planned even then. Israel, within the framework of this new strategy of Washington, Ceased to be the main and indispensable ally of the United States in the Middle East. These fears were voiced in more detail in Russia by another Jew, Satanovsky (president of the Middle East Institute): “As experience shows, Jews are sold cheaply and at great cost to them. They were sold to the fascists in the late 1930s, and will continue to be sold now to the Islamists. Therefore, the Islamists will do what they consider necessary in relation to Israel... In the USA and Europe they believe that without Israel everything in the Middle East will be fine...". [This is the same “fiendish Satanovsky” who threatened Maxim Shevchenko with murder live for revealing the Zionist origins in the actions of Andreas Breivik, who sacrificed children on the island of Utøya https://cont.ws/post/327955 note SS]

Kissinger is a Jew and a Nobel laureate made a sensational statement in the New York Post that, most likely, in 10 years Israel will cease to exist as a state. Kissinger is the real creator of modern history. Most likely, his statement was planned at a very high political level, higher than the level of leaders of individual countries.

What does it mean? The political configuration in the Middle East is changing! The United States, despite all its potential, is experiencing a serious overexertion of forces. “Naturally, the United States is not going to leave the Middle East. However, they will have to leave in their previous capacity, change the management model to a new model - controlled chaos. There is no better candidate for its creation than the Islamists. The so-called “Arab Spring” brought Islamists to power..."

It turns out this way, although the real situation is much more complex and tricky. In any case, with new allies (Islamists), America no longer has a pressing need for Israel. “It was needed during the Cold War, when most Arab regimes were oriented toward the USSR.”

Today, the situation in the Middle East has changed radically... and so have US allies. And in these conditions, the “Israeli friend” is no longer needed; moreover, he begins to interfere. Most likely, the United States will “dismantle” Israel as unnecessary, as Kissinger openly hinted at. “In the scheme of the new Middle East that Obama is drawing, there is no place for Israel.”

The future dismantling of the “Promised Land” means the subsequent resettlement of its people!

Question: where? To Russia, where Jews hold real power in their hands?

“1,600,000 Israelis who arrived from the former USSR will return to their countries of origin,” the CIA report emphasizes. They will return, but it’s unlikely to return to the Jewish Autonomous Region...

[In 1991, the Soviet Union, which millions of Soviet people had worked so hard to build, was destroyed by Jews, just as Russia was in 1917. In 2007, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert openly admitted this. He publicly thanked Soviet Jews for the collapse of the USSR! https://cont.ws/post/337900 note SS].

Many Jewish historians today are actively promoting the topic of the Great Khazaria. They believe that part of modern Russia and Ukraine are the ancestral lands of the ancient Jewish Khazaria, that is, Israel, captured by Kievan Rus in the 10th century. The Slavs are temporary guests here and are subject to subsequent eviction. “We will return this territory and create on these fertile lands the Great Khazaria - a Jewish state, just as we created Israel 50 years ago, ousting the Palestinians.”

“The role of the aggressor in relation to Jewry is ceremonially assigned to the Islamic world, the role of the victim, as usual, again falls on ordinary Jews, who, as a rule, know nothing about geopolitics, the role of savior and donor is for the Russian people, ready to forgive everything.”

But the sharp strengthening of the Rockefeller clan in connection with access to new “oil assets” as a result of an alliance with “radical Islamists” and the possible “purchase” of Russia from Khodorkovsky became extremely unprofitable for the Rothschild clan, which had its own plans not only for the future of Israel and Russia, but also their views on US geopolitics.

And the Kremlin, represented by President Putin, managed to brilliantly take advantage of these contradictions - FOR ITS PERSONAL INTERESTS! Neither his Jewish origin, nor his wealth, nor his close friendly relations with the US Vice President helped Khodorkovsky. At this point the issue was closed. Khodorkovsky ended up in prison, and Putin remained as president of - now HASIDIC RUSSIA.

As a result of all these events, a reshuffle occurred in the ranks of the Jewish oligarchs in Russia. Instead of Khodorkovsky and others like him, the Rottenberg brothers and new oligarchs of the “Putin wave” joined the ranks. It was also inevitable that the person who helped Putin carry out this whole operation of rapprochement with the Hasidim would appear; this “hero” would receive a “deserved reward.” And the “face” appeared! Roman Abramovich received $13 billion for his company Sibneft, much higher than its market price!

It is worth adding to this that, in contrast to the tough struggle against manifestations of Russian nationalism, Putin’s struggle with that part of the Jewish oligarchy that planned his subsequent removal was rather mild. Putin gave Berezovsky, Gusinsky and others the opportunity to withdraw most of their capital abroad and go there themselves...

And especially “for Lazar,” a new organization was created - the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, which became the main mediator in relations between Jews and the Kremlin.

At the same time, Putin KNEW perfectly well WHO he was entering into an alliance with! Lazar did not even think of hiding his Russophobic and anti-Christ views. Lazar’s position on this issue clearly amounts to “inciting interreligious hatred”: “It is necessary not only to have deep and sincere repentance of Christians for all the evil that they have caused to the Jews over 2000 years. It is necessary to introduce a new understanding of the relationship of Christians to Jews into the very doctrine of the Christian Churches... These matters must be proportionate to the full severity of the guilt of Christians. Among such useful deeds, one could name a ban on Christians distributing any anti-Semitic literature - after all, until now Jews were treated as “servants of the Antichrist” - as well as the introduction into the daily service of Christians of a prayer of repentance in memory of the innocent victims of the Jewish people, veneration holy places of Judaism, etc.”

Putin, congratulating Lazar on his 40th birthday, said: “An authoritative spiritual leader and public figure... it is important that your activities serve to strengthen INTERCONFESSIONAL DIALOGUE, CIVIL PEACE AND CONSENT IN THE COUNTRY”?!

The President personally presented Lazar with the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Minin and Pozharsky “for his great personal contribution to the strengthening of the Russian state, the unity of nations and the revival of the spiritual strength of the Fatherland.” In 2005, the “Chief Rabbi of Russia” was awarded the Order of Peter the Great, 1st degree. This order is “awarded for selfless acts, courage, bravery and heroism committed in the performance of military, official and civil duty.”

Another fact related to the Russian Jewish oligarch Friedman is also indicative. In 2012, at a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, he announced the establishment of a special prize in Russia - “only for Jews” - worth $1 million.

Israeli publicist I. Shamir wrote about this: “Exactly so! Million dollar prize for smart Jews. Does he need it so that they can write on the walls of Alfa Bank: “Friedman’s Bank takes money from Russians and gives it to Jews?” Where is his mind?

What is this – the first open manifestation of Jewish Nazism?! Or did it already exist (remember the fourth decree of the Bolsheviks)?!


During 2004, the media reported six official meetings between Berl Lazar and President Putin. In 2005, their number increased to seven and began to grow from year to year. Lazar, as part of the Russian delegation, accompanied Putin during his visit to Israel and during the president’s visit to the former Auschwitz concentration camp...

