Class hour on the topic "culture of behavior." Class hour on the topic: “Culture of behavior Approximate topics for class hours

Class hour with training elements

"Behavior and culture of communication"

Ibraimova Flyura Ildusovna

Simferopol 2015


    Develop students’ ability to behave in accordance with moral standards and rules of behavior;

    cultivate moral qualities;

    introduce children to the principles of communication.


    Based on the life experience of children, help them analyze their actions;

    learn to predict the consequences of your actions

Preliminary work:

    Conversation “By what rules do we live”;

    conversation “The luxury of human communication”;

    class hour “Communication is an art”;

    workshop “It is possible, it is not possible”;

    psychotraining “What is responsibility?”;

    testing “Human Moral Qualities”.


    Interactive board;

    Wall newspaper;


XXIcentury It is called the age of computerization and mobile communications. But our century has one feature that allows us to call it the century of communication. You guys study, and we, adults, go to work. We all carry out various tasks and meet different people every day. Within the walls of the institution, you are in constant communication with people: educators, teachers, doctors, librarians. You have almost all the material conditions for proper, comprehensive development, conditions for you to grow up to be physically healthy, beautiful, well-mannered people. We want to light an unquenchable fire of human kindness in your hearts. And it is bitter for us, your educators, to sometimes observe in you traits that do not correspond to our dreams. Sometimes you don’t respect or appreciate other people’s work, you don’t know how to behave correctly, and you can be sloppy. And most importantly, sometimes you don’t have that cordiality, kindness, mercy, that sensitive and delicate attitude towards each other and towards the people around you that are obligatory for every person. Today we will talk about this.The topic of our class hour is “Behavior and culture of communication” . In the process of conducting our class hour, we will use training.

What is training?

(These are special training exercises, during which people must learn to understand other people, study themselves and overcome their shortcomings. Learn to manage their behavior).

What does it mean to manage your behavior?

(This is the desire and ability to live with other people in harmony and goodwill. Do not inconvenience people with your behavior).

What depends on our behavior and actions?

(People’s attitude towards us, our mood and that of those around us).

No, it doesn’t matter how a person eats, walks, sits down, greets people, addresses people, talks to them, and most importantly, how he acts.

Let's take a looksituation.

One girl, who was remarked that she was laughing too unnaturally and loudly, said offendedly: “My behavior is my own business!”

Did she do the right thing? (Analysis of the situation)

In one single case, it is correct only when a person, like Robinson, lives on a desert island. You and I are not Robinsons, we live among people, and our words, gestures, and actions are not indifferent to those around us.And we need to behave among people in such a way that they feel good, pleasant, and comfortable with us, in accordance with the norms and rules of behavior.

What is a rule of conduct?

(These are established standards of behavior).

Where do you find rules of conduct?

Are rules necessary?

Imagine for a moment that there are no rules. What will happen?

Why are rules of conduct needed?

(so that there is order, so as not to make mistakes and not do bad things)

Is it possible to break the rules? Have there been any cases when you violated them and how did it end?

The ability to manage one’s behavior, the ability to control oneself depends not only on whether a person knows the rules of behavior and knows how to use them correctly, but also on the individual level of education and on the person’s volitional qualities.

In preparation for our class hour, we conducted testing. The test was called “Human Moral Qualities.”

What positive, most important human qualities do you know? (Children's answers).

Exercise 1. It is necessary to discover something good in other people. You see positive qualities on the board, name 5 of them that adorn your desk neighbor.

Smart, Curious, Hardworking

Soft Versatile Intelligent

Sweet Diligent Polite

Delicate Tactful Sincere

Soulful Responsive Accurate

Beautiful Cute Wise

Reliable Erudite Kind

Honest Well mannered Fair

You named those qualities for which a person is loved and respected.

Do you think it is possible to cultivate such qualities in yourself? What is needed for this? (Desire, diligence and determination).

Each person, along with positive qualities, also has negative ones. One scientist called them “Dragons”, which interfere with living and achieving your intended goal. For us, these are small “Dragons”, which, if not tamed, grow into an adult “Dragon”.

Task 2. Name your “Dragons”! (Laziness, deceitfulness, boastfulness, greed, lying, curiosity, intemperance, rudeness, grumpiness, rudeness, bullying, theft, uncleanliness).

When these qualities manifest themselves poorly not only to the person himself, but also to the people nearby.

Task 3. Continue sayings

Love is the way you want it.

Look, a gift for business is not expensive.

I'm happy to argue about trifles with guests.

Don't judge by your clothes; you don't even have a spoon.

The word is silver and quarrel forever.

Even though he’s not rich, he’s visiting as he’s told.

From the word salvation the matter is missed.

When dealing with an uninvited guest, silence is golden.

In a village where one-legged people live, and the word is death.

From one word, you have to walk on one leg.

Game "Dial"

12 participants form a “clock face” - each of them corresponds to a specific number on it. Someone orders the time, and the “dial” shows it. Minute hand – the participant jumps, hour hand – the participant claps his hands.

Task 4. In the images of birds and animals, negative human traits are ridiculed. Who are they talking about?

- “A fox does not dirty his tail” (About a cunning, dishonest person).

- “Like a wasp crawling into your eyes” (Annoyance).

- “Pouting like a mouse on a rump” (Touchy).

- “At home there is a rooster, and on the street there is a chicken” (Boastfulness. Who is rude to his neighbors, but cannot repel the rude man on the street).

- “Slippery, like sadness or an eel” (Deceitful, insincere, resourceful person).

- “The magpie, where it sits, will do mischief” (About human dishonesty).

You and I noted that in the image of animals and birds, bad human qualities are ridiculed. The following task follows from this.

Task 5. “I really want to be...”

How would you like to see yourself? List.

Communication is a special type of behavior, one of the forms of human interaction. In the process of communication, people develop mutual understanding and find a common language. Communication is a need for every person. People constantly communicate with each other: exchange knowledge, thoughts, consult, and agree on something. And for communication to be pleasant, you need to be fluent in speech. Let's talk about speech culture. And in order to express your thought, you have to choose your words. Not only is your speech “clumsy,” some of you use “swear words,” which speaks of lack of culture and bad manners. Did you know that you can’t joke with “swear words”? The connection between body and soul is broken. Some guys believe that if they use foul language, then they are acting like independent, independent and almost adult people. And this speaks primarily of their bad manners. And to make it pleasant for others to communicate with us, we have developed

basic rules of communication .

Smile, radiate positive emotions. A cheerful, cheerful, calm person always attracts people to him.

Be interested in your interlocutor as a person.

Call your interlocutor by name.

Listen and know how to take the initiative in a conversation.

Maintain the conversation topics suggested by the interlocutor.

If a person knows how to use these simple rules in communication, then he will establish good relationships with people.

First Rule: “Love your neighbor as yourself”

Second rule: “Always treat others as you would like to be treated.”

Task 6. "Boomerang game"

What is a boomerang? This is a weapon that returns to the one who threw it.

Scraps of phrases are given, and you try to guess their endings.

1. “I grabbed the railing, and my hand came across someone’s nasty and sticky chewing gum. And suddenly I remembered..."

Sample answer: ...that too, I stuck gum everywhere, without thinking about other people.

2. “I arrived at the reservoir, and the entire shore was strewn with cans and dirty bags. And suddenly I remembered..."

Sample answer:….that she also threw garbage without thinking about other people.

3. “I forgot my pen and no one gave me a spare one. And suddenly I remembered..."

Sample answer: ... that she was also greedy and did not want to share with others.

4. “During recess, someone tripped me, I fell, and everyone laughed, it was painful and offensive. And suddenly I remembered..."

Sample answer: ...that I also tripped up my classmates and laughed when they fell.

5. “Someone hid my notebook, and I spent the whole lesson looking for it, for which I received a reprimand in the report. And suddenly I remembered..."

Sample answer: ...that I also hid other people's things for fun.

6. “We were cleaning the school site, and I alone had to take out piles of leaves because everyone had run away. And suddenly I remembered..."

Sample answer: ...that I also sometimes shirked cleaning, not thinking that others would do my work for me.

So, everything that a person has done that is bad then comes back to him from other people. REMEMBER THIS!

We must live among people, behave politely, delicately, respect, spare and take care of each other. To remember this, let's remember with you"No" laws.

    Don't be in a hurry to be the first to sit down at the table.

    Don't talk while eating.

    Remember to close your mouth when you chew.

    Don't slurp, refrain from noble belching.

    Don’t rush to be the first to jump out at the door.

    Don't interrupt the speaker.

    Don't shout or raise your voice unless there are deaf people in front of you.

    Don't wave your arms.

    Don't point your finger at anyone.

    Do not imitate the speaker, even if he stutters.

    Do not sit down before the elder, without his permission.

    Don't forget to take off your hat and outerwear when entering the dining room.

    Don't repeat "I" too often.

    Don't have the habit of being late.

    Don't interfere in someone else's conversation without saying "excuse me."

    Don't forget to apologize if you accidentally pushed someone.

    Don't keep your hands in your pockets.

    Don't do anything that might bother other people.

    Don't say words whose meaning you don't know.

    Do not consider yourself the center of the Universe; this will always help you choose the right tone in communicating with others.

Guys, follow these laws in your everyday life.

You need to measure yourself as a person by your attitude towards people. A good person first of all sees the good in people, while a bad person

bad. A good person is unable to offend another; a bad person, on the contrary, finds satisfaction in humiliating and insulting another.

When we talk about the culture of communication, we include in this concept the ability to manage one’s behavior and ability to communicate. These are the most important moral norms that the great Russian teacher V.A. sought to convey to his students. Sukhomlinsky.

    You live among people. Don’t forget that your every action, your every desire is reflected in the people around you. Know that there is a boundary between what you think you want and what you can. Check your actions by asking yourself:Are you causing harm or inconvenience to people? Do everything so that the people around you feel good.

    You use goods created by other people. People give you happiness, pay them back with kindness.

    All the blessings and joys of life are created by labor. Without work you cannot live honestly. People teach:Who does not work shall not eat. Remember this commandment forever. A quitter, a parasite is a drone devouring the honey of hardworking bees.Teaching is your first work .

    Be kind and sensitive to people. Help the weak and without protection. Help a friend in need. Don't hurt people.