And on February 27, 2008, speaking to his like-minded people in England, Berl Lazar said: “In Leningrad, a little over 50 years ago, a boy was born, whose neighbors turned out to be a Jewish family. The boy-neighbor was warmly welcomed into the Jewish family and from a young age imbibed respect for the Jewish world. There he was fed Jewish food, there he saw the head of the family reading Jewish books, there he appreciated the respectful attitude of members of the Jewish family towards each other. This man's name was Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

No leader of Russia or the USSR has done as much for Jews as Vladimir Putin. In every way. Unprecedented. Now in Russia many city mayors, regional leaders and government ministers are Jews. THIS HAS BECOME THE NORM."

After several meetings with Putin, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon repeatedly emphasized that “we Jews and Israel HAVE THE BIGGEST FRIEND IN THE KREMLIN...”

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai said: “The best of the non-Jews - kill him, the best of the snakes - crush its head”...

And all this Russian-Jewish friendship - against the backdrop of an obvious increase in anti-Semitic sentiments IN THE REST OF THE WORLD!

“The new organization sees its task in organizing a boycott of Israel, creating a regime of anti-Israeli sanctions, and legal prosecution of Israeli politicians and officers for “war crimes.”

This task was proclaimed not by some fascist anti-Semitic group, but (what a surprise!) by the Jewish Voice for Peace organization, organized in 1996 in the USA and gathering under its banner over 85,000 supporters of exclusively Jewish nationality!

"Anti-Semitism is the trump card that Zionists use to suppress debate."

Secretary General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress M. Chlenov emphasized that against the backdrop of EU countries - both “old Europe” and “new Europe”, in which there is a rapid increase in attacks motivated by anti-Semitism, Russia remains an “island of calm”!

As for the activities of law enforcement agencies in the fight against anti-Semitism, “the situation in this area has noticeably improved in the last few years”!

The creation of Center “E” in 2008 was decisive. “If earlier a policeman brushed off demands to prosecute for xenophobic and anti-Semitic literature or appeals, saying: “I have three unsolved murders here, and you are meddling with your papers,” then after that a group of policemen (now policemen) appeared, for whom the fight against xenophobia - these are their awards, ranks and titles"!

At the end of 2008, the Ministry of Internal Affairs Department for Combating Extremism was created in Russia - the so-called “E” centers. During the year of their existence, the “E” centers managed to establish themselves as a socially dangerous structure that commits arbitrariness and violates the rights of citizens. The breadth and vagueness of the concept of “extremism” makes it possible to subsume anything under it. Using “anti-extremist” legislation, the “E” centers, the prosecutor’s office, and the FSB are engaged in persecuting the political opposition and participants in social movements.

Criticism of the actions of the authorities, exposing the corruption of officials, fighting the arbitrariness of the police, and even quoting classics can be interpreted by law enforcement agencies as “extremism” and inciting social discord. “E” centers are turning into political police in the service of the bureaucratic apparatus of power!

The number of anti-Semitic offenses in Russia has been at a record low for the past two years amid growing Islamophobia. Experts came to this conclusion in their report “Anti-Semitism in Russia (2011–2012).”

As experts note, most xenophobia in Russia really has anti-Muslim, anti-Caucasian rhetoric.

Dear readers, this article was written for informational purposes, but in no way does it fuel interethnic protest and indignation.

Living in Russia, we praise and scold our government... But no matter how you look, only Russians are at the helm of power, and we are proud of our nation and leadership that such smart and promising people rule the state. But is our government like this? In this article I will try to reveal the true nationality of the ruling elite.

Putin's successor, Dmitry Medvedev, is a halachic Jew, his mother Yulia Veniaminovna, 100% Jewish, was a literature teacher at the Herzen Pedagogical Institute, his wife Svetlana, née Linnik, is also Jewish. As you know, among Jews, the nationality of children is determined by their mother, so we have before us 100% Jewish Medvedev.

As also became known from the information publication Stringer, Medvedev’s earlier biography differed from today’s, namely in this:

The real name of Medvedev's father is David Aaronovich Mendel. Born on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad in a “simple” family, Russian according to his passport. Father - Aaron Abramovich Mendel, professor, Russian according to his passport. Mother - Tsilya Viniaminovna, philologist, Jewish according to her passport. These are the original names from birth.

Let us note that the concealment of the Jewish origin of David Aaronovich Mendel (“Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev”) by the Russian KGB media is the grossest manifestation of the most complete, rabid state anti-Semitism, as if there is something shameful in Jewry that needs to be hidden.

Now let’s look at the Moscow government by nationality

President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev (JEW)
Composition of the Government of the Russian Federation (2009)
Chairman of the Government - Putin (Shalomov) Vladimir Vladimirovich (JEW)
First Deputy Prime Minister – Viktor Alekseevich Zubkov (NON-JEW)
First Deputy Prime Minister – Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich (JEW)
Deputy Prime Minister – Sergei Borisovich Ivanov (JEW?)
Deputy Prime Minister – Kozak Dmitry Nikolaevich (JEW)
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance - Alexey Leonidovich Kudrin (NON-JEW?)
Deputy Prime Minister – Sechin Igor Ivanovich (JEW)
Deputy Prime Minister - Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin (NON-JEW?)
Deputy Prime Minister – Zhukov Alexander Dmitrievich (JEW?)
Ministry of Internal Affairs - Nurgaliev Rashid Gumarovich (JEW)
Ministry of Health and Social Development – ​​Golikova Tatyana Alekseevna (NON-JEWISH)
Ministry of Energy – Sergey Ivanovich Shmatko (NON-JEW)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich (JEW)
Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications – Avdeev Alexander Alekseevich (JEW)
Ministry of Defense - Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov (JEW?)
Ministry of Regional Development – ​​Basargin Viktor Fedorovich (NON-JEW?)
Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications – Shchegolev Igor Olegovich (JEW)
Ministry of Agriculture – Elena Borisovna Skrynnik (JEW)
Ministry of Education and Science – Andrey Aleksandrovich Fursenko (JEW)
Ministry of Industry and Trade – Khristenko Viktor Borisovich (JEW)
Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief - Shoigu Sergey Kuzhugetovich (JEW?, mother– Alexandrya Yakovlevna Shoigu)
Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy – ​​Vitaly Leontyevich Mutko (JEW)
Ministry of Transport – Levitin Igor Evgenievich (JEW)
Ministry of Justice - Konovalov Alexander Vladimirovich (JEW?)
Ministry of Economic Development – ​​Nabiullina Elvira Sakhipzadovna (JEWISH?)

About attempts to seize power by Jews in Russia

For six and a half centuries, the Russian people completely forgot and lost the concept of the national properties of the Jews and found themselves completely unprepared for a new meeting with them. This meeting took place in 1775, when Russia annexed, by the will of the Empress of German origin Catherine II, lands that once belonged to Rus', and then seized by Poland.

The local population (Little Russians-Ukrainians and Belarusians) groaned under the yoke of the Jews (tenants, tax farmers, moneylenders and liquor dealers), which was much heavier and more merciless than the yoke of the Polish masters, who were economically dependent on the Jews. Now the Great Russians, the ancestors of modern Russians, had to become acquainted with the Jewish yoke.