    Don't be indifferent to evil. Fight against evil, deception, injustice. Be not like someone who strives to live at the expense of other people, causes harm, robs society.

REFLECTION . Let's summarize.

    What kind of person is called well-mannered?

    Why are rules of conduct needed?

    Do they need to be done?

    What does it take to cultivate positive qualities in yourself?

    What depends on your behavior and actions?

    What does life depend on in your class?


Good manners and culture of behavior make our life together comfortable, pleasant, reasonable and beautiful. Let us believe this fervently and sincerely. Then everyone around us: teachers, educators, comrades and even strangers will feel good with us. And we will feel good and joyful among people. And without this, perhaps, there is no happiness!

Class hour No. 1 "Culture of communication"

There is no greater luxury than the luxury of human communication

A. Saint-Exupery

Main questions of the topic:

    The class and historical essence of human communication.

    Humanistic content of modern etiquette.

    The emotional side of communication. Culture of feelings, the ability of empathy as a form of expression of the emotional side of people's relationships.

Class hour No. 2 "Aesthetic and ethical human behavior"

Always especially valuable

There is an appearance of the one

Whose beauty is illuminated

Soulful beauty

Omar Khayyam

Everything in a person should be perfect:

and face, and soul, and clothes, and thoughts


There is such a difference between beauty and prettiness as there is between a living leaf,

grown by the earth, and a paper flower made in the workshop

K.S. Stanislavsky

Main questions of the topic:

    Human culture, internal and external, their unity.

    Taste and fashion. Basic requirements for appearance.

    What is "manner". Manners are good and bad. How to develop good behavior in yourself?

    Tactfulness and delicacy. Why are they so important in human communication?

Class hours No. 3-4 "Your behavior at school"

A series of conversations on this topic should be imbued with the idea that discipline is the discipline of struggle and overcoming difficulties. It is possible and necessary to cultivate such discipline in yourself while studying at school. Conversations on this topic should be based on the Rules for students of the school, as well as the Charter of the school.

Class hour No. 5 “Your behavior in public places”

Main questions of the topic:

    How to behave on the street?

    Know how to behave in a theatre, concert hall, cinema.

    You are in public transport.

    If you go to a store, how to behave in it?

Class hour No. 6 “Culture of relationships between boys and girls, boys and girls”

I love you, but I talk about it less often

I love people, but not for many phrases.

The one who is in front of the light sells feelings

Shows off his whole soul

W. Shakespeare "Attitude towards women determines the degree of culture of a nation"

Main questions of the topic:

    Are knights needed these days?

    Maiden pride. How should we understand it?

Class hour No. 7 "Away and at home"

Main questions of the topic:

    Rules of behavior at the table.

    You are receiving guests.

    A caring attitude towards parents is a sign of a person’s high culture.

Appendix 5

Approximate topics for class hours

for the development of students' intellectual skills.

5th grade

V.I. Dal and his explanatory dictionary.

Me and my abilities.

The world of encyclopedias.

6th grade

My strengths and weaknesses.

How to develop the ability to listen and hear, look and see?

My “why?” and the answers to them.

7th grade

The deepest secrets of human knowledge.

Attention and attentiveness. Words of the same root?

How to learn to manage yourself.

8th grade

Talent and genius. How does it manifest itself?

Memory training is the key to future success.

9th grade

Man and creativity. Great creations of mankind.

A heart-to-heart conversation with yourself.

Grade 10

How to learn to control yourself?

My linguistic abilities. How do they manifest themselves?

A person's shortcomings and their influence on his destiny.

Grade 11

As long as I think, I live.

Humor in human life.

Appendix 6



TARGET: increasing the competence of school teachers in matters of modern educational technologies, promoting the formation of an attitude among teachers to use a student-oriented approach in educational work, mastering by class teachers the methods of preparing and conducting student-oriented classroom hours.


    analyze the system of preparing and conducting classroom hours at school;

    identify the essential characteristics of a personality-oriented approach to education;

    to determine ways and means for teachers to master the technology of preparing and conducting a person-oriented classroom hour.


    studying methodological literature on the problem under discussion;

    creation of an initiative group for preparing and holding a teachers' meeting;

    conducting a survey among school teachers on the issue of preparing and conducting class hours;

    visiting classroom hours to study the technologies used in educational activities by class teachers;

    development of instructions for class teachers on the technology of preparing and conducting a person-centered class hour;

    design of a stand of methodological and fiction literature on the problem of the teachers' council;

    preparation by the initiative group of a draft decision of the pedagogical council.


    Introduction to the topic of pedagogical advice (Deputy Director for Educational Work):

(On the screen is the topic of the teachers’ council “Class hour in the system of personality-centered education”).

In the current period of radical transformation of educational practice, the need to highlight the problem of the classroom is obvious. In the current situation in the development of Russian education, it is treated differently: in some educational institutions, classroom hours have been canceled, classifying them as stagnant, authoritarian forms of educational work. In others, on the contrary, they decided to conduct it every day, devoting the first lesson of the school day to communication between the class teacher and his class. We have to admit that neither one nor the other option for approaching the classroom is pedagogically appropriate. In the first case, teachers simply lost specially allotted time to communicate with their students, and in the second, this time turned out to be too much to use strictly for its intended purpose, and teachers began to conduct additional training sessions instead of communication hours. Of course, teachers today are concerned not only and not so much with the frequency of classroom hours, but with the content and methods of their organization.

The purpose of conducting educational activities in the form of classroom hours should be to promote the formation in a child of primary school age of an active life position, interest in social, cognitive, labor activities, and the development of communication and organizational abilities.

During a survey conducted in grades 3-4 at our school, it was revealed that more than 60% of students feel like they are in a lesson: they listen to the teacher’s “explanation” and answer questions. Among the main types of activities, schoolchildren note the teacher’s monologues “about something” (40%), conversations about academic performance (25%), and discussions of the behavior of individual students (10%). (Questionnaire results are displayed on the screen).

This approach to using a student’s time after school does not in any way contribute to the development of a junior student as a member of the student body, as an individual. What is interesting to a teacher is not always interesting to his pupils, since class teachers do not always take into account the age characteristics of children, their ability to perceive this or that information by ear, or to carry out the task intended by the teacher, even if it is interesting (in the opinion of an adult), the task.

Therefore, today we are talking about new approaches to raising children through the classroom. Most teachers believe that the strategic direction for improving this form of educational work is to increase the role of the classroom in the development of the child’s personality, the formation of his unique individuality. A new type of classroom is being born - student-oriented. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

    Class hour as a form of educational work

In order to identify the characteristic features of a person-centered classroom, the features of its preparation and implementation, you should first find out what is meant in pedagogy by such a form of work as a classroom. For this purpose, we will analyze the results of a survey of teachers about their definition of a class hour and the attitude of class teachers to this type of educational work (the results of the teacher survey are displayed on the screen).

Based on the above definitions of the classroom, we can highlight its characteristic features. It is advisable to include the following among them:

    Firstly, this is a form of extracurricular educational activity, and unlike a lesson, it should not be characterized by academicism and an instructive type of pedagogical interaction;

    Secondly, this is a form of frontal (mass) educational work with children, but it is also important to remember that when preparing and conducting a class hour, it is possible to use both group and individual forms of educational activity;

    Thirdly, this is a flexible form of educational interaction in composition and structure, but this does not mean that all pedagogical contacts of the class teacher with the group of students in the class can be considered class hours;

    fourthly, this is a form of communication between the class teacher and students, the priority role in the organization of which is played by the teacher. This form of educational work is called the class teacher's hour.

From this we can derive the following definition of the concept of “classroom hour”: a class hour is a flexible form of frontal educational work in composition and structure, which is a specially organized out-of-class communication between the class teacher and class students in order to facilitate the formation of the class team and the development of its members(the definition is displayed on the screen).

In the process of preparing and conducting classroom hours, it is possible to solve the following pedagogical problems:

    enriching students’ consciousness with knowledge about nature, society, and man;

    developing in children the skills and abilities of mental and practical activity;

    development of the emotional-sensory sphere and the value-semantic core of the child’s personality;

    promoting the formation and manifestation of the student’s subjectivity and individuality, his creative abilities;

    formation of a classroom team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

Of course, the solution to all of the above problems should be associated not with some separate hour of communication between the teacher and his students, even if brilliantly conducted, but with a well-thought-out and detailed system of their organization, where each class hour is assigned a specific place and role.

What place should a student-oriented classroom take in this system? What is its main purpose? Let's try to find answers to these questions. We believe that its main purpose is related to solving the problem of promoting the formation and manifestation of the student’s individuality and his creative abilities. To realize this purpose, changes must be made to all components of the classroom.

    Technology for preparing and conducting personality-oriented classroom hours

(the practical part of the teachers' council is carried out by the head of the methodological association of class teachers)

So that the teachers present at today's teachers' council have the opportunity to better understand the technology of preparing and conducting a student-centered class hour, we invite you to model in practice the algorithm for the joint activities of the class teacher and his students (teachers are asked to divide into 4 groups and create an expert group).

First step – the teacher, together with students and their parents, draws up class topics for the new school year. Participants in each group, which includes “students”, “parents”, “class teachers”, using the brainstorming method, are asked to determine the topics of class hours, taking into account the age characteristics and interests of younger schoolchildren. (Work in groups for 5-7 minutes, listening to group representatives, evaluating the work by an expert group).

Second step – clarifying the topic of the class hour and generating ideas for its preparation and conduct. Using the methodology for compiling the “Soil” color chart, from the topics identified by the group participants, it is proposed to distribute the topics of class hours into “layers”. The top “layer” - green cards - are the priority topics to be discussed in class; middle “layer” - yellow cards - what should be discussed secondly; bottom - red cards - something that can be discussed even later (group representatives read out the results of the task). As a result of the work, a refined theme for the class hour “I am in the world, the world around me” is proposed.

Third step – clarification of the purpose, content, date and location of the class hour, formation of a community of its organizers (action council, initiative or creative group). This stage is not difficult for class organizers.

Fourth step - This is an individual and group activity for preparing a class hour. Groups are offered various types of tasks: Group 1 – use dictionaries to find a definition of the concept of “tolerance”; Group 2 – find examples of famous works in which the characters were different from others (literary works, films, songs); Group 3 – develop a set of rules of tolerant behavior; Group 4 – individual task: learn A. Usachev’s poem “The Amazing Dwarf”; The collective task is to select questions for this poem.