For a long time, Jews were forbidden to settle outside those lands that were annexed by Catherine: the so-called Pale of Settlement. This protective measure greatly irritated the Jews, who dreamed of the riches of all of Russia, and aroused their anger and indignation.

However, it was skillfully overcome by rich and educated people from the Jewish community. Many of them even converted to Christianity in order to be able to live and work in their ancestral regions of Russia. As you know, a baptized Jew does not cease to be a Jew, does not lose the specific features and life skills of his people.

Emperor Alexander II completed the work begun by Catherine and showered the Jews with good deeds. From now on, Jews were allowed to live everywhere in Moscow. (By the beginning of the 1890s [i.e., in just 35 years] over 70 thousand. Jews!) Since 1856, the conscription of Jewish children into the Russian army stopped.

In 1859, Jewish merchants of the first guild were granted the right to live and trade throughout Russia. During these same years, cities such as Nikolaev, Sevastopol, and Kyiv were opened to Jews.

In 1861, all Jews - certified specialists - received the right to live outside the Pale of Settlement, and they were also allowed to serve in the civil service.

In 1865, it was allowed to accept Jewish doctors into the military medical service; temporary access to the internal provinces was also opened to Jewish mechanics, brewers, artisans and craftsmen... In practice, almost all Jews who wanted were able to take advantage of this right, although in some places concentrations of Jews remained in the southwestern regions of the Russian Empire.

How did the Jews thank the Russian Tsar?

The benefits of Alexander the Second did not save him from the cruel Jewish tribal hatred. The idea of ​​regicide arose in the committee of the underground party "People's Will", which included two Jews (Goldenberg and Zundelevich), two Poles (Kobylyansky and Kvyatkovsky) and one Russian (Mikhailov).

He was the first to suggest the idea of ​​killing the emperor and offered his services for this purpose. Goldenberg, as it became known later from his own testimony, published in the Historical Bulletin for 1910. However, it was considered inappropriate to place the matter of assassinating the Russian Tsar directly into the hands of a Jew. The assassination attempt was successful on March 1, 1881; a bomb was thrown at Alexander’s feet.

Although the bombers were the Russian Rysakov and the Pole Grinevitsky, the history of the preparation of this monstrous crime is replete with Jewish names: Natanson, Deitch, Aizik, Aronchik, Aptekman, Devel, Bukh, Gelfman, Fridenson, Tsukerman, Lubkin, Hartman and others.

The son of the deceased who ascended the throne Alexander the Third began a large-scale persecution of terrorists, which caused a wave of frenzied tribal Jewish hatred and revenge. Among those who attempted to assassinate the new emperor was Alexander Ulyanov, the eldest grandson of the Jew Israel Blank. He was caught and executed. Upon learning of his death, his younger brother Vladimir Ulyanov (the future Lenin) vowed terrible revenge on the House of Romanov. As is known, he kept this oath of personal vengeance to the end.

Alexander the Third, who realized the ominous role of the “chosen people” from the tragic experience of his father, tried to restore the Pale of Settlement and began to “squeeze” the Jews who had spread throughout Russia beyond its borders.

He attached particular importance to the cleansing of Moscow from Jews, which they had filled so much that in the area where the choral synagogue was located, only Jewish, but not Russian, speech could be heard. On March 29, 1891, the Minister of Internal Affairs presented to the Emperor a report on the gradual eviction of Jews from Moscow and the Moscow province. Alexander III wrote briefly on the document: “Execute.”

The highest command was published during the Jewish holiday of Passover. The eviction of the Jewish population was planned for a year. This responsible task was entrusted to the director of the police department, Comrade Minister of Internal Affairs von Plehwe and on the Governor General of Moscow, the Tsar’s brother, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich. They largely coped with the task (alas, not completely), but from now on both were doomed.

Strangely, Emperor Alexander III lived only a year after the above-mentioned resolution, and it remained unfulfilled.

It must be said that the Jews not only acted underground, but also very actively and successfully won for themselves a “place in the sun” in the legal sphere of activity. From 5.6 million. of the Jews living in Russia in 1913, 50 thousand were workers, 250 thousand were artisans, and the rest of the able-bodied Jews were traders, moneylenders, Shinkrai etc.

According to the Russian census of 1897, out of 618,926 people engaged in trade on the territory of the empire, 450,427 (that is 72,8% ) were Jews.

Jewish banker of the Imperial House Stieglitz received a baronial title; banker and gold miner Rubinstein was received at court; railway construction contractor Samuil Polyakov enjoyed the favor of the emperor himself. Crook and hack, he took huge amounts of money from the state, but carried out the construction in a hurry, using unsuitable materials, “covering” the mouths of the auditors with money.

It was on the railway he built in such an unscrupulous manner that the crash of the royal train returning from Crimea occurred, during which Emperor Alexander the Third saved his family, but was injured, which later led to a fatal illness.

He did not manage to complete the task of limiting Jewish influence in Russia. Despite restrictive quotas, in 1910 Jews constituted 10% students of technical universities. The dominance of Jews in pre-revolutionary journalism and in the leadership of all left-wing political parties is well known. Etc.

All such successes of numerous Jews did not in the least pacify this tribe as a whole, which sought to bring your own rules, and stopping at nothing on the way to this goal.

Here's a confession Bukharin: “During “war communism” we cleansed out the Russian middle and petty bourgeoisie, along with the big bourgeoisie... then free trade was allowed... The Jewish petty and middle bourgeoisie took the position of the petty and middle Russian bourgeoisie... Approximately the same thing happened with our Russian intelligentsia, who cheated and sabotaged: their places were taken in some places by the Jewish intelligentsia, more mobile, less conservative and Black Hundred...” (N.I. Bukharin. The Path to Socialism. - Novosibirsk, 1995).

Another piece of evidence is M.I. Kalinina: “In the first days of the revolution... when a significant part of the Russian intelligentsia fled... just at that moment the Jewish intelligentsia poured into the channel of the revolution, filled it with a large percentage compared to its own number, and began to work in the revolutionary governing bodies... "(Izvestia" November 25, 1926).

Jews led The first Soviet government, ministries and departments, they took the entire repressive apparatus into their own hands. (For example, in May 1919, Jews made up 21% in the boards of the central people's commissariats, and in Ukraine by 1923 Jews made up 40% among government officials). A well-known fact is characteristic: of the four closest assistants to Felix Dzerzhinsky in the OGPU, three were Jews. Quite reliable sources also write about the Jewish (paternal) origin of Dzerzhinsky himself.

Take the pre-war directories of Soviet creative unions - and you will see: these were the years of extraordinary flowering of Jewish Soviet culture. Yes, it was their country, their power, their system. Their start. Their chance. Jewish creativity flourished magnificently on the land drenched in our blood. 97.5% of Jews did not take direct armed participation in the revolution, but they all got drunk from its fruits.

Jewish historian R. Nudelman, who studied this problem, sums up a conclusion with which it is impossible not to agree: “Jews took a disproportionately high part in the revolution, took appropriate places in the Soviet and party apparatus and, most importantly, replaced the very noble and raznochinsky intelligentsia that was expelled from the revolutionary Russia..." (R. Nudelman, “Modern Soviet anti-Semitism: Forms and content.” – In the book: “Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union.” – Jerusalem, 1979)...