Fifth step – drawing up a classroom scenario plan by the teacher together with other organizers. This stage of preparing a class hour is very important, as it determines the algorithm for conducting an educational event. The class teacher must think and find the optimal option for conducting the class hour, rationally distributing its time, at the same time including in the scenario plan the emotional and mental mood and motivational preparation for participation in collective conversation and activities; think through moments when children can show their individuality and creativity; how to summarize the results of the class hour in order to stimulate further activities on self-knowledge and self-development. You should also provide time for unprogrammed situations that arise during the classroom.

Sixth step – conducting a class hour (modeling the progress of a class hour with members of the teachers’ council).

    Introduction to the topic of the class hour.

How diverse the world around us is. How contradictory the world is within us. Today we will look at one of the facets of the inner world of each of us - individuality. Is it easy to be individual?

    Emotional and psychological preparation for the lesson.

Participants are invited to use different colored sheets of paper to make a model of a bird in any way (cut, fold, draw). Pay attention to the fact that all birds are different from each other, just like all people. You can offer to explain your choice of paper color.

    Reading by one of the participants of A. Usachev’s poem “The Amazing Dwarf”. Questions:

    What is this poem about?

    What makes us different from others?

    What is individuality?

Each participant comes up with two qualities that characterize him (condition - the qualities must begin with the same letter as his name. For example, Tatyana - creative, patient, etc.).

    Diagnostics “My portrait in the interior.”

Against the background of your self-portrait, draw (or write) what is significant for him and without which the self-portrait is not significant. This will become the interior of the self-portrait.

    Watching the cartoon "Adagio". Questions about what you watched:

    Explain the reasons why no one liked the white bird and it became the target of attacks from others?

    Do these reasons seem reasonable and fair to you?

    Do you think that people do not always treat each other fairly?

    Remember the known cases of unfair, and maybe even cruel, treatment (answers from group No. 2).

    We are all very different, but we must live side by side and understand each other. There is a concept of “tolerance”. It is interpreted differently in different languages ​​(group No. 1 offers options for explaining this concept in different languages ​​- English, French, Arabic, Persian, Russian).

    What qualities should a tolerant person have? (the results of the preparatory work of group No. 3 are read out).

    Game “Together we will help each other grow”: stand in a circle behind each other, put a piece of paper on the back of the person in front. Write the good things about your neighbor. Take off the sheets and read what is written there.

    Final part: Each of us is unique, unique. Let your star named Individuality always live next to you, amazing, unique, independent and friendly!

Seventh step – analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the class hour and the activities for its preparation and implementation. Participants of the teaching council are asked to answer the questions of the questionnaire to determine the effectiveness of the “educational event”:

    Is the topic of the class important to you personally? Yes. No. Can not answer.

    Did you feel comfortable or not at the event? Yes. No. Can not answer.

    Have you had the opportunity to express your individual or creative abilities? Yes. No. Can not answer.

    Have you had the opportunity to enrich your life experiences? Yes. No. Can not answer.

    Did the class hour have spiritual and moral value? Yes. No. Can not answer.

    What is your level of involvement in preparing and conducting the class? Yes. No. Can not answer.

3. General part (Deputy Director for Educational Work).

From everything we heard at today’s teachers’ meeting, let’s jointly determine the common and characteristic features of a traditional and student-centered classroom (analysis of the memo).

Traditional class hour

Student-centered class hour

Target Component

The focus is on students’ assimilation of socially accepted values, norms of relationships and patterns of behavior, i.e. on the formation of a socially typical child’s personality.

Goal settings are associated, first of all, with the development of the child’s individuality and subjectivity, the design and formation of a unique way of his life.

Organizational and activity component

The main and often the only organizer of joint activities and communication is the class teacher. The interaction of class participants is based on a monologue, frontal and group forms of work, subject-object relationships between the teacher and other members of the class community. Joint activities, as a rule, are strictly regulated and carried out in strict accordance with the class plan developed by the teacher.

Students are full-fledged organizers of the class hour and the joint activities taking place there. The emphasis is on the active and interested participation of each child, the actualization of his life experience, the manifestation and development of his individuality. The teacher takes care of creating situations of choice and success for children and adults. Subject-object relationships, dialogue and polylogue forms of communication predominate.

Evaluation and analytical component

When analyzing and assessing the effectiveness of a classroom lesson, attention is paid to the volume, novelty and spiritual value of the information transmitted to children, the culture and originality of its presentation, and the quality of its assimilation by students.

The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a class hour are the manifestation and enrichment of the child’s life experience, the individual and personal significance of the information being acquired, the impact on the development of the individuality and creative abilities of students, the comfort and activity of their participation in the class hour.

4. Final part. Concluding the conversation about the organizational and methodological aspects of a student-centered class hour, it should be emphasized that the success of such an hour of communication between the class teacher and his students depends not only on the teacher’s mastery of the technology of its organization, but on the extent to which the principles of the student-centered approach are understood and accepted teacher, to what extent they correspond to his pedagogical credo.

It is clear that such a class hour cannot be carried out according to orders from above. It is not only prepared on the basis of the blind implementation of technological designs. To create personality-oriented interaction, the teacher needs to have unlimited faith and trust in students, to see the meaning of teaching activity not in the formative influence on children, but in stimulating and supporting their internal strengths and aspirations.

We wish you success in your work!


    Note the systematic nature of conducting classroom hours in accordance with the school work plan.

    Class teachers should improve the methods of preparing and conducting classroom hours, diversify the forms, techniques and methods of organizing them.

    Actively master the technology of using a student-centered approach when preparing and conducting classroom hours, using materials from the pedagogical council.

    The deputy director for educational work and the head of the methodological association of class teachers should develop criteria for analysis and self-analysis of a personality-oriented class hour.

Target: to develop in children a culture of behavior, the ability to behave in different situations.

Class progress

1. Introduction to the topic.

Classroom teacher. Today we will talk to you about culture of behavior, about the ability to behave in society. After all, a person is judged by his culture of behavior, by his conversation, by his actions.

2. Conversation “What a schoolchild needs for proper behavior.”

On the board there are cards with words that we use at the beginning of a conversation when we meet (the teacher draws the children’s attention to these words):

2. Great.

3. Hello.

4. Hello.

5. Hello.

6. Good morning.

Exercise. What words are appropriate in a conversation between a schoolchild and an unfamiliar adult?

(Answer options: 4 and 6.)

Question. You are making a phone call and want to call a friend or girlfriend. Choose the most polite form of expressing your request and give an answer.

1. Call Masha.

2. Hello, call Masha.

3. Hello, please call Masha.

4. Hello, excuse me, is Masha at home?

(Answer option: 4.)

Question. You are late for class and want to enter the classroom. What is the most polite way to express your request?

1. Can I come in?

2. Shall I come in?

3. Excuse me, can I come in?

(Answer option: 3.)

Question. When you're on the bus and approaching your stop, you want to make your way to the exit. What words would you say?

1. Let me through, I'm going out.

2. Let me pass.

3. Excuse me, can I pass?

(Answer option: 3.)

3. Culture of communication. A set of practical exercises.

Classroom teacher. All of you, of course, know the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. Let's imagine that Masha did not run away into the forest, but entered into a conversation with the bears.

Exercise. Which conversation option did you like best?

Three girls come out, each saying one phrase.

Bears, I'm lost in the forest, I'm tired, help me get back home.

Misha, I got lost and ended up in your house. Sorry for the mess, I'll help you clean it up.

Bears, I'm very tired. If Mishutka takes me home, my grandmother will give him honey and raspberries.

(Answer option: 2.)

Classroom teacher. You all probably love receiving gifts. Remember the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “The Fly-Tsokotukha”:

Fleas came to the fly, They brought her boots, And the boots are not ordinary ones - They have gold clasps. Question. How would you accept a gift and give thanks for it?

Three girls come out and act out their words.

1st student(looks at the boots and says).

What wonderful boots!

Where did you get them, fleas?

I will wear them all my life

And thank you for the rest of your life.

2nd student(holds boots in hands and says):

I already have boots

And better than these fleas.

I'll give them to my sister

What lives on that mountain.

1st student(trying on boots and speaking).

Thank you, my fleas,

For beautiful boots

Oh, what grief it will be

If they are not right for me.

(Answer option: 3.)

Classroom teacher. Let us once again recall the lines of K. Chukovsky:

The grandmother bee came to the fly,

She brought honey to the Tsokotukha fly...

Question. What would you do with this gift?

1. Place all the honey on the table for the guests.

3. Put some of the honey from the jar into a vase and place it on the table for guests.

(Answer option: 3.)

Exercise. From 10 letters you must form one or more words. Each letter is used once.

The game “Wave without looking” is played.

Look at these five adorable hats, with amazing prizes underneath.

Exercise. "Toy".

This topic is dedicated to the objects of art that are most dear and close to each student in the house. Usually we don’t know the artists who created the toys, but we know the villages where they were made.

Question. On the board are the names of Russian villages, which are identified by one feature of a huge toy family. What is this sign? Are there any extra names here?

1. Dymkovo.

2. Palekh-Maidan.

3. Filimonovo.

4. Abashevo.

Answer: all the craftsmen of the named villages make toys from clay, except for the craftsmen from Palekh-Maidan.

Musical pause. Performed at the discretion and repertoire plan of the music teacher, class teacher.

The teacher offers the children the task: “Writers for children.”

Answer: A.P. Gaidar. Musical pause.

Question. Listen to an excerpt of their poem and determine who the author of these lines is.

By phone every day

You can't reach us by phone

Our people live like this -

Responsible persons:

Three schoolchildren live with us

Yes, first grader Kolenka.

Students will come home -

And the calls start

Calls without a break.

Who's calling endlessly?

The students are just like boys.

Answer: A. Barto.

4. Final part.

In conclusion, the class teacher suggests playing the game “Duel”.

Game workshop on the culture of behavior for primary school students “Be well-mannered everywhere - you are not alone on Earth!”

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

Development of skills in observing moral standards of behavior and rules of etiquette;

Students learn the basic rules of behavior in the theater, transport, and at a party.