Such genocide is much worse than the notorious Holocaust, about which Jewish propaganda tirelessly trumpets. For among those “six million” Jews allegedly killed by the Germans (even if we assume that this figure is true, which today no serious researchers believe) there is not a single (!) outstanding name. Quotas for sending Jews to concentration camps, etc. ordered the so-called "Judenrat"adviсe of the Jewish elders who determined which of them should live and which should die. They held a kind selection, preserving the most valuable human material and “cutting off dry branches” with German hands, as the head of the World Jewish Organization put it Chaim Weizmann(first president of Israel). Genetically, Jewry only benefited from the Holocaust, no matter how blasphemous it sounds...

Jewish power remained unshakably after the revolution for a full twenty years. During this time, an incomparably rich country was monstrously robbed. Its national wealth, accumulated over many centuries, was largely exported abroad.

As part of the first Soviet government 17 people's commissars (ministers) from 22 were Jews. Including Trotsky (Bronstein) headed the military commissariat, Zinoviev (Apfelbaum) - the commissariat of internal affairs, Shtenberg - the commissariat of justice, etc.

Jews held key positions firmly in their hands almost until World War II. They represented in those years 61 member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks out of 78, 133 members of the Council of People's Commissars (government) out of 155, 8 out of 8 in the Prosecutor's Office manual, 53 of 59 leaders of the OGPU (the main repressive body), 12 out of 12 editors of central newspapers...

Here list of Jewish people's commissars(ministers) of the Soviet government 1936-1937:

– Foreign Affairs – Litvinov (Finkelstein),

– Internal Affairs – Yagoda (Yehuda),

– foreign trade – Rosengelts,

– domestic trade – Reiner,

– communication lines – Kaganovich,

– light industry – Lyubivov,

– state farms – Kolminovich,

– healthcare – Kaminsky,

- Soviet control - Belenky.

The first deputies were Jews: defense - Gamarnik, heavy industry - Kaganovich (brother of the People's Commissariat), finance - Levin, education - Einstein, land ownership - Geister, communications - Lyubovich, food industry - Belenky, water transport - Rosenthal, light industry - Sokolnikov (Brilliant ), Justice - Solts, assistant. prosecutor - Iskhanye, head of the central department of national economy - Kronin. Etc.

Many Soviet leaders (large and small) were married to Jewish women, related in one way or another to revolutionaries and veterans of the Communist Party. So, Marshal Voroshilov’s wife was born Golda Gorbman, from the “All-Russian headman” Kalinin - Lorberg, from the head of the party organization of Leningrad Kirov - Marcus, from the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars Molotov - Pearl Karpovskaya(Pearl), from the People's Commissar of Education Lunacharsky - Rosenthal, from the “party favorite” Bukharin - Lurie(Larina), from the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars Rykov - Isfaq, at the General Secretary of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev - Victoria Petrovna Golberg.

Married to Jews At one time or another, Malenkov’s daughter Volya, the daughter of Stalin himself Svetlana and many others turned out to be. etc. In a word, a very significant sector of the leadership of the USSR, as well as the highest strata of the humanitarian, technical and military intelligentsia (the example of academicians A.D. Sakharov and D.S. Likhachev is typical, but far from single).

Over time, this state of affairs began to greatly irritate party leaders of non-Jewish origin - primarily Stalin. During the signing of the famous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Stalin admitted to the latter (which he enthusiastically reported to Hitler) that he was forced to endure the dominance of the Jews for now, but would replace them when the Russian intelligentsia grew up. In 1937-1939 a terrible blow was dealt to the Jewish leadership of the party and the state, power(generally) slipped out of Jewish hands.

Almost the entire party “Leninist Guard” was destroyed and turned into “camp dust.” During the war years, educated and qualified personnel were needed in unlimited quantities, and repressions against Jewish leaders were suspended. But after the war, Stalin energetically returned to the logical conclusion of what he had started.

There is a version, which has not yet been confirmed, according to which Stalin was poisoned by Jews on the eve of the “final solution to the Jewish question” in the USSR - the resettlement of all Jews to the Jewish Autonomous Region in the Far East.

Preparations for this action had already been carried out: the campaign of struggle “against cosmopolitanism and sycophancy to the West”, which unfolded throughout the country, the “doctors’ case”, “the case of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee”, for which in the post-war years they were arrested and sentenced (many to execution). prominent representatives of the Jewish intelligentsia, etc. There was also experience in the forced resettlement of peoples. The sudden and mysterious death of Stalin stopped the course of events, preventing the logical conclusion of the leader's many years of consistent efforts.

Quite a lot of Jews (Kaganovich, Mekhlis and others) retained their positions until the last years of Stalin’s life and even more so in the future. Yuri’s career turned out to be the most expressive Andropova(by mother - Feinstein), who headed the KGB for many years and rose to the position of General Secretary of the CPSU. Andropov was loyal to the Soviet Union and believed that all Soviet Jews should be like that.

He highly valued the intellectual potential of Jews and discouraged the emigration of Jews to Israel, keeping them in the USSR by all means. (Neighboring Poland, on the contrary, practically got rid of Jews peacefully in those same years.)

For this purpose, Andropov created the Anti-Zionist Committee of the Soviet Public in 1983, staffed by KGB officers, but headed by “showcase” Jews, such as General Dragunsky. Andropov's influence was very long - for almost thirty years, his policy towards the Jews determined the party's course on this issue. (Brezhnev, married to a Jewish woman, was lenient towards Jews and did not interfere in this matter.)

But this policy was deeply mistaken. We can safely say that Andropov warmed a snake on the chest of the USSR, which after his death unfolded and bit the “native state” with all its might, provoking, under the guise of perestroika, a bourgeois-democratic revolution, as a result of which Russians have lost everything again, and the Jews acquired everything.

Not many WILL UNDERSTAND... But whoever understands... WILL BE HORROR...

daughter of the Jew Alexander (Abram) Avraamovich Shkrebnev


1. Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (Prime Minister) - Ulyanov (Lenin). Listed as Russian. In fact, Lenin was half-Jewish on his mother’s side (Blank), and this is, according to rabbinical laws: a full Jew. Why do you think the mausoleum has not been demolished yet? Because there is a Jew there. Jewish tomb near the Russian Kremlin.

Next - ministers (commissioners)
2. Commissioner of Foreign Affairs - Chicherin. Listed as Russian. Chicherin on his father’s side was from the old family nobility, and on his mother’s side he was a complete Jew. He was married to a Jewish woman.
3. Commissioner for Nationalities - Dzhugashvili (Stalin). He is listed as Georgian.
4. President of the Supreme Economic Council - Lurie (Larin). Jew.
5. Commissioner for Restoration - Schlichter. Jew.
6. Commissioner of Agriculture - Protian. Armenian.
7. Commissioner of the National Audit Office - Lander. Jew.
8. Commissioner of the Army and Navy - Bronstein (Trotsky). Jew.
9. Commissioner of Public Lands - Kaufman. Jew.
10. Commissioner of Public Works - Shmit. Jew.
11. Commissioner of Public Supplies - E. Lilina (Knigisen). Jewish.
12. Commissioner of Public Education - Lunacharsky. Listed as Russian.
In fact, he is a cross-Jew.
He was married to a Jewish woman, Rosenel.
13. Commissioner of Religions - Spitsberg. Jew.
14. People's Commissar - Apfelbaum (Zinoviev). Jew.
15. Commissioner of Public Hygiene - Anvelt. Jew.
16. Commissioner of Finance - Gukovsky. Jew.
17. Commissioner of the Press - Cohen (Volodarsky). Jew.
18. Commissioner for Election Affairs - Radomyslsky (Uritsky). Jew.
19. Commissioner of Justice - Steinberg. Jew.
20. Evacuation Commissioner - Fenigstein. Jew.
21. His assistants are Ravich and Zaslavsky. Jews.
In total, of the 22 two top leaders of the country, 17 people were Jews, 3 were listed as Russians (Lenin, Chicherin, Lunacharsky), 1 as a Georgian (Stalin) and 1 as an Armenian (Protian).

THE MILITARY COMMISSARIAT (Ministry of Defense) consisted of 35 Jews, 7 Latvians and 1 German, there were no Russians.

THE COMMISSARIAT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS (MVD) consisted of 43 Jews, 10 Latvians, 3 Armenians, 2 Poles, 2 Germans and 2 Russians.

THE COMMISSARIAT FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS (MFA) consisted of 13 Jews, 1 Latvian, 1 German and 1 Russian.

The FINANCE COMMISSARIATE consisted of 24 Jews, 2 Latvians, 1 Pole and 2 Russians.

The COMMISSARIATE OF JUSTICE consisted of 18 Jews and 1 Armenian, there were no Russians.

PROVINCIAL COMMISSIONERS - 21 Jews, 1 Latvian and 1 Russian.

THE BUREAU OF THE FIRST COUNCIL OF WORKERS' AND SOLDIERS' DEPUTIES IN MOSCOW consisted of 19 Jews, 3 Latvians, 1 Armenian, there were no Russians. CENTRAL

THE CONGRESS (CONGRESS) OF WORKERS AND PEASANTS' DEPUTIES consisted of 33 Jews and 1 “Russian” - (Lenin).

Of the 42 employees (editors and journalists) newspapers had at that time
(“Pravda”, “Izvestia”, “Znamya Truda”, etc.) only Maxim Gorky was not a Jew.


(Years of “Stalinist” repressions)

The CENTRAL COMMITTEE of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on national composition consisted of: Jews - 61, Non-Jews - 17, Not clear. -7.

Jews - 115, Non-Jews - 18, Not clear. - 3.

Jews - 106, Non-Jews - 17, Unknown - 8.

ALL-RUSSIAN CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (VTsIK): Jews - 17, Non-Jews - 3, Not clear. - 2.

Jews - 53, Non-Jews - 6, Not clear. - 8.

POLITICAL MANAGEMENT of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army:
Jews - 20, Non-Jews - 1, Not clear. - 1.

Jews - 40, Non-Jews - 0, Not clear. - 1.

PRINT: Newspaper editors:
Jews - 12, Non-Jews - 0, Not clear. - 0.

IN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE USSR, 9 people's commissars (ministers) and 12 of their deputies were Jews.

Of the 8 diplomats in the “LEAGUE OF NATIONS” there were 7 Jews and 1 Georgians, 0 Russians.

Plenipotentiary representatives (ambassadors) in foreign countries also predominantly consisted of Jews.

The OGPU (NKVD) and all other executive and punitive bodies, including the main administration of the camps (GULAG), were also under the complete control of the Jews.

Here is the answer to the question of who is guilty of mass executions during the times of greatest repression (1935-1938) - power was in the hands of the Jews. The Jews carried out a massacre in Russia, as they were taught by the Talmud and the Torah!

(face of the Soviet Union abroad)

1. Head of the USSR delegation - Litvinov - Finkelstein. Jew.
Members of the delegation:
2. Rosenberg. Jew.
3. Stein. Jew.
4. Marcus. Jew.
5. Brenner. Jew.
6. Girshfeld. Jew.
7. Galfand. Jew.
8. Svanidze. Georgian.
And so: out of 8 people - 7 Jews, 1 Georgians, 0 Russians.

People's Commissar of Internal Affairs in the USSR - Yagoda Genrikh Grigorievich, Lithuanian Jew.
Yezhov, who replaced Yagoda, was married to a Jewish woman (according to Halacha, the offspring from this marriage are Jews).
First Deputy - Agranov (Sorenzon) Yakov Saulovich, Jew.

Head of the Special Department - Guy Miron Ilyich
Head of the Economic Department - Samuil Mironov
Head of the Foreign Department - Arkady Arkadievich Slutsky
Head of the Transport Department - Shanin Abram Moiseevich
Head of the Operations Department - Pauker Karl Veniaminovich
Head of the Special Department - Veniamin Isaakovich Dobroditsky
Head of the Anti-Religious Department - Ioffe Isai Lvovich.
The head of the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia is Lev Naumovich Byalsky.
Head of the criminal investigation department of the NKVD of the USSR - Leonid Iosifovich Vul.

Head - Mogilsky Boris Efimovich,
Inspector of the border troops of the NKVD of the USSR - Shirvindt Semyon.


In Izvestia of November 29, 1935 it was printed: “The following titles are awarded to NKVD employees”:

GENERAL COMMISSIONER OF STATE SECURITY - Yagoda G. G. - People's Commissar of the USSR Internal Affairs (Jew).

Agranov Y. S. - Deputy. People's Commissar of the USSR Internal Affairs (Jew)
Balitsky V. A. - People's Commissar of the Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR
Deribas T. G. - Head of the Far Eastern Directorate of the NKVD.
Prokofiev G.E. - Deputy. People's Commissar of the USSR Internal Affairs (Jew).
Redens S.F. - Head of the Moscow Directorate of the NKVD (Jew).
Zakovsky L. M. - Head of the Leningrad Directorate of the NKVD (Jew)

Guy M. S. - Head of the Special Department of the GUBG NKVD of the USSR (Jew)
Goglidze S. A. - People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Western SFR
Zalkis L.V. - Head of the NKVD department of the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (Jew)
Katsnelson - Deputy People's Commissar of the Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR (Jew)
Karlson K. M. - Head of the Kharkov Directorate of the NKVD
Leplevsky - People's Commissar of the Internal Affairs of the BSSR (Jew)
Molchanov G. A. - Head of the Special Department of the NKVD of the USSR
Mironov Y. G. - Head of Economics. Department of the NKVD of the USSR (Jew)
Pauker B.V. - Head of the Operations Department of the NKVD of the USSR (Jew)
Slutsky A. - Head of the Foreign Department of the NKVD of the USSR (Jew)
Shanin A.I. - Head of the Transport Department of the NKVD of the USSR (Jew)
Belsky A.I. - Head of the Main Directorate of the R.K. Police (Jew)
Pilar R. A. - Head of the Saratov Directorate of the NKVD

Frinovsky, Komkor - Deputy. People's Commissar V.D. and commander of the border troops.
Berman Boris, Commissar III Rank - Head of the Department of the NKVD of the USSR.
Berman Matvey, Commissar III Rank - Head of the Main Directorate of Correctional Labor Camps (GULAG).
Joseph Ostrovsky - Head of the NKVD Department of the USSR.
Shpigelglas - Deputy Head of the Foreign Department of the NKVD.
Shapiro - Secretary of the People's Commissar V.D. THE USSR.