Preparatory work. The class teacher invites students to read books on behavior culture in advance, create an initiative group that should prepare student speeches; miniature dramatizations about the ridiculous behavior of people who do not know the rules of etiquette; colored paper tokens.

Equipment. Three white sheets of Whatman paper, felt-tip pens, markers, paper tokens.

Description of the class hour

The class teacher invites the children to visit an unusual theater, where in miniature plays the main character Vasya Vasechkin lives by his own rules, which differ from the rules of behavior that well-mannered people follow.

The teacher offers to look at the situations in which Vasechkin finds himself, find his mistakes in behavior and correct them, and correctly formulate rules of behavior. For each correctly formulated rule, the student receives a token. At the end of the meeting, the participants will count who has the most tokens.

So the show begins...

Game situation “In the theater”

1st game miniature In the theater buffet

Visit often

Theater buffet.

There are cakes with cream,

Water with bubbles.

Like firewood on plates

The chocolates are lying

And through a tube you can

Drink a milkshake

Don't ask for tickets

To the balcony and ground floor.

Let them give you tickets

To the theater buffet.

Leaving the theater

Take it with you

Under a trembling heart,

In the stomach, a sandwich.

The teacher offers the students a short conversation about why there is a need for a buffet in the theater? (Guys' reasoning.)

2nd game miniature - “The lights in the hall went out.

The performance is on..."

The blackboard conventionally shows the auditorium of the theater - there are two rows of chairs, on which the “spectators” (4-6 students) sit. They carefully “watch the performance.” Vasechkin, out of breath, bursts into the hall. He finds his row and begins to make his way between the rows, turning his back to those sitting. Drops his cake onto the lap of one of the spectators. Finally he gets to his place and begins to ask what the artists have already shown. He looked at the acting for a bit, finished chewing his chocolate bar, which he had been unwrapping for a long time and noisily. Vasechkin yawns and decides to return to the buffet, inviting a friend with him. And here he is in the foyer. The woman drops her handkerchief. Vasechkin, like a real knight, bends down, takes a handkerchief, and gives it to the lady. And he hears in response: “Never, boy, don’t do that.” Distressed Vasechkin wanders to the buffet.

The class teacher invites students to name the mistakes that Vasechkin made.

Two girls come out and read Agnia Barto’s poem “In the Theater”:

1st girl:

When I was

Eight years,

Watch the ballet.

2nd girl:

We went with my friend Lyuba.

We took off our fur coats in the theater,

They took off their warm scarves.

To us in the theater, in the locker room

They gave us numbers.

1st girl:

Finally I'm in ballet!

I forgot everything in the world!

2nd girl:

Even three times three

I couldn't do it now.

Finally I'm in the theater

How I was waiting for this!

1st girl:

I'm about to see a fairy

In a white scarf and wreath.

I sit, I don’t dare to breathe,

I'm holding the number in my hand.

2nd girl:

Suddenly the orchestra blasted its trumpets.

My friend Anya and I

They even shuddered slightly.

1st girl:

Suddenly I see that there is no number.

The fairy is spinning on stage -

I don't look at the stage.

I searched my knees -

I can't find the number.

2nd girl:

Maybe he is

Under a chair somewhere?

I now

No time for ballet!

1st girl:

The trumpets are playing louder and louder,

The guests are dancing at the ball,

And my friend Lyuba and I

We are looking for a number on the floor.

2nd girl:

He rolled off somewhere...

I crawl into the next row.

The guys are surprised:

- Who's crawling down there?

1st girl:

A butterfly fluttered across the stage -

I didn't see anything:

I was looking for the number below

And finally I found him.

2nd girl:

And just then the light came on,

And everyone left the hall.

“I really like ballet,”

I told the guys.

The teacher asks the children to explain what the girl did wrong in the theater?

During the discussion, students formulate rules of behavior in the theater. The teacher writes them down with a marker on a white piece of Whatman paper. If the rules given below seem cumbersome, you can simply read them out and write down on whatman paper the main idea of ​​the rules of behavior in the theater.

Possible rules of behavior in the theater:

After you have bought a ticket, it is recommended to read the play (performance), find out about its author, as a result of which you will form your own vision of the play, with which you can compare the director’s production and the actor’s interpretation of this or that image. This will make the perception of the performance more complete and will give you the opportunity to discuss it (at the end or during intermission) with your companion or friends.

Before purchasing tickets, you should study the floor plan of the hall, which hangs next to the ticket office window, and choose the seats that are convenient for you.

If there is no free choice and the seats are far from the stage, you should take theater binoculars with you.

If you feel unwell, your visit to the theater should be postponed so as not to disturb the rest of the audience with coughing or other manifestations of ill health.

Clothes for the theater should be formal. The hairstyle should be such as not to disturb the spectators from behind. Bags intended for the street and shops are also inappropriate. Cosmetics and clothes should not be bright and flashy.

A man (boy, young man) enters the theater first, presenting his tickets. It is necessary to have enough time to take your seats before the third bell. You can only enter the box when the lights in the hall go out.

The man (boy, youth) also goes first to his place, followed by the woman (girl, girl). You should walk facing those sitting, and you should not apologize. If the passage is narrow, then those sitting must stand up. Women or girls may not rise.