REPRESSIONS 1936 -1939

By the end of Stalin’s conditional rule, there were about 20 million people, “enemies of the people,” in the camps.


Head - Berman Yakov Matveevich.
Until 1936, the Head of the Main Directorate of Correctional Labor Camps - GULAG - was Commissar III Rank Berman Matvey, and the Head of the Department of the NKVD of the USSR was another Commissar III Rank Berman Boris. Apparently this was a Berman family contract.
Deputy and head of the free settlement department of the NKVD of the USSR - Samuil Yakovlevich Firin.
The head of camps and settlements on the territory of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, at the same time the head of the White Sea political camp, is Samuil Leonidovich Kogan.
The head of the camps and settlements of the Northern Territory is Finkelstein.
The head of camps and settlements in the Sverdlovsk region is Pogrebinsky.
The head of camps and settlements in Western Siberia is Sabo.
The head of camps and settlements in Kazakhstan is Volin.
The head of SLON (Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp) is Serpukhovsky.
The head of the Verkhne-Uralsky political detention center for special purposes is Mezner.



Moscow region - Redens
Leningrad region - Zakovsky
Western region - Blat
Northern region - Ritkovsky
Azov-Black Sea region - Friedberg
Saratov region - Pillar
Stalingrad region - Rappoport
Orenburg region - Paradise
Gorky region - Abrampolsky
North Caucasus region - Fayvilovich
Sverdlovsk region - Shklyar
Bashkir ASSR - Zelikman
Western Siberia - Gogol
Eastern Siberia - Trotsky
Central Asia - Krukovsky
Belarus - Leplevsky

The repression of the Russian population, organized by Jews in the 30s, continues today.

President - Yeltsin (married to a Jewish woman).
Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina, Jewish wife of former Russian President Boris Yeltsin
Presidential Adviser on Economic Affairs Livshits is a Jew.
Throughout Yeltsin's reign (1991-1999), most of his advisers were Jews.
Heads of the Presidential Administration Filatov, Chubais, Voloshin - all Jews

Minister of Economy - Yassin - Jew
Deputy Minister of Economics - Urinson - Jew
Minister of Finance - Panskov - Jew
Deputy Minister of Finance - Vavilov - Jew
Chairman of the Central Bank - Paramonova - Jewish
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Kozyrev - Jew
Minister of Energy - Shafrannik - Jew
Minister of Communications - Bulgak - Jew
Minister of Natural Resources - Danilov-Danilyan - Jew
Minister of Transport - Efimov - Jew
Minister of Health - Nechaev - Jew
Minister of Science - Saltykov - Jew
Minister of Culture - Sidorov - Jew

Chairman of the Media Committee - Gryzunov - Jew

"Izvestia" - Golembiovsky - Jew
"Komsomolskaya Pravda" - Fronin is a Jew
"Moskovsky Komsomolets" - Gusev (Drabkin) - Jew
"Arguments and Facts" - Starkov - a Jew
"Trud" - Potapov - Jew
"Moscow News" - Karpinsky is a Jew
"Kommersant" - Yakovlev (Ginsburg) - Jew
"New Look" - Dodolev - Jew
"Nezavisimaya Gazeta" - Tretyakov - a Jew
"Evening Moscow" - Lisin - Jew
"Literary Newspaper" - Udaltsov is a Jew
"Glasnost" - Izyumov - a Jew
"Interlocutor" - Kozlov - Jew
"Rural Life" - Kharlamov is a Jew.
"Top Secret" - Borovik is a Jew.

State TV and Radio Company, Ostankino - A. Yakovlev - Jew.
Russian television and radio company - Poptsov is a Jew.


There is no point in talking about the government.
All Russian finances were concentrated in the hands of Jews.

The country was ruled by seven bankers, six of whom were Jews:
1. Aven - Jew,
2. Berezovsky is a Jew,
3. Gusinsky is a Jew,
4. Potanin (according to Potanin, the data varies).
5. Smolensky is a Jew,
6. Friedman is a Jew,
7. Khodorkovsky is a Jew.
The heads of the Presidential Administration are Jews: Chubais, Voloshin and the Daughter of the President (a new position for the Jewish authorities) Tatyana Dyachenko (according to Jewish law - Halakha, as the daughter of a Jewish woman - a Jew).


Political education - Central Jewish Resource - claims that Putin's mother: "...tired of constant moving, she left Pechersky and married the Jew Epstein (he, Epstein, took his wife's last name), who adopted Vova Putin - Putin's father."
The electronic newspaper “Petersburg News” wrote: “Putin has already said that Jews have long aroused his sympathy, and he happily recalls how he grew up in a communal apartment on Baskov Lane among Jewish neighbors, the sweetest and most pleasant people.”
Putin's wife, Lyudmila Abramovna (Alexandrovna) Shkrebneva is Jewish,
daughter of Ekaterina Tikhonovna (Mikhailovna) Shkrebneva,
daughter of the Jew Alexander (Abram) Avraamovich Shkrebnev

Now the Jews have simply bought up the entire cabinet and deputies.
The appointment of a new cabinet is a pre-election comedy.

Chairman of the Board of RAO "UES of Russia" - Chubais - Jew
Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC GAZPROM - Miller - Jew

During Putin's tenure as President of the Russian Federation, there was a concentration of the Mass Media in the hands of Jews, who are deliberately identified with the state (they say - in the hands of the state).
Data is provided only for “state” channels or channels controlled by companies with a controlling stake in the “state”. The vast majority of them are under the control of Jewish presenters (who invite the appropriate “experts”):
"Times" (Channel 1) - Posner is a Jew.
“To the Barrier” (NTV) - Solovyov is a Jew. He is mean, just like Posner.
“Sunday Evening” (NTV) - Solovyov (by the way, Vladimir Rudolfovich, based on his fanatical passion for Jewish mystical teaching - Kabbalah, went crazy, that’s why the program starts at 22.22)
"What to do" (Culture) - Tretyakov - Jew
"Meanwhile" (Culture) - Arkhangelsky - Jew
"Cultural Revolution" (Culture) - Shvydkoy - Jew
"Versty" (TVC) - Mlechin - Jew
"Week" (REN-TV) - Maksimovskaya - Jewish

Since the Jewish topic has already been touched upon, I’ll post one piece of material that still hasn’t found its place. The issue of Jewish representation in the upper echelons of Soviet power is very vibrant to this day. Even I could not resist his seductive charms. Once I read the famous book “One Hundred and Forty Conversations with Molotov” by F. Chuev and one moment really confused me. Here it is: “They say it was the Jews who made the revolution, not the Russians. – Well, few people believe in this. True, in the first government, in the Politburo, the majority were Jews.” A very strange statement, because who, if not the “stone ass”, knows the true state of affairs - but here you go. And you can’t blame it on sclerosis.

In general, this is a very common misconception among a very wide public - that Jews constituted the majority in the Soviet leadership. I even read similar things from other friends of mine. I’ll say right away that the majority - both at the top of the party and in the government - has always been Russian. However, foreigners - including Jews - had a very wide representation in certain periods. In principle, quite a lot has already been written about the national composition of the party leadership, but regarding the government, I have only seen analyzes revolving around the first composition of the Council of People's Commissars (although, admittedly, I was not particularly interested in the plot itself). So I had the idea to dig around and find out how many Jews were part of the Soviet government. At the end of the search, the following article turned up: Jews in the leadership of the USSR (1917-1991). I thought that it exhausted the topic, and was very saddened for wasting my time, but not without pleasure I discovered that in relation to the government the text contained, albeit minor, omissions, and decided to abandon the work. But now, I think, I have brought it to the end, and I present the results to the public.

I’ll say right away that I was only interested in the composition of the Council of People’s Commissars of the RSFSR (1917-22) and the Council of People’s Commissars/CM of the USSR. Wikipedia tells us that “Before the creation of the USSR in 1922 and the formation of the Union Council of People's Commissars, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR actually coordinated the interaction between the Soviet republics that arose on the territory of the former Russian Empire.” Therefore, our chronological framework will cover the years 1917-1991. As for personalities, I will present it in the form of a simple chronological list - in dynamics it is somehow easier to perceive.

TROTSKY Lev Davydovich (BRONSTEIN Leiba Davidovich)
People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR (November 1917 - March 1918).
People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs of the RSFSR/USSR (August 1918 - January 1925).
People's Commissar of Railways of the RSFSR (March-December 1920).
Chairman of the Main Concession Committee under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (June 1925 - 1927).

STEINBERG Isaac Zakharovich (Yitzkhok-Nachmen Zerahovich)
People's Commissar of Justice of the RSFSR (December 1917 - March 1918).

SVERDLOV Veniamin Mikhailovich (Binyamin Movshevich)
People's Commissar of Railways of the RSFSR (January-February 1918).

GUKOVSKY Isidor Emmanuilovich
People's Commissar for Financial Affairs of the RSFSR (March-August 1918).

LYUBOVICH Artemy Moiseevich
Acting People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs of the RSFSR, USSR (March 1920 - May 1921, November 1927 - January 1928).

DOVGALEVSKY Valerian Savelievich (Saulovich)
People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs of the RSFSR (May 1921 - July 1923).

SHEINMAN Aron Lvovich
Chairman of the Board of the State Bank of the RSFSR, USSR (October 1921 - December 1924, January 1926 - October 1928).
People's Commissar of Internal Trade of the USSR (December 1924 - November 1925).

Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR/USSR (September 1922 - January 1926).
People's Commissar of Foreign and Domestic Trade of the USSR (January-November 1926).
Chairman of the Main Concession Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (May 1929 - October 1932).

SOKOLNIKOV Grigory Yakovlevich (DIAMOND Girsh Yankelevich)
People's Commissar of Finance of the RSFSR/USSR (October 1922 - January 1926).

YAKOVLEV (EPSTEIN) Yakov Arkadevich
People's Commissar of Agriculture of the USSR (December 1929 - April 1934).

RUKHIMOVICH Moisey Lvovich
People's Commissar of Railways of the USSR (June 1930 - October 1931).
People's Commissar of the Defense Industry of the USSR (December 1936 - October 1937).

LITVINOV Maxim Maksimovich (WALLAH-FINKELSTEIN Meer-Genoch Moiseevich)
People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR (July 1930 - May 1939).

KALMANOVICH Moisey Iosifovich
Chairman of the Board of the State Bank of the USSR (October 1930 - April 1934).
People's Commissar of Grain and Livestock State Farms of the USSR (April 1934 - April 1937).

ROSENGOLTZ Arkady Pavlovich
People's Commissar of Foreign Trade of the USSR (November 1930 - June 1937).
Head of the Department of State Reserves under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (August-October 1937).

SHUMYATSKY Boris Zakharovich
“People's Commissar of Cinematography”: Chairman of Soyuzkino, Head of the Main Directorate of the Film Industry, Chairman of the State Directorate of the Film and Photo Industry under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (November 1930 - January 1938).

GOLTSMAN Abram Zinovievich
Head of the Main Directorate of Civil Air Fleet under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (February 1932 - September 1933).

GOLOSCHYOKIN Philipp Isaevich (Shaya Isaakovich)
chief state arbiter at the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (February 1933 - October 1939).

KLEINER Israel Mikhailovich (Srul Meilikhovich)
Chairman of the Committee for Procurement of Agricultural Products under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (April 1934 - December 1936).
People's Commissar of Procurement of the USSR (December 1936 - August 1937).

MARYASIN Lev Efimovich
Chairman of the Board of the State Bank of the USSR (April 1934 - July 1936).

WEITZER Israel Yakovlevich
People's Commissar of Internal Trade of the USSR (July 1934 - October 1939).

YAGODA Genrikh Grigorievich (YEHUDAH Enoch Girshevich)
People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR (July 1934 - September 1936)
People's Commissar of Communications of the USSR (September 1936 - April 1937).

KAGANOVICH Lazar Moiseevich
People's Commissar of Railways of the USSR (May 1935 - August 1937, April 1938 - March 1942, February 1943 - December 1944).
People's Commissar of Heavy Industry of the USSR (August 1937 - January 1939).
Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars/CM of the USSR (August 1938 - May 1944, December 1944 - March 1953).
People's Commissar of the Fuel Industry of the USSR (January-October 1939).
People's Commissar of the Oil Industry of the USSR (October 1939 - July 1940).
Minister of Construction Materials Industry of the USSR (March 1946 - March 1947).
Chairman of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Material and Technical Supply of the National Economy (January 1948 - October 1952).
First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (March 1953 - June 1957).
Chairman of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers on labor and wages (May 1955 - May 1956).
Minister of Construction Materials Industry of the USSR (September 1956 - July 1957).

KAMINSKY (GOFMAN) Grigory Naumovich
Chief Sanitary Inspector of the USSR (1935 - June 1937).
People's Commissar of Health of the USSR (July 1936 - June 1937).

KRUGLIKOV Solomon Lazarevich
Chairman of the Board of the State Bank of the USSR (July 1936 - September 1937).

KHALEPSKY Innokenty Andreevich
People's Commissar of Communications of the USSR (April-August 1937).
Special Representative of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR for Communications (August-November 1937).

BRUSKIN Alexander Davidovich
People's Commissar of Mechanical Engineering of the USSR (October 1937 - June 1938).

KAGANOVICH Mikhail Moiseevich
People's Commissar of the Defense Industry of the USSR (October 1937 - January 1939).
People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry of the USSR (January 1939 - January 1940).

GILINSKY Abram Lazarevich
People's Commissar of the Food Industry of the USSR (January-August 1938).