You should not look at the audience through binoculars, borrow binoculars from your neighbors, or tell them the content of the play.

If the seat is occupied, you should contact the hall attendant.

If you are late, you should go to the tiers or balcony, regardless of the seat purchased. If there are no empty seats, you should stand at the door until intermission, after which you need to take your seats.

No noise is allowed during the performance.

During intermission, you can stay in the hall or leave. If the companion does not want to go out, the man or boy must stay with her.

You can leave the theater before the start of the second act if you don’t like the play. If you decide to stay, you should not disturb others with your appearance or remarks.

You can leave the hall only after the actors have left the stage.

Game situation “In transport”

3rd game miniature “At the bus stop”

A student reads a poem by G. Oster:

When you get old, go

Walk along the street.

Don't get on the bus, anyway

You'll have to stand there.

And nowadays there are few fools,

To give way.

And to those distant times

There won't be any of them at all.

The teacher offers the students a short conversation: how should they behave at the bus stop? (Discussions of students.)

4th game miniature “On the bus”

There are six chairs in a row near the chalkboard; they roughly show the interior of a half-empty bus. There is a very old woman sitting on the “bus”. The “conductor” sits in front. At the bus stop, Vasechkin jumps on the bus and, holding his girlfriend’s hand, begins to drag her into the cabin. Having thus provided assistance to the “lady,” he plops down on the seat and shouts to his friend: “Anka, pay the fare!” Anya, sitting behind an elderly dozing woman, wakes her up and asks her to give her money for a ticket. At the next stop, passengers board, mostly elderly people. Vasechkin talks to Anya, pretends not to notice the tired old people. Anya gets up, gives way to the old woman, but at the same time says: “Sit down. You old people can’t sit at home!”

After viewing the miniature, the class teacher invites the children to analyze the behavior of Vasechkin and Anya on the bus, find the mistakes they made, and formulate rules of behavior in transport. As the discussion progresses, the presenter writes down the rules of behavior in transport on the second sheet of Whatman paper. Students who correctly formulate these rules receive incentive tokens.

Possible rules of behavior in transport:

When entering, do not interfere with passengers getting on the bus (tram, metro).

If there is free space, calmly take it.

Give up your seat to elderly people, women and older people.

If you're with a girl, offer her a seat.

Don't talk loudly to your friends in public transport.

Do not litter in transport, do not attract undue attention from others.

Game situation “Away”

5th game miniature - “Away”

A student reads a poem by G. Oster:

If a friend's birthday

I invited you to my place,

You leave the gift at home -

It will come in handy yourself.

Try to sit next to the cake.

Don't engage in conversations.

You're talking

Eat half as much candy.

Choose smaller pieces

To swallow faster.

Don't grab the salad with your hands -

You can scoop up more with a spoon.

If they suddenly give you nuts,

Place them carefully in your pocket.

But don't hide the jam there -

It will be difficult to take it out.

The teacher, in a short conversation, explains to the students how to prepare for the upcoming visit.

6th game miniature “Vasechkin receives guests”

There is a table with a bouquet of flowers and chairs near the board. There is a “door” in the depths. It’s Vasechkin’s birthday, he’s arranging chairs for the guests. They're calling. Vasechkin asks his grandmother to open the door. The guest shouts from the doorway: “Hello!” and throws the ball to Vasechkin from a distance: “Hold it!” A gift for you! Make sure you don't lose it! Do you remember how you lost my knife? Vasya turns to his grandmother: “Granny, receive the guests, while I’ll talk to Sashka.” They call again. Grandma opens the door. A crowd of classmates breaks in. Having pushed the grandmother into the depths of the corridor, they shout in unison: “Congratulations!” Vasechkin approaches his friends, takes a gift in a beautiful package, throws it on a chair and tells the guests: “Come into the room, take off your coat!” Addressing his grandmother, Vasya adds: “Everyone has gathered. You can serve it."

The class teacher offers to analyze the situation he saw, asks to find the mistakes made by Vasechkin and his classmates. Students formulate rules on how to receive guests, how to give and receive gifts, and how to introduce themselves when meeting people.

The presenter writes down the rules of behavior at a party on the third sheet of Whatman paper. Students who correctly formulate the rules of behavior receive incentive tokens.

Possible rules of conduct when visiting:

When choosing a gift, remember who it will be intended for: a boy or a girl, a man or a woman.

Remember the proverb: “The gift is not precious, but love is precious.”

The gift is usually given upon entering the premises.

When visiting, behave modestly, do not touch things or walk around the rooms without the permission of the hosts.

Behave modestly at the table, observing the rules of etiquette.

Behave respectfully with adults, addressing them as “you.”

Summarizing. At the end of the class hour, the class teacher thanks the initiative group, which helped the students visit an unusual theater, see funny miniatures and the ridiculous behavior of Vasya Vasechkin. The teacher sums up the analysis of the situations and once again repeats to the students the rules of conduct in public places. The children are invited to make additions to the rules of behavior already formulated and written down on whatman paper.

Students collectively applaud their classmates who have collected the most reward tokens. The class teacher invites the children to continue the work of the unusual theater and stage new miniatures, coming up with a theme for a new performance.