GINZBURG Semyon Zakharovich
Chairman of the Committee for Construction Affairs under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (March 1938 - May 1939).
People's Commissar for Construction of the USSR (June 1939 - January 1946).
People's Commissar for the Construction of Military and Naval Enterprises of the USSR (January 1946 - March 1947).
Minister of Construction Materials Industry of the USSR (March 1947 - May 1950).

DUKELSKY Semyon Semyonovich
Chairman of the Committee for Cinematography under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR with the rank of People's Commissar (March 1938 - June 1939).
People's Commissar of the USSR Marine Fleet (April 1939 - February 1942).

BELENKY Zakhar Moiseevich
acting chairman of the Commission of Soviet Control under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (May 1938 - April 1939).

ANCELOVICH Naum Markovich
People's Commissar of the Forestry Industry of the USSR (October 1938 - October 1940).

PEARL Polina Semyonovna (KARPOVSKAYA Pearl Semyonovna)
People's Commissar of the Fishing Industry of the USSR (January-November 1939).

VANNIKOV Boris Lvovich
People's Commissar of Armaments of the USSR (January 1939 - June 1941).
People's Commissar of Ammunition of the USSR (February 1942 - August 1945).
People's Commissar/Minister of Agricultural Engineering of the USSR (January-June 1946).
Head of the First Main Directorate under the Council of People's Commissars/CM of the USSR (August 1945 - March 1953).

Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (May 1939 - August 1943).
Chairman of the Commission of Soviet Control under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (May 1939 - September 1940).

MEHLIS Lev Zakharovich
Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (September 1940 - May 1944).
People's Commissar/Minister of State Control of the USSR (September 1940 - June 1941, March 1946 - October 1950).

ZALTSMAN Isaac Moiseevich
People's Commissar of the Tank Industry of the USSR (July 1942 - June 1943).

RAISER David Yakovlevich (Usherovich)
Minister of Construction of Heavy Industry Enterprises (May 1950 - March 1953).
Minister of Construction of Metallurgical and Chemical Industry Enterprises of the USSR (April 1954 - May 1957).

DYMSHITTS Veniamin Emmanuilovich
Head of the Capital Construction Department of the USSR State Planning Committee - Minister of the USSR (June 1959 - April 1962).
First Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee - Minister of the USSR (April - July 1962).
Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (July 1962 - December 1985).
Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR (July - November 1962).
Chairman of the National Economic Council of the USSR (November 1962 - October 1965).
Chairman of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Logistics (October 1965 - June 1976).

VOLODARSKY Lev Markovich (GOLDSTEIN Leiba Mordkovich)
Head of the Central Statistical Directorate under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Central Statistical Directorate of the USSR (August 1975 - December 1985).

KOTLYAR Nikolay Isaakovich
Minister of Fisheries of the USSR (January 1987 - November 1991).

RAEVSKY Vladimir Abramovich
Acting Minister of Finance of the USSR (November 1991 - March 1992).

As can be seen from the list, in terms of government representation, the best years for the people studied were the first approximately 30 years of the communist regime.

Other authors (both yes and no), when listing Jews in the Soviet government, often include among them representatives of other peoples, mostly, funny as it may seem, Russians. The reasons for this are not clear to me personally - in most cases the origin can be established quite easily from reference literature and there is absolutely no need, in this situation, to voluntarily get into a puddle. But this phenomenon exists. I met the following “false Jews” from the People’s Commissars:

Efim Slavsky (born into a Ukrainian peasant family);
Rodion Malinovsky (his origins are very murky: the son of a Ukrainian cook, his father is unknown - they assume that he is from the Karaites, but these are not Jews, although they are Jews; the marshal’s daughter claims that her grandfather is a “Russian prince”);
Isidor Lyubimov (both Vaksberg and Solzhenitsyn list him as a Jew, although he was born a Bolshevik in the family of a Kostroma peasant. Apparently, the name is confusing);
Pavel Yudin (son of a Tula worker. The surname seems to be confusing here);
Ivan Teodorovich (from a Polish noble family);
Abrahamy Zavenyagin (some called Abram, although he is exactly Abrahamy; the son of a railway station driver in the Tula region);
Mikhail Frinovsky (from the family of a Penza teacher);
Vasily Rulev-Schmidt (from a poor family - father a peasant, mother a German cook);
Nikolai Krestinsky (“Molotov” touchingly notes: “...apparently, the former Jew, it seems, was baptized, that’s why Krestinsky. But maybe I’m mistaken. Master, such a gentleman.” I could have experimented and found out that the master is from noble family);
Georgy "Lomov" Oppokov (also from the nobility).

Rumors persistently circulate about Andropov’s Jewish origin - it’s truly amazing! However, while there is no direct reliable information, we will trust the official biography. In a similar way, Filipp Goloshchekin was included in the list, rather due to inertia - there is no documentary evidence of his “real name” and Jewish origin. But this one, since no one is arguing, let it be for now.

Another question arises about Khrushchev’s Ministry of Agriculture, Mikhail Olshansky - here he is, he doesn’t really correspond to the stereotype of Jewish appearance, and his surname is Belarusian in origin. It seems that no questions should arise, but the minister’s birthplace, Sarny, was at the beginning of the twentieth century. So in this case, the grandmother said two things in the literal sense. If anyone has confirmation or refutation of this guess, I would be very grateful.

Perhaps it is still worth dispelling a well-known misconception - despite numerous statements by publicists of the “Black Hundred” trend, the Bolshevik “tribune” Volodarsky, who was killed in the spring of 1918 in Petrograd, was never a member of the Council of People’s Commissars of the RSFSR (although he is credited with the fictitious post of “People’s Commissar for Press, Propaganda and Agitation” "). The fact is that after the Bolsheviks came to power, local councils began to form their own councils of people’s commissars, following the example of the center. And so Volodarsky was a member of the board of commissioners of the Union of Communes of the Northern Regions - there he was the commissioner for press, propaganda and agitation. That is, he is a regional “minister”, nothing more.

However, you will still find the surname “Volodarsky” in the list presented - just not at the beginning, but quite at the end. And for good reason: the statistician is the younger brother of the St. Petersburg “newspaper dictator.” That's how it happens in life :o)

This was the situation in the Council of Deputies with people's commissars and ministers of Jewish nationality. As you can see, nothing is really out of the ordinary, everything is quite decent. Much more decent than in sovereign and then independent Russia, where for 21 years only 12 people from this people were members of the highest executive body. So we need to take a closer look at the national policy of the current government! ;O)

ZY Of course, the representation of Jews at the government level is not limited to the named persons - there were people’s commissars “from them” in the Union republics, but this already requires a separate special immersion. The topic of Jewish leaders of the sectoral headquarters of other giant People's Commissariats also requires a separate special dive - these departments for the most part by the end of the 30s, during the Stalinist inflation of staff, took shape as independent People's Commissariats. The list of residents of the “Government House” shows that at this level the representation of Jews was much wider - approximately like with the “authorities”, the list of heads of local branches of which in the 20-30s speaks, in general, for itself. But, again, you need to study separately.